Other 505 Games

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505 games owns console and mobile terraria, and the only way they can operate is by copyright agreements. They are whiny (Got our PC stuff), don't let us update their stuff into our game, and don't let us mod it in either. You guys are fully capable of making console and mobile versions yourself, and I think you should just end the agreement, Re-Logic. Then 505 Games can go mooch off someone else, and you can get more income (100% of console and mobile, after you make it).
They don't let you mod it because that's not legal. That's Microsoft's and Sony's decisions, not theirs. I think you should look more into the topic before you start lashing out at people.
This isn't even a valid suggestion, either. If anything, it just looks like a trolling attempt.
Sony has no control over the PC, they are not a PC company. And still whined for our PC only stuff, don't forget that.
Your characterization of 505Games is completely inaccurate.

Sony/Microsoft do not permit modding of ANY console games, no matter who makes them. Read the EULA that comes with consoles and games.

The business relationship between Re-Logic and 505Games is their concern, not the community's.

Thread locked because I don't see productive discussion arising out of false information.
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