Single Thread RP Collision (A Whatever-you-want RP)

*Cool! I'm fire based too". Pancake's hands glow bright red and flames surround him. They don't stay long enough to catch, but still scorch the floor and the fancy Persian rug.
That'sss "totally" the strangessst thing I've sseen today.
I'm definitely "not" bored. I'll ssee you later.
*they walked back to the kitchen for their 88th pot of coffee*
As Pancake walks away, he decides to go back to sleep... and has an unsettling dream.

*sounds of children laughing happily but not creepily*
"C'mon Pancake! You can do it!" Pancake is on a slide, but since this is a dream the slide is 30000000000... feet long. "No!" Kid Pancake says. "It's too far!" All sounds suddenly stop. Everything turns black as the shadow manifests into a hand grabbing Pancake, now normal aged.
"I will find you. You will die."

*gasping* Pancake woke up. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?"
*Pancake's fists are beginning to glow soft red*
"Woah! no need to get violent... err... what's your name again?"
OH MY GOD this GUY is IMPOSSIBLE! "Pancake! Duh!"
The shadow sees Pancake's red fists and realizes this is who he was looking for. A scrawny red haired teen with red fist.
"So your name is galaxy and you live in a planet within a galaxy. Meta.... " said Pancake.

"Uh uh why am I still in this scene? " Said Night Error as he walked away. "Smell ya later"
(Okay, so I get that you can get bored waiting for me to come back online, but please, PLEASE, don't play as my character without my permission, okay? I'm really busy today, so I won't be able to RP as much as I did yesterday. Sorry about that. But on the bright side, I'll be able to RP a TON Monday through Friday!)
-NightError also happens to be in the kitchen, eating all of the food (And gaining no weight in doing so)- "Oh, heya. Why do you drink so much coffee, anyway?"
As Pancake walks away, he decides to go back to sleep... and has an unsettling dream.

*sounds of children laughing happily but not creepily*
"C'mon Pancake! You can do it!" Pancake is on a slide, but since this is a dream the slide is 30000000000... feet long. "No!" Kid Pancake says. "It's too far!" All sounds suddenly stop. Everything turns black as the shadow manifests into a hand grabbing Pancake, now normal aged.
"I will find you. You will die."

*gasping* Pancake woke up. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?"
(Pancake went back to sleep already? Wow, I don't know what to say about that...)
*Goes to kitchen to make pancakes* bum dee hum *grabs flour milk eggs and other household baking items and throws it all to one big pot, mixes it and makes pancakes of the culinary artists degree*
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