CC Creation Compendium #25

Pretty good stuff, you guys! Love it. As always. Man, I don't really vary my posts on this thread.
I see daimera wasn't the first to enter for once!
I intentionally held back. :B Gotta let others get the spotlight, yaknow?

Great entries all around! Khaios' is amazing, but most of the builds here are great! I'm actually fairly fond of Cuddles' little house, the rustic look is very appealing!

And for everyone who's wondering about the Crimson herb in mine, I just wanted to balance the picture out. I chose to use my theoretical Crimrose, though I technically had two Crimson herb suggestions (the other being Raffleshia).
Love me some sword art. :passionate:

Those Daimera plants blew me out of the park though. And those Crimson plants! Why are they not already in the game!? :eek:
I see all of these gigantic big building creations, and then at the almost bottom, is my little blue slime.
I have to try harder for the next one.
This time the art was astounding! Good job to everyone who worked on these, and keep it up! Don't give up on art because that's one of the worst things you could do.
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