The Axe
It's cool to think that this mod actually had a lore element.
Heh, if my plans for the mod actually work, it may be like having an actual free dlc on Terraria.
Also, there's so much horizon to explore on this project.
Also, there's so much horizon to explore on this project.
Hey there, friends! New update launched!
If you've been following the mod for quite long, you already know what I'll begin with.
Two new companions arrives with this update. The first one is...
Fear: "*I want to lock myself at home and never come out again! Everything outside is scary!*"
Another of the pig TerraGuardian pieces. This one fears everything, so It may be quite complicated to have him stay for long in combat.
How many more pieces are left for you to find, in order to join them together? Discover on the future updates!
Green: "*I never expected to find Terrarians here. Since I'm already here, I guess I should make myself useful too.*"
He visited the TerraRealm out of curiosity, and ended up finding instead a new challenge for him.
This medic has medicated many people on the EtherRealm, and now he will need to discover about how Terrarians bodies works and their known ailments and treatments, so he can treat them too.
I hope you are able to help him on this quest. If.. You're not scared about something, right?
Other Changes
This update brought some more quests for you to do. At least the Shattered quest is impossible to complete right now, since needs the other pig pieces, annd the resulting companion. At least you can track the progress you did on it. Be sure to report issues with quests.
The companions gravity were fixed aswell. Now they have the same gravity as a normal player character, so their jump is no longer floaty.
Popularity Contest
The TerraGuardians Popularity Contest is up and running until December 19th.
If you want to vote, you can do so by accessing this link: TerraGuardians Popularity Contest (Dec 2021)
Just a reminder: You can vote on all companions you like, so there isn't a need of only having to pick one.
There are some other questions too in the voting. They aren't required for you to vote, but they can end up being useful, or cool to show off during the nominations, so feel free to make use of them if you feel the need. As long as you don't end up being rude or anything.
Feel free to discuss on discord or some other place about the voting. Maybe you can also share with other people why you like certain companions, and vice versa. Try not to cause a war to happen, by the way.
Have fun, and enjoy your end of year.
Made dialogues less annoying to be handled by modders.
Shattered quest added.
-> This quest is not completeable right now.
You can now change the damage reduction applied for having companions with you.
-> You can change that on the server settings.
Updated Blue's recruitment dialogues.
Being rescued will now remove debuffs from your character.
-> You will no longer be knocked out for long time due to drinking a vile red potion.
Mentions of player death will now log the world they died.
-> In case you want to mourn them.
Fixed TerraGuardians mass.
-> Instead of 0.3 of gravity strength, It's not 0.4, like normal terrarians have.
Splitted DialogueOption from GuardianMouseOverAndDialogueInterface class.
-> If a modder even wanted to add a companions with extra dialogues, they would need to use GuardianMouseOverAndDialogueInterface.DialogueOption to add a new dialogue option to the game.
-> Yes, that's awful.
Fear and Green arrives.
Due to Green's side quest, books can now drop from some monsters in the dungeon.
Alexander's recruit npc sleuthing times are now more irregular.
Also fixed a redundance with Alexander's recruit npc dialogue.
-> When you first are able to speak with him, he reffers to you as Terrarian and Human, which are the same thing.
Fixed an issue where quests could use incorrect data for getting it's information.
Fixed Zacks action of pulling injured allies to him.
-> It will also make him carry the downed ally, once they're successfully pulled to his position.
Fixed companions quest dialogue issues.
Vladimir will now play the correct animation, when facing the background and hugging someone.
Shattered quest added.
-> This quest is not completeable right now.
You can now change the damage reduction applied for having companions with you.
-> You can change that on the server settings.
Updated Blue's recruitment dialogues.
Being rescued will now remove debuffs from your character.
-> You will no longer be knocked out for long time due to drinking a vile red potion.
Mentions of player death will now log the world they died.
-> In case you want to mourn them.
Fixed TerraGuardians mass.
-> Instead of 0.3 of gravity strength, It's not 0.4, like normal terrarians have.
Splitted DialogueOption from GuardianMouseOverAndDialogueInterface class.
-> If a modder even wanted to add a companions with extra dialogues, they would need to use GuardianMouseOverAndDialogueInterface.DialogueOption to add a new dialogue option to the game.
-> Yes, that's awful.
