Bad Translator

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Original text:
"A maid with the urge to throw away any weapon she sees. After years with the same problem, She's going to make use of it to study throwing weapons. Now she wants to be the best thrower. by beating all monsters housing in the world of Terraria. and obtaining the ultimate throwing treasure."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"I hope you get all the weapons you can see in Shoe years, I have a problem with that, you must have the gun in this case, the murderer, to beat all the bad guys of this world and the last service pack."
If it happened then can it not be the tolerance? Are the matters of nothing higher over the finest homes of the cold nights? And what can we dig from the extracted sands the the possible houses isn't over the subterranean life about to be discovered from the plain cash flows of Alaska? How might you posibly listen of the other rock higher than the blast of chicken wings over the half mile sun expansion? Thus no then happened out of the vengeance and no way possible to expand the seas my hurting the poor little kids struggling over the line to notice the lifelinking bird above them! Next time is the time you should be timing your time for next time and at that time cannot simple not be before the time. All will rise soon but without the rsising how can the heights lose the eternal balance of love? Those needing high charcoal isn't the high solution!

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Yes, you can, patience, and dinner at home is the best solution for this problem? people across the country, we are the new life of the original money in the basement, poverty, clouds, wings, or even more? the anger, the pain, the struggle, the sea, the first lifelinking, I do not know! After a few minutes, at the same time and again in all the time. But some of them lost his balance rsising is not the end what will you do? you must decide if the very high carbon content, and more!"
...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Yes, you can, patience, and dinner at home is the best solution for this problem? people across the country, we are the new life of the original money in the basement, poverty, clouds, wings, or even more? the anger, the pain, the struggle, the sea, the first lifelinking, I do not know! After a few minutes, at the same time and again in all the time. But some of them lost his balance rsising is not the end what will you do? you must decide if the very high carbon content, and more!"
yes, you can

Original text:
"The Eye of Cthulhu looks like an enormous Demon Eye. Like most bosses, it travels through all blocks. The Eye of Cthulhu has two phases. During the first, he spawns Servants of Cthulhu while floating around the player, which drop hearts and stars on death. After spawning a round of those, he flies at the player 3 times. When the Eye falls below half health (1400), it transforms into its second form, which rams the player more aggressively 3 times, then hangs in the air for a period. It no longer spawns Servants, and has lowered defense. "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"With the support, most of them employees of darienko devil with her eyes. As an innovative feature, which works in both directions, first of all, familiar with the heart of God and innovative development in the big game more than 3 hours after the event to die. Half health(1400), if you see a model,Russian academy of medical science. 3 times to fly, a little bit of nature, David. "
Original text:
""I like your... gear. Does it come in brass?" "Be it what it would, a jetpack would suit you nicely!" "Oy, whatchu got in you jiminy fluffer?" "Show me some gears!" "Should I become an air pirate? I've considered becoming an air pirate." "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"But it's not the police; Now is a very good bag.!!!! not! Yes, and com-s-R; X server, please let me know! The pirates don't search, but I think this song "

Original text:
"The Eye of Cthulhu looks like an enormous Demon Eye. Like most bosses, it travels through all blocks. The Eye of Cthulhu has two phases. During the first, he spawns Servants of Cthulhu while floating around the player, which drop hearts and stars on death. After spawning a round of those, he flies at the player 3 times. When the Eye falls below half health (1400), it transforms into its second form, which rams the player more aggressively 3 times, then hangs in the air for a period. It no longer spawns Servants, and has lowered defense. "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"With the support, most of them employees of darienko devil with her eyes. As an innovative feature, which works in both directions, first of all, familiar with the heart of God and innovative development in the big game more than 3 hours after the event to die. Half health(1400), if you see a model,Russian academy of medical science. 3 times to fly, a little bit of nature, David. "

I think it's trying to tell us about an event at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences... Is this the origin of cthulhu (yes! actually spelt it right!)

@ppowersteef idk, maybe because copy/paste.
Original text:

"Copyrights and trademarks for the manga, and other promotional materials are held by their respective owners and their use is allowed under the fair use clause of the Copyright Law"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Intellectual property, brand, services and activities in connection with this problem, and make sure that the protection of human rights, in accordance with the purchase price of the document is not allowed "

(I plagiarise ;-; )
Original text:

"If people have gone to such lengths to show inaccuracies in other peoples work... I have no idea where to go from here. I just thought I would point out that that is what this is essentially for."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Some people see the content and not the man, but I don't know x'to do,I always think that it is you remember."

Poor Man. always being forgotten ;'(
Original text:

"What is the greatest thing about rain in the summer? Does it get you down? How about going to the beach instead?"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Well, it is the rainy season. Of course, in order to maintain, like Golf and country? "

Original text:

"The stamped baggage waffles over a transient wrapper. Will another history jam? A center bolts? My infect scholar cakes the inserted arcade. How can the scholar dance beside the adapted package? A five sport ignores the quest. A release spits."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Almost all of the clothes,the political economy of months ago the nose, but the rest? the process of the Afghan National Police, cake, because I'm exposed to some researchers. To play the world I think you and I, Yes, sir? years time questions on the green."

Afghan National Police involve cake!
What is the last thing, but not unless we are to decide only if he comes to maybe write a cheque. Afterwards we go, many many times, although to do that. "What is the time?" I said. But now under the wooden pile. Also, though I read about everybody, not the trees. But I also have a cat, which unless someone comes, grow your beard! Grass can open "Haha, nah, I just." Maybe to be an. Sorry! Talking about the stock market. Anyway I had a small, hour but if the great, for if I green fonts is babies. Very drew a preferred to golden crew so but, and. And the frozen, if. Great although were for very also. Be an if. when the yellow and bears.

Original text:

"What is the last thing, but not unless we are to decide only if he comes to maybe write a cheque. Afterwards we go, many many times, although to do that. "What is the time?" I said. But now under the wooden pile. Also, though I read about everybody, "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"If you just want to save money during the very fast, but can be adjusted. After a few times, but if you want to do the same thing all the time, I have the idea that the tree! I don't know what "
Okay, I may be killed from this but here we go...

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Thank you for your time and help, police! You are the best.!!!!"


Edit I have to share this because I don't feel like waiting for someone to post @-@

Original text:

"What do you like most about clowns? "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The suction cup; "


My sides are non-existent now. The best thing about a clown is absolutely the suction cup XD
Original text:

"This 'bad translator' is an anomaly."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Bad translation violence."

Bad translation anomalies cause violence!
Original text:

"Another average silly translation. It's kind of idiotic."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Secondly, of course, is the thickness. in this section"

It's second point in this section is the thickness.
Copyed from samrux history
Original text:

"Alive is a vague term. Those referred to as alive aren't compared with the deceased very often. For everybody, there seems to be a line separating corpses from bodies, and slumber from eternal rest. But such line was drawn by the unknowing. More tha"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Life is very difficult. Life without death, to tell you how many times we actually told the world forever in the limitations on the power of the dream from, but you can see "
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