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August 22 2016
Alternate Dimensions and Alternate Dimensions Example are both available on GitHub. Please don't take the code from Alternate Dimensions and integrate it into your mod, breaking compatibility with all the other mods adding Alternate Dimensions. You should reference the mod itself. Don't ruin it for the rest of us.
Anyway, now that the source is open source, I hope someone will join me and work towards making this mod ready for release soon.
A couple of mod teams are currently utilizing this mod in their mods, so things are progressing well. If you want to help or use the mod in the development of your mod, let me know and I'll help you get started.
Once a complete feature set is available and everything is working, the mod will be released. Modders don't need to wait, however, and should use the source to experiment.
Also, don't click the publish button.
This mod is NOT available yet. I am posting now so that through some discussion with other modders, a desired functionality and feature set can be created and correctly implemented in the first version.
This mod enables other mods to generate "alternate dimensions" in a Terraria world. These alternate dimensions are actually just part of the world, but through the magic of this mod, they will be inaccessible except through the methods your mod provides. (A portal, a teleporter, a boss fight....whatever you want.)
For now, the plan is to give a 500 tile wide vertical slice to each "Dimension". I figure 500 tiles is wide enough for a cool dimension. The reason you get the whole vertical slice and not just a square area is because of various reasons, gravity being one. This is one of those things that can be discussed.
These dimensions are generated after world generation. (On the fly generation could be an option later on.)
Mods will register their alternate dimension in Mod.PostSetupContent using the Call function. During worldgen the method you passed in will be called with the rectangle that is the area defined for your mod. It is then up to your mod to generate all the terrain for your alternate dimension.
So, if you are part of a mod that aims to add new biomes or structures, I hope you will help me plan out this mod so that Terraria mods can be that much more awesome.
Some ideas:
A complete alternate dimension with new biomes to explore.
A generated PVP arena.
A special boss arena for your unique boss.
Anyway, here's a video:
August 22 2016
Alternate Dimensions and Alternate Dimensions Example are both available on GitHub. Please don't take the code from Alternate Dimensions and integrate it into your mod, breaking compatibility with all the other mods adding Alternate Dimensions. You should reference the mod itself. Don't ruin it for the rest of us.
Anyway, now that the source is open source, I hope someone will join me and work towards making this mod ready for release soon.
A couple of mod teams are currently utilizing this mod in their mods, so things are progressing well. If you want to help or use the mod in the development of your mod, let me know and I'll help you get started.
Once a complete feature set is available and everything is working, the mod will be released. Modders don't need to wait, however, and should use the source to experiment.
Also, don't click the publish button.
This mod is NOT available yet. I am posting now so that through some discussion with other modders, a desired functionality and feature set can be created and correctly implemented in the first version.
This mod enables other mods to generate "alternate dimensions" in a Terraria world. These alternate dimensions are actually just part of the world, but through the magic of this mod, they will be inaccessible except through the methods your mod provides. (A portal, a teleporter, a boss fight....whatever you want.)
For now, the plan is to give a 500 tile wide vertical slice to each "Dimension". I figure 500 tiles is wide enough for a cool dimension. The reason you get the whole vertical slice and not just a square area is because of various reasons, gravity being one. This is one of those things that can be discussed.
These dimensions are generated after world generation. (On the fly generation could be an option later on.)
Mods will register their alternate dimension in Mod.PostSetupContent using the Call function. During worldgen the method you passed in will be called with the rectangle that is the area defined for your mod. It is then up to your mod to generate all the terrain for your alternate dimension.
alternateDimensions = ModLoader.GetMod("AlternateDimensions");
if (alternateDimensions != null)
AlternateDimensionInterface.RegisterDimension(this.Name, "BasicArena", arcadeCabinetWorld.GenerateBasicArena);
So, if you are part of a mod that aims to add new biomes or structures, I hope you will help me plan out this mod so that Terraria mods can be that much more awesome.
Some ideas:
A complete alternate dimension with new biomes to explore.
A generated PVP arena.
A special boss arena for your unique boss.
Anyway, here's a video:
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