Fear and Green arrives.
Due to Green's side quest, books can now drop from some monsters in the dungeon.
Alexander's recruit npc sleuthing times are now more irregular.
Also fixed a redundance with Alexander's recruit npc dialogue.
-> When you first are able to speak with him, he reffers to you as Terrarian and Human, which are the same thing.
Fixed an issue where quests could use incorrect data for getting it's information.
Fixed Zacks action of pulling injured allies to him.
-> It will also make him carry the downed ally, once they're successfully pulled to his position.
Fixed companions quest dialogue issues.
Vladimir will now play the correct animation, when facing the background and hugging someone.
Two new companions arrives with this update. The first one is...
Another of the pig TerraGuardian pieces. This one fears everything, so It may be quite complicated to have him stay for long in combat.
How many more pieces are left for you to find, in order to join them together? Discover on the future updates!
Unless you're a stinky github miner.
He visited the TerraRealm out of curiosity, and ended up finding instead a new challenge for him.
This medic has medicated many people on the EtherRealm, and now he will need to discover about how Terrarians bodies works and their known ailments and treatments, so he can treat them too.
I hope you are able to help him on this quest. If.. You're not scared about something, right?
Other Changes
This update brought some more quests for you to do. At least the Shattered quest is impossible to complete right now, since needs the other pig pieces, annd the resulting companion. At least you can track the progress you did on it. Be sure to report issues with quests.
The companions gravity were fixed aswell. Now they have the same gravity as a normal player character, so their jump is no longer floaty.
Popularity Contest
The TerraGuardians Popularity Contest is up and running until December 19th.
If you want to vote, you can do so by accessing this link: TerraGuardians Popularity Contest (Dec 2021)
Just a reminder: You can vote on all companions you like, so there isn't a need of only having to pick one.
There are some other questions too in the voting. They aren't required for you to vote, but they can end up being useful, or cool to show off during the nominations, so feel free to make use of them if you feel the need. As long as you don't end up being rude or anything.
Feel free to discuss on discord or some other place about the voting. Maybe you can also share with other people why you like certain companions, and vice versa. Try not to cause a war to happen, by the way.
Have fun, and enjoy your end of year.
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Hey guys! Bizarrelly, this update isn't to fix bugs, but I hope you guys understand why It's version counts as a minor change, right?
Well, here it comes.
The popularity contest is up and running, and right now we've gathered 13 votes on it. I think a number of people may have found the mod
through the Mod Browser, or other sources, so they don't know what I've been cooking latelly, so... This will show them. :3
I added the possibility of giving roles to a companion you're creating. The only role possible right now, is hosting the popularity contest.
Only companions with that role assigned, will have the dialogues related to it. Speak with Rococo, Blue or Mabel and they will aid you with anything related ot that.
Also... The rumors related to Mabel's appearance to places are probably true, eh? She also can appear as the contest is running.
I hope you guys manage to find her during the event duration.
I hope you guys have fun, and be sure to vote before December 19th.
See ya at the nomination.
Well, here it comes.
The mod now tells you when a Popularity Contest is running, and also offers you access to it.
-> The game will tell you when you enter a world.
-> There are some companions who will be the hosts of the event, they have a dialogue for that and also aid you with introduction, and accessing the link.
-> -> Rococo, Blue and Mabel are the hosts right now.
-> -> Before accessing the button that leads to the voting, the mod will tell you that it will open a google form link, and that you'll need a google account to do the voting.
-> Luna has dialogues mentioning the event, and telling who are the hosts, if they're in the world.
-> They will also allow you to see the result of the latest popularity contest, 14 days after the end of one.
Mabel now can spawn during popularity contest season.
-> She'll no longer spawn at night or during eclipses.
-> The game will tell you when you enter a world.
-> There are some companions who will be the hosts of the event, they have a dialogue for that and also aid you with introduction, and accessing the link.
-> -> Rococo, Blue and Mabel are the hosts right now.
-> -> Before accessing the button that leads to the voting, the mod will tell you that it will open a google form link, and that you'll need a google account to do the voting.
-> Luna has dialogues mentioning the event, and telling who are the hosts, if they're in the world.
-> They will also allow you to see the result of the latest popularity contest, 14 days after the end of one.
Mabel now can spawn during popularity contest season.
