tModLoader Calamity Mod

What would you like me to create more of?

  • NPCs (enemies, house NPCs, etc.)

    Votes: 1,172 19.4%
  • Bosses

    Votes: 2,460 40.8%
  • Items (Accessories, Weapons, etc.)

    Votes: 1,591 26.4%
  • Vanity (furniture, armor sets, etc.)

    Votes: 439 7.3%
  • Mineable Stuff (Ores, Blocks, etc.)

    Votes: 373 6.2%

  • Total voters
Hello i got this kind of error just when the game try to load the final of the devourer of god (no crash), but the boss instantly dissapear

[20:49:39] [1/WARN] [tML]: Exception capturée silencieusement :
System.TypeLoadException: Impossible de charger le type 'CalamityMod.CalamityWorld' à partir de l'assembly 'CalamityMod_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
à ZLegendarys.ModGlobalNPC.NPCLoot(NPC npc)
à Terraria.ModLoader.NPCLoader.NPCLoot(NPC npc)
à Terraria.NPC.NPCLoot()
à Terraria.NPC.checkDead()
à Terraria.NPC.StrikeNPC(Int32 Damage, Single knockBack, Int32 hitDirection, Boolean crit, Boolean noEffect, Boolean fromNet)
à Terraria.NPC.StrikeNPCNoInteraction(Int32 Damage, Single knockBack, Int32 hitDirection, Boolean crit, Boolean noEffect, Boolean fromNet)
à CheatSheet.Menus.NPCButchererHotbar.ButcherNPCs(Int32 butcherType, Boolean syncData, Int32 indexRange) dans CheatSheet\Menus\NPCButchererHotbar.cs:ligne 142
à CheatSheet.UI.UIView.HandleMouseInput() dans CheatSheet\UI\UIView.cs:ligne 359
à CheatSheet.UI.UIView.HandleMouseInput() dans CheatSheet\UI\UIView.cs:ligne 313
à CheatSheet.UI.UIView.HandleMouseInput() dans CheatSheet\UI\UIView.cs:ligne 313
à CheatSheet.UI.UIView.Update() dans CheatSheet\UI\UIView.cs:ligne 287
à CheatSheet.UI.UIWindow.Update() dans CheatSheet\UI\UIWindow.cs:ligne 82
à CheatSheet.AllItemsMenu.DrawUpdateAll(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) dans CheatSheet\AllItemsMenu.cs:ligne 65
à CheatSheet.CheatSheet.<ModifyInterfaceLayers>b__47_1() dans CheatSheet.cs:ligne 396
à Terraria.UI.LegacyGameInterfaceLayer.DrawSelf()
à Terraria.UI.GameInterfaceLayer.Draw()
à Terraria.Main.DrawInterface(GameTime gameTime)
à Terraria.Main.DoDraw(GameTime gameTime)
à Terraria.Main.Draw(GameTime gameTime)
à Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
à Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
à Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
à Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_()
à Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs)
à Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args)

got the solution,

that was grealm

The new NPC "Bandit" sells a throwing object called "cinquedea", well, this one has a bug, it's about shooting at a ore that is above you, no matter the ore, what happens is that you drop a bar of that ore, and it's something that breaks the gane, since for example, you can get chaotic ore in prehardmode
The new NPC "Bandit" sells a throwing object called "cinquedea", well, this one has a bug, it's about shooting at a ore that is above you, no matter the ore, what happens is that you drop a bar of that ore, and it's something that breaks the gane, since for example, you can get chaotic ore in prehardmode
I am unable to replicate this bug. I recommend you join the Calamity Discord server as that is the best place to report and record bugs.
How do I play calamity in Terraria?
First off, you would typically need to be on PC Terraria. Then you would need TModLoader installed. When you successfully install it, the home screen will have mod options. Go to the Mod Browser section and type in Calamity (the mod browser search will always already be selected, so just start typing) and then hit the install button on the mod. This applies to all mods, but since you asked about Calamity specifically ;)
You would be looking for Calamity (No Music) iirc.

