Corrupt the Wish!

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Granted, but the moon collides with earth and kills everyone exactly one millisecond after the wish takes place because the genie is too uncreative at the moment to make a more creative corruption.

I wish for a tree.
Granted, but now the only way to get food is to buy it from Subway. Subway's prices rise insanely high, causing everyone who isn't rich to starve.

I wish this wish wasn't wished.
Granted, your home, your wealth, and everything else you own turns to nothing.

I wish for a magical potato with the power to crush my foes.
Granted, but it will only the nearest person to you that you hate and only work if you hate yourself.

I wish I was good at something and that it also be something I like.
Granted, viruses are the new antibacteria, and take over the immune systems of mots beings.

I wish for the next post to be wrong.
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