Official 2014 Halloween Contest Winners Announcement

Congratulations to all the winners! It was a fun contest to participate in indeed. Hopefully we get more events of the sort. :happy:
My favorite build is the first Honorable Mention! And my second favorite won the PC category! Way to go everyone!

(Does Mr Long winded know what punctuation is? His rants would be much easier to read if he did.)
I'm not gong to fawn over you because your a community manager

Not asking you to fawn over anything or anyone - but I absolutely expect you to respect the rules and guidance given by staff members here.

your decision has made me lose all respect for the Dev team
About the silliest thing I've ever read.

I'd rather my entry was taken off the honourable mentions

As you wish.

I understand that you cannot respond here in this thread. Happy to take it up in PM, as TK noted, if you would prefer.

Heh, I didn't know banning someone from a specific thread was even a thing.

A tool for just such an occasion...and, in other instances, to prevent threadlocks due to trolls. I am not saying the party involved is a troll to be clear, merely upset.

Contests are supposed to be fun, guys. If something that is supposed to be fun is making you angry or upset, its time to examine why you are participating in the first place.
These builds are amazing, way better than anything I could have made!

(also... why can't people be nice on the Internet? is it really that hard to not be rude and insensitive?)
Weren't we suppose to only submit something made in-game? Because those text bubbles and edited textures and NPCs pasted over the glass blocks break the rules, I think. It's not a bad build and I'm not here to hate on Gotcha, but I just find this unfair. It even says his build stood out from the rest because of the text bubbles and sprites. In other words "This entry broke the rules, therefore it stood out so we made it the winner." I was thinking of possibly adding sprites onto my build but I decided not to, as that was against the rules and I didn't want to get disqualified. And then I find out someone wins for that reason.. well, it's just kind of a bummer.

It's also a little upsetting to see a wooden box house put up as honorable for mobile (though it's not bad house, just nothing GREAT and looks like it took 5 minutes to build) while others, such as myself, spent well over 10 hours on a build and were left out. And then there'salso the Pumpking pixel art which is like rewarding someone at a drawing contest for using stencil/tracing, as the Pumpking sprite was not made by them, just copied over.

Again, I'm not here to hate on these entries, and I really doubt there will be any switching of prizes, but I just hope for the next contest, can the rules actually be followed? As first place winner broke one and still wins. We were only allowed to use what was available in-game, so allowing someone to win for pasting extra things in and editing textures is the equivalent of rewarding someone who used modded content.
I honestly feel it would have been better if they just posted the winners announcement with comments locked.

Oh well. Congrats to @Gotcha! for the win! Yours gave me a good chuckle when i looked at it and actually kinda brightened up my day. :dryadsmile:
Well, in a halloween-y fashion, obviously.

I just kinda wished I'd gotten a Honorable Mention. There were a lot of details in mine that you really had to sit and really look at to realize, y'know? Takes some time for it to sink in, and when it does, it starts really getting to you. I tried to construct a sort of hidden narrative in mine. Yes, there's a story!

But I understand not everyone likes dark moody lighting.... %:sigh:
Well done winners, and everyone that took part!
I and RealGamerZ kind of had high hopes for winning, but I guess we overestimated our submission, I never really win at anything anyway!:p
Or maybe cause the video submission we posted was a few seconds over the 1:00 limit, and wasn't counted at all.
If there's another contest like this, I will stick with a regular build, and I won't follow the judging reading "Overall Ability to Scare the cobwebs out of us".
Weren't we suppose to only submit something made in-game? Because those text bubbles and edited textures and NPCs pasted over the glass blocks break the rules, I think.
This was discussed before. Loki already made a statement that these things were not taken into account when my entry was judged.
This was discussed before. Loki already made a statement that these things were not taken into account when my entry was judged.
Well, it was in the rules, so it's weird how it wasn't followed. Also:

I just hope for the next contest, can the rules actually be followed?