If this isn't exactly what you meant, please clarify. Otherwise, hope this helped :)
I don't know if it's something I'm overlooking, or an issue with the balance, but skeletron prime seems realistically impossible to defeat (I've done cryogen -> destroyer -> now to skeletron prime. this is slightly out of order but shouldn't be problematic in the slightest regardless)
I'm using really really good gear (Godly Kelvin Catalyst, the melee one, on top of daedalus armor + helmet, along with some really good accessories, such as siren's heart, almost all are warding).

The problem isn't really that I die before the fight ends, (I usually die whilst skeletron prime has around 20% health left, which just tells me to git gud), but that the time when I reach that 20% is 30 minutes off from daytime.

As far as I know, the Kelvin Catalyst is one of the more powerful early super-weapons you can get, and as such it deals pretty good damage to the arms. Skeletron prime's head, however, takes barely any damage because of its ludicrous defense. This defense prevents me from being realistically able to kill him before daytime comes. Even when I started using golden shower and managed to start getting adrenaline damage buffs fairly constantly, he still would not die.

This is either a balance issue, as there is no real way at that point of the game to deal enough damage to SP with a weapon that is a fairly good counter for him, or I'm overlooking something.

If anyone has any tips to get me past him in this current state, it would be very appreciated. I would rather not have to fight the brimstone elemental, but if it's necessary to make any progress, I'll do it.
Compatible with Thorium?
That mostly depends on if Thorium finally fixed itself, and if things like Fargo's will conflict with it.
Otherwise, Calamity is usually "compatible" with Thorium, but Calamity kinda is more OP than Thorium. Typically, if you run both, Calamity stuff will *usually* outmatch Thorium stuff. Not always, especially after the recent reworks and buffs. But still, Calamity is kinda the "you wanna be OP and have an experience that matches it?" type mod.
I don't know if it's something I'm overlooking, or an issue with the balance, but skeletron prime seems realistically impossible to defeat (I've done cryogen -> destroyer -> now to skeletron prime. this is slightly out of order but shouldn't be problematic in the slightest regardless)
I'm using really really good gear (Godly Kelvin Catalyst, the melee one, on top of daedalus armor + helmet, along with some really good accessories, such as siren's heart, almost all are warding).

The problem isn't really that I die before the fight ends, (I usually die whilst skeletron prime has around 20% health left, which just tells me to git gud), but that the time when I reach that 20% is 30 minutes off from daytime.

As far as I know, the Kelvin Catalyst is one of the more powerful early super-weapons you can get, and as such it deals pretty good damage to the arms. Skeletron prime's head, however, takes barely any damage because of its ludicrous defense. This defense prevents me from being realistically able to kill him before daytime comes. Even when I started using golden shower and managed to start getting adrenaline damage buffs fairly constantly, he still would not die.

This is either a balance issue, as there is no real way at that point of the game to deal enough damage to SP with a weapon that is a fairly good counter for him, or I'm overlooking something.

If anyone has any tips to get me past him in this current state, it would be very appreciated. I would rather not have to fight the brimstone elemental, but if it's necessary to make any progress, I'll do it.
Play the bosses in order. My only advice. If you have or get the boss checklist mod of your choice (pretty sure there's a few), you can typically see the "path of progression". Me and my friends had a similar issue, but once we just upgraded our armor and actually got the best weapons for that point, SP was pretty simple. And I say that as a "I stand still as a summoner" build. Disclaimer: you *CANNOT* stand still with SP, especially when his arms are gone. On Death Mode difficulty he just outright chunks the hell outa me.

(note: the reason I typically have to stand still with my current summoner build is because A: it increases the damage my minions do which increases the healing I get and B: it multiplies my healing over time while adding a lot more armor. It's not a good build for manic fights that tend to auto kill people who aren't moving.)

