Official 1.3 Launch Feedback Thread

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So I may be a little over excited that I found this withing 5 minutes of logging in to 1.3.
Capture 2015-07-01 13_12_10.png
Has anyone else had problems with the Angler's achievements? I just completed my 10th quest for him, and not only did I not get the achievement for it, but I noticed that the game hadn't tracked a single one of my Angler quests completed! I'm pretty sure that's not intended behavior.
Am I the only one who didn't have trouble with the EoC? :confused: I wonder if I'd be able to kill it again without trouble, but honestly, the King Slime has killed me more times than the EoC has, what with his nasty new teleporation skill. >_>
EoC was pretty easy for me as well

for the bosses I've fought so far, if I ranked them easiest to hardest..

BoC -> EoC -> King Slime -> EoW -> Skeletron -> Queen Bee

well then:

I like that you really gotta play a lot more careful when dealing with the overall trash mobs.

Also some of the expert level treasure bags contain some rather nice gear, like that Cthulu-shield for instance, or an item that turns all slimes friendly.

But why on earth is punishing to a degree that even with a full silver armor you'll have trouble sustaining some bosses damage?

Skeletron hits me for 60 HP flat with his spinning head. Don't you think, that is a little too much for a boss that takes 1 (ONE!!!) point of damage from a minishark loaded with musket balls?

That thing has 8.8k life... Hitting him for 1 point of damage is not a challenge, it is a waste of time and effort in my opinion.

The eye of cthulu is just fine, and I love how it goes crazy wild, when it's nearing the end of its lifespan, but what the hell am I supposed to kill skeletron with, when the best pre-harmode ranged weapon does practically nothing? Silver bullets don't cut it as well, in my case, they double my damage from 1 to 2, but still I gotta get +4000 hits in. I can not regard this as a motivating challenge, it is mere frustration. Even with a demonic undertaker you're not making significant progress, in the end you trade damage per hit for a faster rate of fire and might end up with the same problem in the end...

And then there is Cthulu's brain, it has always been one of the hardest early game bosses, now it's even more dangerous and also it reverses your controls...

I could not even kill 5 of its smaller eyes, before it "telefragged" me to holy hell.

So yeah, now I'm stuck between skeletron and Cthulu's brain and I can't see myself going anywhere even with platinum armour.

I might not be the greatest gamer of all times, but I do not think I'm the only one having more than serious trouble right now in expert mode.
@Snickerbobble (and @PeopleHavingTroubleWIthBoC); Just smeared the Brain twice without any problems with my new setup. No problems once you have a good sized surface arena and a Slime Mount. :p As long as your weapons penetrate and you have plenty of space to move around, it shouldn't be nearly as much of a problem. I went in with Jesters Arrows, but it turns out I was extremely over prepared in regards to damage.

Skeletron hits me for 60 HP flat with his spinning head. Don't you think, that is a little too much for a boss that takes 1 (ONE!!!) point of damage from a minishark loaded with musket balls?
Minishark is an excellent weapon against enemies that have little to no defense, but it you're scoring one or two damage per hit, that's a sign that you need to move onto a bow. Rapid fire weapons are absolutely shoddy when compared to lower fire rate and higher damaging weapons against armored enemies such as Skeletron.

(And Minishark is absolutely not the best pre-Hardmode Ranged weapon, but the Phoenix Blaster can't help you if you can't kill Skeletron. :l)

I might not be the greatest gamer of all times, but I do not think I'm the only one having more than serious trouble right now in expert mode.
If you're not entirely confident that your a great gamer, that's a sign that Expert Mode is probably not up your alley. EM is definitely not for everyone; it was designed so that only people who are more than decent at the game can have a challenge, but so that only those skilled players can advance through the game.

If you want to keep trying, I'd say take advantage of the new capability to attack on Mounts. If you can acquire a Slime Mount by killing King Slime, you can better increase your chances of beating bosses due to its combat capabilities and extraordinary vertical movement when paired with Bottle accessories.
Every time I launch I get this error.

