Skeletron Prime
file a ticket in at 505 games, if this can happen it should be fixed asap.I walked around my world before I restarted it and I don't recall dropping my items
file a ticket in at 505 games, if this can happen it should be fixed asap.I walked around my world before I restarted it and I don't recall dropping my items
The item loss happens every time you dc or forget to remind your guests to save before you exit the world. The new 3ds stays at a very smooth frame rate even when fighting multiple bosses but the 3ds/2ds has large frame rate drops and even crashes sometimes.I do have one question though. For those who have tried it, how's multiplayer? Does it run well? I have heard a few reports of item loss, but how often does that actually happen? See, my bro wants to get a 2DS, and when he does I wanna get him Terraria on it(especially since I got this version free) and I want to know beforehand if it's possible to play multiplayer without losing everything?
actually I have cobalt, oricalcum, and instead adamantite. Sad luck to have titanium instead of a adamantite and also you can't summen orcram.Not sure if this is a bug or just incredible bad luck but anyone is having a problem with hard mode ores? I can't get mythrill at all, I've created over 10 worlds and haven't gotten it yet. Everytime I create a world the ores are always: cobalt, orichalum, titanium over and over in a pattern. All I want to do is finish my armor collection but I can't! ;_;
you have adamantite? You said you have titanium.Not sure what version of terraria your playing in but I defeated ocram 4 times today. All I have to say is that the suspicious looking skull is really expensive.
Oceans are non-convertable, from my experience.Hey guys. Maybe not the best place to post this (let me know where if not!) but I had a question. So I'm trying to build a snow biome since my world didn't generate with one. I defeated the frost legion for snow blocks and I even mined some from another world. I decided to make my snow biome in the area between the dungeon and the ocean biome, and then I decided to heck with the ocean so I drained it. My question this: I mined out the entire ocean biome and and going to replace it all with snow and ice. Will this work? Or are ocean biomes non-convertable? As of now I have snow between the dungeon and the start of where the ocean used to be and even then the background doesn't always change to show it snowing, although snow monsters do tend to spawn. Please let me know if this will work or, if not, what's the best way to create a good snow biome?!?
I decided to post this on this thread as I'm not sure if maybe the ocean not converting could be a glitch.
Four, because I can confirm the Tombstone crash, too.Well that's 3. If I can get my son's DS away from him I will confirm it with video for the team