Console Do console players recieve the 1.3 update later when the PC comes out?

It is most likely you will get content from 1.3, but it will take time.
As far as I know, 505 are trying to to take Terraria in their own way, but they are still porting it.
You will get the big features for sure like a new damage type or a new big event that gives the player more progression.
I'm a PC user by the way. :)
They said ps4 and Xbox updates are not coming at the same time the ps4 will get the update first because the ps4 runs on a better platform.
Terraria 2 won't be coming out for some time as red is working on a different project then he said he'll work on t2
Sry, i havent been on lately. Terraria 2 is very interesting to me but they have not told us ANY details about the game so we shouldn't talk about that YET! I am very excited about 1.3 and I am just glad that we have the Pumpkin Moon. My hope is that we will get all the fancy features our PC friends have in the near future and that we will be equal in content. SOON!
It usually takes a few months for the console version to catch up with the PC version, for obvious reasons. 505 and the current developers of Terraria have already stated in a previous topic that although Red is no longer going to be with Terraria after this next huge update, they will continue to develop and release new things in Terraria. It will take some time, but console will eventually get everything PC currently has, its just, as always, a waiting game.
Probably already mentioned here 100 different times, but when 505 Games decides to add 1.3(and the versions they're missing from console) to it, that's when it'll happen. Relogic has no control over the consoles, as far as I know.
Or STFU to begin with. That's always an option.

If you have nothing to say thats on-topic, please do not bore us with your silly comments.

Probably already mentioned here 100 different times, but when 505 Games decides to add 1.3(and the versions they're missing from console) to it, that's when it'll happen. Relogic has no control over the consoles, as far as I know.

Sounds about right. It takes a while to port over everything from PC to console, and with consoles hardware limitations, it does not make the job any easier.
Welcome folks I'm new to Terraria community.
I do wish updates for consoles would come out quicker. If I was playing on PC (which I'm not) and creating hype for 1.3 update and knowing console is behind. I think it wouldn't be fair to console players to watch PC players talk about this cool update and all the new features on various websites like this one, Steam, Reddit, etc. Then console players are in total boredom waiting for new features. Basically, what I'm saying is PC players already are(1.2.4) and will spoil the new content thus frustrating console players community. It be good for the business for Re-Logic and 505 Games to come up for a agreement. That being said, someone new to Terraria could have the full experience from the PC version for console. Maybe 505 Games should consider hiring new staff only for Terraria development on console. As a matter of fact, perhaps Re-Logic instead.
Technically, that's what in place now.

Engine only develops for Console
CodeGlue only develops for Mobile
ReLogic only develops for PC (though it's content gets ported to Console/Mobile)

Unless you meant something else?
What I'm saying is console and mobile (or just console) should be allowed to catch up. It will be quite a while after PC update for console to get 1.3. Something needs to enhance the developer's pace. Frankly, I do see people throw PC version in my face a couple of times on Reddit. It's just annoying. Which is not very good for "Terrarian" community. You're asking people to try and play Terraria with a community that doesn't have very much synergy. Console players can't talk about fishing, minecarts, booster tracks, minions and some other content. Console gets a lot of great games, modern-looking. Is Terraria not a great game? Some of the best selling games make out real well on console. Terraria is a great game and really enjoy it a lot. The concern is console players might end up getting frustrated with the updates and switch to PC version. Some people have already done this. If a game is not getting enough sales or activity on your console machine, wouldn't you cut it? The updates become equal, you're looking at a much greater potential for the future of Terraria. Think about the mathematics of it. Enhancing the community you have now would be better for business. Creating even more potential.
Oh look, now all the worries about when our next update have been resolved: 505 IS CONCENTRATING ON MOBILE! LOOK ON THE FRONT OF THE HOME PAGE OR CLICK THIS LINK:
For the past 500 weeks they have just been inducing the mobile players but not us, it's like we have been forgotten...
All I wish for is that every platform should be equal and equally UPDATED.
MOBILE: Almost 1.2----------I
PC: 1.2.4 -------------------I
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