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Terraria.IO.Preferences.Put(String name, Object value)
at Terraria.Main.SaveSettings()
at Terraria.Main.OpenSettings()
at Terraria.Main.Initialize()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
at Terraria.Program.InternalMain(String[] args)

I have deleted the files and reinstalled and still nothing. I have verified the files and there is always 1 file is missing. I download it launch again and same error. I have never had a problem before and now all of a sudden I do.

Apparently, it's not just me who's having this problem
Did you miss the part where I mentioned a demonic undertaker?

I got that slime mount and I used it as well, but dodging matters nothing, when you can't get significant damage in. That's just a given. Hitting Skeletrons head deals 10 damage to it when bouncing on him with that mount. On an unarmoured enemy you'll deal like 40-50. There is no weapon that deals that much damage in the early game, as far as I can tell. Even grenades do less dmg... So, can we maybe accept, that there might be a problem in terms of balance and spare ourselves the "git gud" trash talk?

And belive me, I am pretty decent at this game, I know how and why to build arenas, and believe me, outside of expert mode, I can beat most bosses easily even when undergeared.

Still the difficulty ramp remains a point of criticism. Like it or lump it. EoC killed me only once, King Slime did not kill me at all, even with worse gear than what I have at this point...

Running up against such a difficulty-wall is not what should have happened in the first place.
Skeletron hits me for 60 HP flat with his spinning head. Don't you think, that is a little too much for a boss that takes 1 (ONE!!!) point of damage from a minishark loaded with musket balls?

Skeletron (and probably Skeletron Prime too) has enhanced defense in Expert Mode until you destroy his arms. Then his defense drops down to what you're used to it being at. The entire idea of Expert Mode is that you need to mix it up from your old strategies.
Until I actually fight Expert Skeletron, I won't be able to tell how much of a difficulty wall there is. But what I do know is that to a lot of people, Bosses seem to be impossible until they try over and over again with different setups until they get something that works.

Unlike Hardmode, Expert Mods is indeed called "Expert Mode" for a reason. You can't expect to get through the whole thing without any hitches because it was designed to give proclaimed "Experts" an actual run for their money. It was made to stump the really good players and push them to their limits. Unless the only way to beat a boss is with cheap exploits and cheesing, there isn't really a problem.
The goblin miniboss that comes in terraria 1.3 is extremely hard (in expert mode and in normal mode) I died at least 20 times in expert and about 10 in regular. (this is with early hardmode armor and weapons) please debuff this guy a bit. also, in the underground desert biome hardened fossils do NOT spawn, I haven't gotten I single one on two worlds! is this a bug or something? or is it just randomly spawned in worlds. lol last thing. the skeleton glove needs to be buffed, for being one of the most frustrating expert mode bosses, skeletrons drop is pitifull. other than that, 1.3 is pretty cool I hope you fix these issues and keep up the good work :)
Problem: Tomb Crawlers have a bit of a hard time maneuvering around the Underground Desert biome because of how porous the area is. Maybe increase its lenght a bit and give it a speed boost so it can travel across several holes in a row without losing momentum? They spawn quite frequently, but they aren't much of a threat because of how scarcely they are actually able to make it to the player.
Took a day off work for 1.3 and I can tell you it was not a wasted day! Really am enjoying it, all the changes from big to small are just amazing, fantastic job! Currently standing in my marble house listening to the thunder storm, reflecting on being killed by the Moon Lord for the first time.

The entire process of summoning him is just amazing, the colours, the graphics, the music, just everything epic. Can clearly see a lot of time has been put into this and I would happily wait a year for more updates like this :p

Once I have had my fun on normal mode, I will try expert =)

EDIT: P.s the only thing that I have disliked is some of the achievements not working on multiplayer sessions/servers. They work fine on single player though from what I can see, I already posted a thread about that though in bug section! [I think?!]
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