-> She'll no longer spawn at night or during eclipses.
through the Mod Browser, or other sources, so they don't know what I've been cooking latelly, so... This will show them. :3
I added the possibility of giving roles to a companion you're creating. The only role possible right now, is hosting the popularity contest.
Only companions with that role assigned, will have the dialogues related to it. Speak with Rococo, Blue or Mabel and they will aid you with anything related ot that.
Also... The rumors related to Mabel's appearance to places are probably true, eh? She also can appear as the contest is running.
I hope you guys manage to find her during the event duration.
I hope you guys have fun, and be sure to vote before December 19th.
See ya at the nomination.
A new hotfix came out.
Well, this probably fixed some issues with the quest dialogues. If dialogues had multiple participants, like "Let's Patch it Up!" quest finale does, issues related to their participants were happening.
Also, I forgot that on the description, but Luna gives a better clue on how to find Green now. I hope this help you guys meet him.
Also, 5 days until the TerraGuardians Popularity Contest ends. Last I checked, 20 people voted.
Be sure not to be left out of the event.
Have fun.
Fixed a bug where Green's message for when the player dies shows broken time values.
Fixed Daphne not having description.
You can now disable companion outfit, if you somehow manage to activate it when you didn't unlocked it.
Fixed a bug with the Meat Bag outfit quest:
-> You no longer miss the +2 friendship points with Blue and Zacks.
-> The mod now tells you that you unlocked the outfit, before the closing dialogue from Zacks.
Added the Contributed Companion tag to the pig guardians.
Luna will no longer spawn on places with background walls.
-> That way, she will avoid spawning inside caves.
Fixed an issue with quest dialogues and their participant lists having issues.
-> That was causing blue to do monologue with herself on "Let's Patch it Up!" quest.
Miguel now runs faster.
Fixed Daphne not having description.
You can now disable companion outfit, if you somehow manage to activate it when you didn't unlocked it.
Fixed a bug with the Meat Bag outfit quest:
-> You no longer miss the +2 friendship points with Blue and Zacks.
-> The mod now tells you that you unlocked the outfit, before the closing dialogue from Zacks.
Added the Contributed Companion tag to the pig guardians.
Luna will no longer spawn on places with background walls.
-> That way, she will avoid spawning inside caves.
Fixed an issue with quest dialogues and their participant lists having issues.
-> That was causing blue to do monologue with herself on "Let's Patch it Up!" quest.
Miguel now runs faster.
Also, I forgot that on the description, but Luna gives a better clue on how to find Green now. I hope this help you guys meet him.
Also, 5 days until the TerraGuardians Popularity Contest ends. Last I checked, 20 people voted.
Be sure not to be left out of the event.
Have fun.
you can actually add in your own stuff?
Like, your own companions? If you know how to make a tModLoader mod, and how to add this mod as direct refference, then yes.
Just check Gaomon Companion Mod for how to.
Just check Gaomon Companion Mod for how to.
Man... I need to update my signature...
No, wait, that's not what I wanted to talk about.
What was it...
Oh! Yeah! Hotfix launched!
It's now safe to talk to the Nurse and the Clothier now.
I hope this new revive system makes it more consistent for both tgs and players, aswell as less annoying and lengthy.
Also, enjoy the extra companion weight bonus per friendship rank.
No, wait, that's not what I wanted to talk about.
What was it...
Oh! Yeah! Hotfix launched!
The player will instantly die if they are killed by a damage of 9999.
-> This is done for some cases where the player must be killed by something.
The mod will no longer try checking for blue's speech from zacks side quest on speaking to npc, when you don't have her summoned.
Fixed Alexander's hat positioning.
Companions will show up as standing when reviving someone who's being carried by another companion.
-> That's one weird way of reviving someone, but it makes quite some more sense too.
Revive system has changed:
-> Now there is a specific counter for health recovery/damage.
-> Everytime the counter reaches the maximum value, It will recover 5% health. The inverse also happens to the minimum value, which reduces 5% health.
-> That counter will be affected by the revive boost the fallen one gains from reviving allies.
-> The revive boost will reduce the rate which bleeding will reduce character health.
Friendship rank increases your companions followers max weight by 100 per level.
Hug buff no longer shows time.
-> This is done for some cases where the player must be killed by something.