By this I mean both player entries and judges deciding to disqualify/informing us to edit or else it will be disqualified.
Oh my word... I'm so happy right now. Runner-up?! That's so awesome!! I've been having a rotten time IRL lately, but this really put a smile on my face! Thanks a bunch! I feel like such a winner now, haha.

Oh and grats to all the other winners! I'm a big fan of Gotcha!'s entry aswell, so I'm very pleased he won the first place!
I am now going to try a lot harder with my builds. I feel guilty for banging out a super quick one to be the first entry....
But anyways, the stuff here is amazing. I feel sorry for re logic, they're gonna have some massive shipping costs to send the stuff!
As I already said, the text bubbles and stuff like the NPCs played no role - from the comments I received for the write up. Given that, removing an entry the team loved on a technicality seemed wrong to be team in spirit. I'm not questioning the "letter of the law" points being made at all - and if the imagery in question had actually driven the decision, I'd be right there with you...but it didn't.

Perhaps at some point, Cenx may give more detail into her thought process, but IMHO, it isn't necessary.

Any judged competition is subjective. In this case, subjective to a few people. You don't like what they did, that's cool - but some of the need to openly insult the entries of others because you disagree or have a different subjective opinion is what's off-putting to me. People seem to forget contests are for fun first and competition second.

We made a concerted effort to be inclusive of mobile and console in this contest. There are limitations there that make side-side comparisons invalid. That context was kept in mind.

All that said, I'm taking down all the feedback as notes. We tried to be inclusive this contest, but that openness seems to have bred drama. Then again, every contest does - I expect it at this point. Anyway, just letting you know that feedback is being heard - but as for the specific entry, the team stands by it's decision for the reasons stated.

Further bashing it by bringing up the same points seems fruitless.

Perhaps at some point, Cenx may give more detail into her thought process, but IMHO, it isn't necessary.

I actually wouldn't mind hearing the opinions of the judges - not because it's necessary (because it isn't) but because it would be interesting to hear the critiques and what sorts of things others look at when judging the submissions.

Truth be told, I really wouldn't mind hearing even from Jewsus (in another thread) and other skilled builders what they feel constitutes technical skill and how one might even go about improving their technical proficiency when it comes to architecture. There are a lot of showcases on these forums but not really that much in terms of critical evaluation, so for most it's more like visiting the art gallery and admiring the art rather than learning *why* certain art is deemed high quality.

But going forward, I'd make two recommendations to diffuse any conflict in future contests - to prohibit any imagery that isn't available in-game, and to have a clear set of criteria by which the entries will be judged. Additionally, it might also be good to have two distinct categories - architectural submissions and pixel art. This should make it easier for the judges as well, who I imagine would have a tough time judging between technically proficient art such as what Jewsus or Khaios produced, versus more story driven submissions such as Gotcha!'s winning entry and even Florence2456's submission (which showed both technical proficiency *and* told a story in a very subtle way).

Even though the contests are primarily for fun in the judges' eyes, there are some pretty dedicated builders here that take these contests more seriously than others, and there's nothing wrong with that.
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I'm not a troll alt or anything but I 100% feel like selection on is a prep club popularity contest. All the forum-ophiles were selected as testers and winning on here seems also based on popularity. Not on build creativity or skill or difficulty level but rather on "were all buds with so-and-so".
I agree with Jewsus that the nightmare before Christmas build was (imo) best. Phenomenal use of slopes and non-symmetrical design really made it stand out as a work of love and not as a "lets just wing it" build.
I like a piece conceived as a whole and not a piece with many things tacked on in an afterthought.
Regardless I think the winner did a great job!
Being a (non-biased) judge is hard to do.
Thanks to all contestents for making a cool thread full of awesome builds for me to check out!
(Yes. I'm still a touch bitter about not being a tester for a game I'm so passionate about because I'm a lurker and not Gabby Mc. Gabberton.)
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