So, the day is finally here! You have Terraria 1.3 in your hands at last - so as you dig ever deeper into the juicy new content and features, come back here and let us know what you think.
Not just bugs - you can feel free to report those in our BUG REPORT SECTION (remember to make it clear that you are playing 1.3), but feedback in general: balance, things you find cool (or less cool), fun stories, etc.
This - coupled with Bug Reports - will assist the team in any needed fixes and adjustments post launch.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Development Team is particularly interested in feedback on the newly-added Expert Mode - in regards to balance, overall fun & challenge factor, etc. So, please provide any thoughts you have here. In order to help make this specific feedback more noticeable, please mark any Expert Mode feedback with the text below (just copy-paste it). Thanks!
Not just bugs - you can feel free to report those in our BUG REPORT SECTION (remember to make it clear that you are playing 1.3), but feedback in general: balance, things you find cool (or less cool), fun stories, etc.
This - coupled with Bug Reports - will assist the team in any needed fixes and adjustments post launch.
Thanks get out there and explore!!!
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