The mod will no longer try checking for blue's speech from zacks side quest on speaking to npc, when you don't have her summoned.
Fixed Alexander's hat positioning.
Companions will show up as standing when reviving someone who's being carried by another companion.
-> That's one weird way of reviving someone, but it makes quite some more sense too.
Revive system has changed:
-> Now there is a specific counter for health recovery/damage.
-> Everytime the counter reaches the maximum value, It will recover 5% health. The inverse also happens to the minimum value, which reduces 5% health.
-> That counter will be affected by the revive boost the fallen one gains from reviving allies.
-> The revive boost will reduce the rate which bleeding will reduce character health.
Friendship rank increases your companions followers max weight by 100 per level.
Hug buff no longer shows time.
I hope this new revive system makes it more consistent for both tgs and players, aswell as less annoying and lengthy.
Also, enjoy the extra companion weight bonus per friendship rank.
The results of the TerraGuardians Popularity Contest has been released!
You can check the results here:
Thanks for your participation, and let's see if in the future we can do another one.
You can check the results here:

TerraGuardians Popularity Contest Results (Dec 2021) :: Nakano15 Modding
Hey everyone! Welcome to the TerraGuardians Popularity Contest of December 2021. I would like to thank everyone for showing their interest on reviving this event, and also for taking part in the votings. This voting was actually quite... Interesting... For quite a number of reasons. First of...
Thanks for your participation, and let's see if in the future we can do another one.
"You have triggered my trap card."I think I just found out why Rococo and Blue are everyone's favorites
Edit:. And... I need to fix Blue's arms.
Blue:*I'm taking you to brazil*"You have triggered my trap card."
Edit:. And... I need to fix Blue's arms.
Every single guardian who can pick you up can do this.
It seems like when you bring them to you while they are holding you, we are both updating each others positions a lot. And then we try to go up slopes we will end up clipping through the ground because of those position updates.
I wonder if that's what's going on in the code?
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Somewhat. When a companion is being pulled by the player, it is pulled to your direction. If the player character doesn't counts as being on the ground, the companion tried to get into the player position, to then detach the pull rope. Due to your character constantly pulling the companion, and your companion holding your character, it may have triggered a bug with the slopes position relocation, which then caused it to ignore collisions partially.
Ok, I think I made spaghetti of your brain now, haha.
Ok, I think I made spaghetti of your brain now, haha.
Hi I love your mod. Though I was testing out if it could go multiplayer for a story me and my wife are writing. Upon dismissing anyone from the party it crashes the entire server. Let alone going into multiplayer with multiple terra guardians in the party only 1 shows up. So I tried to dismiss the ones that were not showing up and crashed myself a few times. Was just wanting to know if you had any ideas of what to do?
Not really. But I did have fun trying to figure out what's going onSomewhat. When a companion is being pulled by the player, it is pulled to your direction. If the player character doesn't counts as being on the ground, the companion tried to get into the player position, to then detach the pull rope. Due to your character constantly pulling the companion, and your companion holding your character, it may have triggered a bug with the slopes position relocation, which then caused it to ignore collisions partially.
Ok, I think I made spaghetti of your brain now, haha.
I didn't actually worked much on the multiplayer aspect of the mod, beside by what you said, it seems like a crash related to their town npc was fixed?Hi I love your mod. Though I was testing out if it could go multiplayer for a story me and my wife are writing. Upon dismissing anyone from the party it crashes the entire server. Let alone going into multiplayer with multiple terra guardians in the party only 1 shows up. So I tried to dismiss the ones that were not showing up and crashed myself a few times. Was just wanting to know if you had any ideas of what to do?
The party only showing one companions is kinda intended, beside I think I could try lifting that requirement.
Edit:. If you two plan on doing another adventure on multiplayer, could you send me the log of the client or server that had the crash?
It's located in My Documents/My Games/Terraria/ModLoader.
If the client crashes, it's client crashlog, meanwhile if server crashes, server crashlog.
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The guardian selection interface is causing crashes, but maybe the client crashlog can help know more about the issue.
i dont have any crashes in single player with any interface client side just when it comes to multiplayer but hmmm i can grab a log from client side due to even the server is started from my side this is client log from earlier today
this is from not being on multiplayer
this is from not being on multiplayer
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