Bad Translator

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original: i broke my foot by kicking a rock. what do i do?

10 translations later, yandex gives us: i broke my leg down on the rocks. what will you do?

im not sure how i came up with the original text
Original text:
"Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don't know. I got a telegram from the house: "Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours." That doesn't mean anything. Maybe it was yesterday."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Her mother died today, yesterday, my mother died this morning a telegram from the government, it's not a problem I think, maybe yesterday, I don't know."
Redigit's signature:

Original text:

"Don't grab cheeseburger."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"The cheesecake I don't understand "
Original text:

"I'm am the prettiest unicorn."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"I have the most beautiful unicorn."
Original text:

"Haloboy01134 wonders as to why this is here. He thinks that this is here to show the flaws in human engineering. And to be funny. He is probably right on both parts."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Haloboy01134 God, I think I'm just a mechanical engineer, if you want to be happy, maybe two."


Guys, it's trying to tell us something:
Original text:

"His assistance cheats a handbook."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Help me ... "
It needs help.
Last edited:
Original text:

"Drinking water gives me the hiccups. "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Water,I want to talk to your doctor. "
Original text:

"Haha saw you playing the ocarina on instagram and marzia tweeting about shannon appearing while she was editing a video. Seeing it in a video now makes my inner hipster come out. "I was there when it first happened!""

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"So,,,!!!! So! Accordion, instagram, let italyprovince. Shannon in the film, for example, in previous years, Twitter has shown that I watched the movie, my heart for the first time at this age in the cellar."
Wow... I forgot how fun this is...

Original Text:

43 Translations from Yandex Later...

I had the chance.
Original text:

"aliens are confirmed for the 1.3 update. ALIEN ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED!!"

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"1.3 cat is weird, because I don't think that light!!!!"
ayy lmao
Original text:

"Yo mama jokes are like so totally five years ago."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Hey, Hey, Hey, mama, is interesting because it was five years ago."
Original text:

"F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me, N is for anywhere, any time at all, down in the deep blue sea."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"If R f -, blue sea you can always come back."
When I enabled random language order:
Original text:

"F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me, N is for anywhere, any time at all, down in the deep blue sea."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"This is the world,God is in everything, everywhere, always, and the green book, good"

Well that took a religious turn. Also, the green book is good.
Original text:

"F is for fire that burns down the whole town, U is for uranium... bombs! N is for No survivors..."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Burning all the cities of the central point of the screen of the uranium bomb! ! Life in the..."
Original text:

"•A single Lego can bear up to 4,240 Newtons of force, or weights in excess of 953 pounds, before it starts to deform. They are made of unforgiving material and care not for your foot. •Speaking of your foot, it’s one of the most sensitive areas of the human body and contains 100-200,000 exteroceptors. Those are nerve endings that gather feedback from the outside world — things like the lush softness of freshly cut grass or the excruciating pain of a sharp-edged, 2.25 square-centimeter plastic brick — and ports it straight to your brain. •Said soles are subject to significant impact forces. Just walking slowly can produce impact forces twice your body weight. •A 165-pound person standing on a single Lego will put those 100-200,000 exteroceptors under 3,262,222 pascals of pressure, or 32 times what they’re under when you’re relaxing on the couch (where you’re undoubtably sitting on a Lego). "

...10 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"•Lego can lead to 4,240 cow force or weight more than 953, before it starts to distort. Them from death. This material is to take care of their feet. •The legs are one of the most sensitive areas of the human body, between 100 and 200 000exteroceptors. 's nerve endings, in order to obtain information from the outside world, like a drunken man, with a smooth surface and mowing the lawn or in unbearable pain on the edge of 2.25 square inches plastic bricks port directly to the brain. •Information about the person, there has been a significant influence, move slowly and can be made in the action of the power of twice the attention. •165-pound man out of Lego bricks, the rest 100 to 200000 exteroceptors under 3,262,222 Pascals pressure of 32 times, when just lying on the couch (if this is, without doubt, sits Lego). "
@Samrux 's signature:

Original text:

"I am Samrux, a paladin. Once, I was member of an honourable elite. But that was thousands of years ago. Now, I am undead. Trapped in the rooms and corridors of the dreaded Dungeon."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"If anyone in my group samrux theory. But for thousands of years. Perished in the case of an underground tunnel. "
Original text:

"Shhh, let's pretend that these bad translations aren't even anywhere close to true..."

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

" Translate me, but I want to add it as close as possible to the truth."

... Let's try copying something.

"MetalSeadramon is a Cyborg Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Metal Seadramon". It is the final form of the Seadramon-species whose whole body is covered in the strongest metal, Chrondigizoit alloy. Its Metal Body reflects every attack. "

...43 translations later, Yandex gives us:

"Years cyborg Digimon,design, metal Seadramon's the kind of guy who is the largest Seadramon and all from aluminum on the body is covered with high Chrondigizoit the density of iron. All attack on second thoughts, if necessary, "

What the :red:?
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