Serious Anxiety

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Skeletron Prime
I have anxiety. I have it so bad to where I get only about 3 hours of sleep every night because I know when I wake up me or someone I love could be dead. But I’m most afraid of change. If anything big changes I will have an emotional breakdown. At school, I usually finish work on time. But one time, I didn’t, and my teacher said I had to go to lunch dmc to finish it. I started sobbing and crying uncontrollably until I had a headache so bad I almost passed out. And if someone I love dies, I will never get over it. My dogs, I still cry at night for them, even thought they passed 2 and 7 years ago.
Hello Davy Jones,

Sorry to hear about your anxiety, but as it is, this sort of Thread would be better off as a Profile Post. Because Thread Topics are meant to be inclusive and inviting other members to share their thoughts for discussions. Threads focused on individuals don't allow for this kind of discussion as much which is why we don't permit Threads like this.

You can use your profile to talk about this, or you can also find one of the discussion Threads in Adult Swim which are geared towards discussing topics of a heavier/more controversal nature:
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