Corrupt the Wish!

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Granted, now there's a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave to spice things up.

I wish that my microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave didn't explode.
Granted, but it implodes.

I wish for a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave microwaving a microwave.
Good job, granted, you get a bomb that creates immense heat and utterly proves global warming.

I wish there is no such thing as coincidence in the universe.
Granted, now anything that would be a coincidence is deleted from the world, which prevents a lot of good things that would happen in your life and others, and it also murders the universe because the big bang was a coincidence.

I wish that my microwave didn't explode when a singular molecule of tin flies in there.
Granted, it's 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001G, you can't do anything now.

I wish for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish.
granted, your wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish that's for a wish is for a lot of duck feathers.

I wish for duck feathers.
Granted, she's .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% nicer. Though, she acts about the same.

I wish for an army to come to my house. You can probably see where I'm going with this.
Granted, it's made of one and a half diggers. (soviet cartoon references are better than your jojo references)

I wish for my wish to be corrupted
Granted, but angergermankid's theme plays.
I wish for moonlord not to drop Meowmere, Last Prism, SDMG and Celebration (The first 3 i already have, the latter is the worst)
Granted, it will drop mud blocks instead.

I wish the person who grants this wish will lose his ability to grant wishes after this wish.
Granted, but I can still corrupt them.

I wish for a single legal 50€ bill to appear on the table nearest to me, completely stationary, and for it to not move in any way until I choose to pick it up, at which point it will function exactly like a normal 50€ bill.
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