Your best bet, depending on whatever build you are wanting to run, is figure out the best armor set and accessories combo that will maximize your damage while still keeping you mobile. After that: just make sure you can hit the target... Armor and accessories make a world of difference when it comes to stuff like that, reference the Calamity wiki if you are only running Calamity (and if you have other mods, reference the options they also give) and see how you get certain things at which stage of the game. Of all the mods, Calamity's wiki is probably the best maintained. It will tell you all the weapons/armor/accessories you can get in what stage of the game. Hope this helps in any way, and if you are still stuck feel free to ask for any other advice ^^;
It seems im not able to craft any of the new fishing poles included in this mod, i've met all the requirements on the wiki for the chaotic spread rod but its not showing up in my crafting menu, could someone please tell me if their is a new recipe or if its just bugged?
It seems im not able to craft any of the new fishing poles included in this mod, i've met all the requirements on the wiki for the chaotic spread rod but its not showing up in my crafting menu, could someone please tell me if their is a new recipe or if its just bugged?
Update your mod
Play the bosses in order. My only advice. If you have or get the boss checklist mod of your choice (pretty sure there's a few), you can typically see the "path of progression". Me and my friends had a similar issue, but once we just upgraded our armor and actually got the best weapons for that point, SP was pretty simple. And I say that as a "I stand still as a summoner" build. Disclaimer: you *CANNOT* stand still with SP, especially when his arms are gone. On Death Mode difficulty he just outright chunks the hell outa me.

(note: the reason I typically have to stand still with my current summoner build is because A: it increases the damage my minions do which increases the healing I get and B: it multiplies my healing over time while adding a lot more armor. It's not a good build for manic fights that tend to auto kill people who aren't moving.)

Your best bet, depending on whatever build you are wanting to run, is figure out the best armor set and accessories combo that will maximize your damage while still keeping you mobile. After that: just make sure you can hit the target... Armor and accessories make a world of difference when it comes to stuff like that, reference the Calamity wiki if you are only running Calamity (and if you have other mods, reference the options they also give) and see how you get certain things at which stage of the game. Of all the mods, Calamity's wiki is probably the best maintained. It will tell you all the weapons/armor/accessories you can get in what stage of the game. Hope this helps in any way, and if you are still stuck feel free to ask for any other advice ^^;

Yeah, that's kind of what I did though. I specifically picked the Kelvin Catalyst because it has great damage, releases fairly strong projectiles when it hits something plus it adds a debuff that does damage over time. Not only that, but since it's a boomerang it's able to stay in place, which is very useful for hitting SP when he spins around. I got all my accessories and stuff specifically to give me as much defense as possible, and I'm fairly sure they almost all provide some kind of advantage in terms of DPS.

The reason I posted that isn't because I feel like I'm undergeared, but because it seems that SP has been changed somewhat recently (The wiki states that he spits out skulls, which I have not seem him do), and it seems like whatever defense buff they gave him makes it more or less unrealistic to beat him before daytime.

For reference, the only things that I've done out of order so far is old one's army, frost legion, the twins, brimstone elemental and the aquatic scourge. I've watched old guides to kill SP in this mod and they all seem to do much much more damage to the him when he's only a head. I tried to mimic their load out, ended up still doing next to 0 damage to them.

Edit: To clarify, in the boss list, the only boss "in the way" of skeletron prime is the aquatic scourge. It goes destroyer-> aquatic scourge -> skeletron prime, and I've pretty easily dealt with the destroyer already.
I can't get Overloaded Soldiers to spawn underground. Was this changed?

Nevermind, it was probably because i updated to Tmodloader 0.11.5 and updated Calamity, and my world was made in 0.11.4, so it broke the enemy spawns a bit
Last edited:
Yeah, that's kind of what I did though. I specifically picked the Kelvin Catalyst because it has great damage, releases fairly strong projectiles when it hits something plus it adds a debuff that does damage over time. Not only that, but since it's a boomerang it's able to stay in place, which is very useful for hitting SP when he spins around. I got all my accessories and stuff specifically to give me as much defense as possible, and I'm fairly sure they almost all provide some kind of advantage in terms of DPS.

The reason I posted that isn't because I feel like I'm undergeared, but because it seems that SP has been changed somewhat recently (The wiki states that he spits out skulls, which I have not seem him do), and it seems like whatever defense buff they gave him makes it more or less unrealistic to beat him before daytime.

For reference, the only things that I've done out of order so far is old one's army, frost legion, the twins, brimstone elemental and the aquatic scourge. I've watched old guides to kill SP in this mod and they all seem to do much much more damage to the him when he's only a head. I tried to mimic their load out, ended up still doing next to 0 damage to them.

