Cheat Sheet
Latest Download:
Mod Browser (in-game) - Direct link - Alt download link
Open to collaboration on GitHub
Cheat Sheet is a tool for developers and those who just want to play around with any vanilla or mod items/recipes/NPC.
A special thanks to the Gameiki team for developing the UI toolkit used and the original design and code for the Item Browser and the amazingly sweet-looking Hotbar, along with their corresponding textures. Without them, this mod would look super ugly.
For now, Cheat Sheet consists of an Item Browser, an NPC Browser, a Recipe Browser , and a special Section where other modders can add their own buttons.
Open to collaboration on GitHub: Cheat Sheet, Recipe Browser
The main interaction. Designed to stay discrete and out of the way until needed.
Press K (or whatever hotkey you've assigned to "Toggle Cheat Sheet Hotbar") or click the button at the bottom center of your screen to view the Cheat Sheet Hotbar to access all the items. Press/Click again to hide it along with the selected item.
Hotbar: Easy to use, looks nice
Item Browser:
Click an item to grab a full stack of that item or Shift-click to move a full stack of that item immediately to your inventory. The category buttons and the search field can be used to filter the list of items.
ItemBrowser: Name filtering.
ItemBrowser: Category/Mod filtering
ItemBrowser: Category/Mod filtering
NPC Browser:
Click any NPC to spawn it in front of your character. Use categories and search filter to find the NPC you desire.
NPC Spawner/Browser
Recipe Browser:
Click on any Recipe to see details. Use categories and search filter to find the recipe you want. (The standalone Recipe Browser mod has many more features)
Recipe Browser
Paint Tools:
Click to reveal a a shelf of tools. Think TEdit or photoshop but in-game.
Eye Dropper/Paint Tiles
Paint Tools -- Schematics Browser:
An online database of Schematics submitted by users. Vote up or down. Don't upload a lame schematic or you'll have bad ratings and be unable to submit additional schematics.
Light Hack:
See everything around you without placing torches.
Extra Accessory Slots:Choose between 0 and 6 extra accessory slots. (I know, overkill.) Note that these slots will not have a visual affect on your character. The items in the slots will save with your character. Also note that you can bypass typical accessory limits.
I don't know why I did this....
Mod Extensions:
A special area with buttons from other mods. Currently the following mods implement an extension:
- Toggle Expert Mode -- Boss Expertise
- Toggle Instant Respawn -- Shorter Respawn Time
- Delete unfavorited from inventory -- Cheat Sheet Extended
- Mod Settings GUI -- Mod Settings Configurator
- (Let me know and I'll add your mod button to this list.)
More tools will be added over time.
Team Members: @jopojelly, @Gorateron, and @rrr
Latest Download (Cheat Sheet): Mod Browser, Direct Link, Alt Link
Latest Download (Recipe Browser): Mod Browser, Direct Link, Alt Link
0.9 Downloads of both: Link
Ideas to implement
- Continuous Vaccumm
- Fix lava slime despawn
- Save window positions
- save banned npc
- Hide tab option
- Prefixes (see HEROs Mod)
- Teleport with map (see HEROs Mod)
- Time manipulation (see HEROs Mod)
- Biome Brush?
- Projectile Spawn, Dust Spawn, Sound Tester
- (reported stack mod conflict with recipe browser?)
- German translation - thanks @nx
- Schematics Browser - Click "Load Online Schematics Database" in the Paint tools pallet window.
- Chinese translation added, thanks 抗药又坚硬汉化组(SBMW GROUP)
- Spanish translation added, thanks PabloVllgs
- Localization Support
- Russian - Thanks "Terraria Phone&PC Team"
- Portuguese - Thanks @Bluezinho
- French - Thanks @orian34
- Polish, Chinese, Spanish, German, and Italian translations to come with your help!
- Fix paint tools on Mac and Linux
- Zoom now works properly with Paint Tool (big thanks again to @rrr)
- Undo functionality for Paint Tool
- Light Hack tool. See everything without placing torches.
- This update thanks to @rrr
- Some NPC info on hover
- Paint Tools now has pallet so you can copy multiple clips, along with other features such as anchor points and export/import functionality.
- Pin/Favorite recipe (alt click)
- Updated to v0.10.0.1
- Obtained Items filter.
- NPC Banner now actually works.
- It works in MP too.
- Banned NPC persist.
- Removed AutoTrash and made it it's own mod: Auto Trash
- Updated to tModLoader v0.9.0.0
- Reverse recipe functionality. Drag items to slot for related recipes. Double click recipe to see next step in crafting tree.
- tModLoader update.
- For those who only want the Recipe tool.
- Various pause/auto-pause fixes. 1.3.2 fix.
- Minion Count Booster Tool
- Configuration Menu to aid in self control. Hide the tools you don't want to be tempted by. Video
- Spawn Rate Multiplier Buttons: From half spawns to 30x spawns, have fun.
- This update thanks to the efforts of @Gorateron
- Vacuum Tool -- Brings items on ground to player
- Quick Waypoints -- Instantly travel to spawn, hell, temple, random, and dungeon
- Butcher -- Kill all hostile NPC, town NPC, or both.
- Quick Clear -- Clear buffs, projectiles, or items from the world.
- Clear Ground Items and NPC spawner now work in multiplayer.
- updated to tModLoader 0.8.1/Terraria 1.3.1
- Auto-Trash Slot -- Keeps inventory clean
- 6 Extra Accessory Slots
- Paint Brush
- Rudimentary Flip horizontal, vertical
- Transparent Select toggle.
- Paint Tools -- new menu
- Eye Dropper -- click to select tiles
- Paint Brush -- places tiles copied using Eye Dropper
- Super sweet animations
- Now only one hotkey. Hotkey will toggle hotbar and reshow last used browser
- Ability for modders to add cheat/debug buttons to a special menu: Instructions and Example
- Clear items on ground button
- Prevent NPC spawning in multiplayer
- Recipe craft groups now display properly
- Mounts category
- Better tooltips and some fixes
- Recipe Book
- All axe now in the tools category
- Fixed conflict with Enemy Prefixes mod.
- NPC Browser/Spawner
- Fixed material bug
- Fixed Draw bug (ectoplasm)
- Implemented right click. Right click for 1, hold right click for as many as you want.
- Fixed some hidden stuff too.
- Animate items in Item Browser
- Item Browser
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