(Yes, but each soul also has a unique shape- for example Mirror's soul is shaped like a music note)(are there colors?)
"Then theres Saturday, for Wise Elderism. The butterflies now have the wingspan of a ruler, or 30 centimeters.
and finally theres Sunday, for the Flight. The butterflies will flock together into huge masses, and fly away! To... wherever they go. Where do they go?"
"Y'know, I don't actually know." Said the person sitting next to Yara. "But you forgot our part!"
Solus seems a little bit worried about Pancake.Pancake is wheezing slightly, and the sun has come up because I think it was nighttime and it works with the news beginning to play so let's just say it's the 7:00 news.
Ice is in the shade of a tree. He has fallen asleep leaning on the tree.
Pancake notices that Ice has fallen asleep.