Edit: To clarify, in the boss list, the only boss "in the way" of skeletron prime is the aquatic scourge. It goes destroyer-> aquatic scourge -> skeletron prime, and I've pretty easily dealt with the destroyer already.
If you are entirely focusing defense, that could be your issue... I typically focus max damage of whatever type of build I am running. So in this case, I am running summoner. So I try to get summon damage ups. (I will digress and also point out I have the extra mods mod as well that can also add some small stat ups as well). Regardless, I typically go full summon damage and a bit of ranged damage because I also use things like the Lightning Hawk to get a few good chunks in. There's other good options for ranged at this point, a lot of which actually do more than the Lightning Hawk because they can actually get mods... (still question why the Magnum > Lightning Hawk > Elephant Killer have such a harsh limit of 3 shots per boss when things can do more damage to them once you are able to upgrade the Magnum... But regardless, I will reserve my opinions about how it needs a buff to stay relevant for another time.).

If you are able to farm in the abyss, you can also get some decent stuff to start upgrading pretty quickly. Since I also run Fargo's Souls mod, I try to make sure we keep in a "path of progression" of both boss check list and having each enchantment/essence/soul available up to the point we are at... So typically we go about things a bit slower. Having Death Mode active literally forced us into The Destroyer, The Twins, and Skeletron Prime before we were actually ready for it (we were still wearing Statigel garbo when we could have upgraded to Daedalus by then. The upgrade from Statigel to Daedalus is absurdly noticeable. I will also point out that if you have no issue with Destroyer, make sure you have no issue with The Twins. Destroyer is literally one big easy hit box that requires little skill to kill. You just need to stay alive lol. If you can auto melt The Twins, you should be able to take SP in like an hour in game (a minute or two real time). So just try and fight whatever is technically the hardest thing to you before SP, tweak your build until you have the right amount of damage output, and do your best to dodge instead of tank through hits. It can also *seriously* help if you have a boss arena set up for hp regen/mana regen/water for whatever buff you might need/and if possible set up things like the ammo box etc. Having things like an Ichor Flask active to make all your attacks inflict Ichor also helps as it reduces some defense of enemies.

Again, hope this helps and sorry for the wall of text~ If you still have issues... I can maybe try and replicate your current build and give it a try to better understand the problem.
If you are entirely focusing defense, that could be your issue... I typically focus max damage of whatever type of build I am running. So in this case, I am running summoner. So I try to get summon damage ups. (I will digress and also point out I have the extra mods mod as well that can also add some small stat ups as well). Regardless, I typically go full summon damage and a bit of ranged damage because I also use things like the Lightning Hawk to get a few good chunks in. There's other good options for ranged at this point, a lot of which actually do more than the Lightning Hawk because they can actually get mods... (still question why the Magnum > Lightning Hawk > Elephant Killer have such a harsh limit of 3 shots per boss when things can do more damage to them once you are able to upgrade the Magnum... But regardless, I will reserve my opinions about how it needs a buff to stay relevant for another time.).

If you are able to farm in the abyss, you can also get some decent stuff to start upgrading pretty quickly. Since I also run Fargo's Souls mod, I try to make sure we keep in a "path of progression" of both boss check list and having each enchantment/essence/soul available up to the point we are at... So typically we go about things a bit slower. Having Death Mode active literally forced us into The Destroyer, The Twins, and Skeletron Prime before we were actually ready for it (we were still wearing Statigel garbo when we could have upgraded to Daedalus by then. The upgrade from Statigel to Daedalus is absurdly noticeable. I will also point out that if you have no issue with Destroyer, make sure you have no issue with The Twins. Destroyer is literally one big easy hit box that requires little skill to kill. You just need to stay alive lol. If you can auto melt The Twins, you should be able to take SP in like an hour in game (a minute or two real time). So just try and fight whatever is technically the hardest thing to you before SP, tweak your build until you have the right amount of damage output, and do your best to dodge instead of tank through hits. It can also *seriously* help if you have a boss arena set up for hp regen/mana regen/water for whatever buff you might need/and if possible set up things like the ammo box etc. Having things like an Ichor Flask active to make all your attacks inflict Ichor also helps as it reduces some defense of enemies.

