IC Bossfight!


The Destroyer
Still A roleplay by Fluxxation

Link to the OOC: OOC - Bossfight!

As you land from your unexpectedly short trip, you seem to hit some sort of water. There is no splash, and there is no sound, only a slight ripple. Still stunned, you slowly look over the water. You can see stars, all glimmering brightly against the surface of the water. “Do they come from below the water, or from the sky?“ you ask yourself. You stand up and finally turn your face towards the sky. It is night, or at least it appears to be. The sky is black, and all of those stars that appeared bound to the water moments ago are there, floating just above your head. You look left, and then right. To your left, you see a distant stone structure emitting a faint red glow. To the right, another stone structure, but this one is glowing a soft green.

Welcome, Wanderer, to Godsrealm.
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(Will begin, to dismay of a reaper who thought that he's already reaping the roleplay away from us.)

Nogent Celestin

In the end, there is absolute: either entropy or creation.
But inbetween there are... more complex interactions, such as fusion, fission, combat and exploration

The last of which led to Nogent arriving at mysterious water room, seemingly a puzzle on its own over how not to drown. Taking a challenge door was a gamble, which he was well aware of. Sometimes they are effortless, sometimes they're difficult, but none led to another world. Like how this "room" will prove to be.
[Seems like I may to find the treasure on my own. The world is disorienting... and the SAIL finally stopped pestering me at any time it felt like stupidly pointing out about hazards making me uncomfortable, but not sick. Or dying.]
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(I suppose I shall join thee, albeit not for long)

Ryvare arrives rather unceremoniously, hitting the ground hard. Fortunately falling isn't a concern, as he simply spins his skull back into the right orientation. For now, he simply stares at the stars, wondering.
COGNIZANCE landed in a crouching position, he quickly stood up and looked around. He abruptly started laughing maniacally.
“Perhaps I really AM losing it. I don’t remember seeing this in the lab. They told me I was insane.. can you believe that?…. Hello..? “

He looked around once more, and then shrugged and began walking around at complete random, but stopped as something green and distant caught his eye.

(Whoops. Guess I should've done Starbound after responding.)

N. Celestin

And it seems like the green and distant thing caught the Radien's attention, too after he did some wandering. Possibly a monster. Approach with a weapon drawn is a best solution.
And so, he does the approaching with his ax, double checking each seventeen steps for if he can see it more clearly.
Ryvare, after some mild star-fueled pondering, notices a red glow off in the distance. With all the stealth a Skeleton in rusty armor could muster, he begins moving towards it.
After impacting the water at high velocity, Chrono looks at the water intrigued by the stars. It is then when he notices the faint red light, calling him towards it.
(Whoops. Guess I should've done Starbound after responding.)

N. Celestin

And it seems like the green and distant thing caught the Radien's attention, too after he did some wandering. Possibly a monster. Approach with a weapon drawn is a best solution.
And so, he does the approaching with his ax, double checking each seventeen steps for if he can see it more clearly.
After a few minutes of walking towards the green glow, the structure began to take shape. It appeared to be some sort of old stone building with many fractured walls and gaping holes. It was an odd building, very tall and somewhat narrow. It had a pointy roof and large, hexagonal and rectangular tinted glass windows.

As COGNIZANCE also grew closer, he saw something ahead, outlined by the green glow of the building. He approached at the same speed still, the object growing smaller as he continued his slow walk.

Ryvare, after some mild star-fueled pondering, notices a red glow off in the distance. With all the stealth a Skeleton in rusty armor could muster, he begins moving towards it.
After impacting the water at high velocity, Chrono looks at the water intrigued by the stars. It is then when he notices the faint red light, calling him towards it.
The two would both be within line of sight with each other, maybe a quarter mile apart.
N. Celestin

The alien seemed to mutter to itself, ticking sarcastically. [Of course there would always be a room. Or building, old... but knowing the purpose of them, I would be surprised if they didn't have anything.] The building didn't seem to be too out to place for the Radien, who kept the axe at the ready.
(forgot to look for an IC till now whoops.)
Azzouru would have fallen too.
But he would be quick to get back up.
"How peculiar. I don't think I died this time."
Darraketh landed heavily onto the water, a loud crackle emitting from the lightning on his armor as it arced to touch the water around him.
He slowly stood up, looking around in quiet confusion.

To his right, he saw a green glow, and to his left, he saw a red glow. Remembering the lightning of Placidusax, he slowly began to walk left, the electricity still tracing across his armor, and the armor itself giving off a loud rhythmic clanking. He was NOT at all stealthy, and could be easily seen and heard from about half a mile out.

Although he looked rather passive, his arms were tense, and they seemed to be ready to reach for the two massive swords in sheathes on his waist.
Azzouru would be able to faintly hear some sort of clanking somewhat to their left, and very fair behind.

Darraketh looked ahead, able to see the distant silhouette of a person likely 3/4 of a mile ahead, outlined by the red glow of the chapel.
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