Again, hope this helps and sorry for the wall of text~ If you still have issues... I can maybe try and replicate your current build and give it a try to better understand the problem.
While I haven't beaten the twins yet (current target), I did get extremely close several times, and all of those times seem to be at about midnight. So I'd say I more or less melt them in terms of damage.
SP in comparison, when he's just a head, it's like his defense didn't drop whatsoever. He takes about as much damage as when a twin is in phase 2 but the other is still in phase 1 (the phase 2 twin has super armor).
If you want to replicate my loadout and try it out for yourself, here it is (I don't really metagame so don't expect anything amazing):

Weapons : Godly Kelvin Catalyst + Golden Shower + Ancient Ice Chunks (4 with bewitching table) (i do know summoning items do less damage if the item isn't being held, but it's still extra damage)

Armor: Daedalus set with helmet

Accessories : Armored Counter Scarf, Guarding Siren's Heart, Armored Frostspark Boots, Hasty Frozen Wings (could probably reforge into something more useful but the cost for reforging wings is just terrible), Bloody Worm Scarf (forgot to reforge), Precise Charm of Myths (planning to upgrade this accessory into deific amulet so reforging is sort of redundant)

Edit: I want to clarify that I am not specializing in any kind of class at all, whenever I find a weapon that I deem is better than my old one I swap to it, whether it be ranged, rogue, mage, etc. then I proceed to use armor fit for that class instead.
I've also been collecting accessories, even if they don't fit my current class, for this. For instance, I have never stumbled upon a rogue weapon I want to use yet I still have made a mirage mirror.
While I haven't beaten the twins yet (current target), I did get extremely close several times, and all of those times seem to be at about midnight. So I'd say I more or less melt them in terms of damage.
SP in comparison, when he's just a head, it's like his defense didn't drop whatsoever. He takes about as much damage as when a twin is in phase 2 but the other is still in phase 1 (the phase 2 twin has super armor).
If you want to replicate my loadout and try it out for yourself, here it is (I don't really metagame so don't expect anything amazing):

Weapons : Godly Kelvin Catalyst + Golden Shower + Ancient Ice Chunks (4 with bewitching table) (i do know summoning items do less damage if the item isn't being held, but it's still extra damage)

Armor: Daedalus set with helmet

Accessories : Armored Counter Scarf, Guarding Siren's Heart, Armored Frostspark Boots, Hasty Frozen Wings (could probably reforge into something more useful but the cost for reforging wings is just terrible), Bloody Worm Scarf (forgot to reforge), Precise Charm of Myths (planning to upgrade this accessory into deific amulet so reforging is sort of redundant)

Edit: I want to clarify that I am not specializing in any kind of class at all, whenever I find a weapon that I deem is better than my old one I swap to it, whether it be ranged, rogue, mage, etc. then I proceed to use armor fit for that class instead.
I've also been collecting accessories, even if they don't fit my current class, for this. For instance, I have never stumbled upon a rogue weapon I want to use yet I still have made a mirage mirror.
... Which helmet though? Again, specifically building around whatever weapon you plan to use makes worlds of difference. If you have the Kelvin Catalyst as Melee, you want the melee setup. If it's the Rogue variant, you want a Rogue setup. I have yet to dabble in Rogue damage, especially after all the changes and add ons, but I am pretty sure it has the opportunity to be pretty broken. And again, if you just get the consumable that gives your attacks Ichor, you won't need to worry about swapping to Golden Shower ever. It's pointless to start using a magick weapon when you have no magick increases. Summons are typically the only exception, as they are a "you summon it, they auto attack for you" so you don't have to actually worry about it. I would recommend also reforging it to Ruthless for the extra damage they will deal.
(I run full summoner, sure, but I also still use a gun every so often... Still trying to find a good summon weapons so I can dedicate all damage ups specifically to summon damage, but until then I will still use the Lightning Hawk and Grenade Launcher from Calamity just because they have good damage without the need for the ranged armor bonus or accessories etc.)

Things like your mount can also be a big impact, because again you would typically be better off reforging for damage increases instead of trying to face tank through things. Especially if you aren't running a melee tank setup. So your best bet is to learn how to dodge, which is so much easier if you have a good mount. If you have done the Brimstone Elemental, you can get a flying mount off her. It's honestly my preferred mount for a lot of things because it flies, it's fast, and it isn't huge so I can use it while building etc.

Apologies to anyone else going through this forum thread and seeing our giant block text, I have left it in here in case anyone else has input that may be more helpful than my own :)
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