Game Mechanics Let's hear your best suggestions for seed combinations!

As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

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Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!
drunk world + celebrationmk10: all pure/normal biomes(forest, desert, underground) are replaced with hallow, the surface jungle is replaced with a surface mushroom biome. lets make the blue seed even more blue.
As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

View attachment 415396

Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!
Personally, No traps + Not the bees = bee traps, or we could have a new bee hive boulder?
As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

View attachment 415396

Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!
Hey so this isn’t about a world seed and I’m only saying something here because I’m new and don’t know how to use this site but I was thinking that something that should be added is something that you can use to summon the Martian invasion maybe you use the block that you get from I don’t know but I just think that that would be very useful
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Para o digno + o constante
O jogador não sente só fome, mas também SEDE, FRIO, CALOR EXTREMOS, dificultando ainda mais a aventura.
A água coletada das fontes ou da pia não é própria para o uso, e fornece buff "hidratado" por apenas 1 min.
água potável é criada usando a panela, uma única garrafa de água pode ser convertida em água potável, o que alivia
por 10 min.
Água gelada é criada usando bloco de gelo e água potável na mão.
Entrar no deserto faz com que o jogador fique com o debuff "garganta seca" e precisa beber muita água; água gelada fornece "hidratado" por 10 min.
Água quente pode ser criada usando água potável na panela, que, quando o player entra na neve, ele bebe água quente e fica com o buff "aquecido" por 10 min (chá, café e comidas quentes dão o mesmo efeito).
Ficar no deserto sem água pode matar o player por "desidratação", e ficar na neve sem água quente ou chá, café e comidas quentes pode causar o debuff "congelando" e eventualmente matar o player.
É obrigatório entrar no submundo com a armadura de carmesim ou demonite e armaduras melhores, caso contrário, o jogador terá o debuff "condenado", derretendo.
Essa é só uma das minhas ideias. Depois eu inventei outras. Um abraço!
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Here's a completely crazy idea, what if these "combination effects" were their own separate things instead? Y'know, so the player could experience the behaviour of each of these world effects without an added (or removed) thing on top? So if players wanted to play with Celebration + DST world effects active, they get the standard effects of both -- hunger from DST, default NPCs from Celeb, etc.
Ignoring that this makes modding easier as well, players would be given more customisation of their worlds, with the only extra effects having to be added are the ones that were going to be added anyway.
So a random idea, but seeds that make the entire world a specific biome (barring elimination of evil biomes). So a seed that makes the whole world desert, snow, jungle, or ocean (with islands for bits of regular biome spawn areas).

Another "fun" one would be a seed where ores don't spawn. You either have to find chests with the bars, extractinate them, or fish for them. Maybe go big, and make bosses drop them instead, granted they would have to be dropping equivalent "tier" ore to their "tier" as a boss. I know that most folks will probably hate this, but could make an interesting challenge seed for the YouTubers to complete. I am looking at you Chippy!
It would be cool if combining the everything seed and for the worthy would cause the ultimate mode: Emotional Damage Mode: it combines every single special seed just like the everything seed, however, every positive change from the special seeds are removed, and every negative mixed special seed effect is in the game, such as the vampire effect, which would require the true surface would have to have a day and night cycle like a regular world. But not the skyblock one because that should be it's own thing. This would be so difficult that only a stereotypical Chinese kid could defeat this mode, also the terraria youtubers, but they can beat anything. I know this isn't the best idea out there, and I bet somebody has already suggested something like this, but it would be quite cool.
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Drunk seed+ celebrationmk10 seed should make a "quality of life" seed where you keep the both evil and both ores, the higher drop chances and starting NPC'S but not having the bosses turn small. Biome spread will be reduced, the jungle and snow are evenly halved in their space, also boss drops could be shimmered and more loot can be swapped in it, mech summons go from worm to eye to skull then back to worm in shimmer, ect
For the worthy + Zenith seed + Master Mode
Upon spawning the WOF, two will spawn instead, one on both sides.
These WOFs have their own health bar, but both will die when one is killed.
Only one obsidian box will spawn when either is killed (on the side where the player had dealt the killing blow).
However, when the WOFs collide with each other in the middle, they will combine, adding however much health was left to the fuller side.

Pretty much starting all over again, and then some.
maybe the health bar will do a meta move and just show the red being bigger the bar itself. like Ganondorf's in TOTK
Get fixed boi + The Constant adds a sanity meter.
When you go insane, falling boulders, poison darts, and enemies quickly spawn around you (and they have no drops).

Just realized someone already suggested something similar, but this is a different take on sanity mechanics and would play a bit differently.
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As you all might know by now, we are adding a new special seed selection menu that will allow you to combine the special seeds of your choosing.

View attachment 415396

Along with this change, we will be introducing special effects when you make specific combinations. We already have quite a few in-game, but now I want to hear from you! What are your best ideas for what these combined effects could be? A small example of what we have done so far is combining "The Constant" with "Celebrationmk10," which will start the player out in the center of the world again, while retaining most of the effects from "Celebrationmk10."

I'm looking specifically for changes to world generation and in-game mechanical changes, not extravagant additions like new bosses or overly complicated new items.

You can find a list of special seeds and what they do on the Official Terraria Wiki.

Let's hear your thoughts!
OK hear me out.
No traps + Not The Bees Replaces every boulder with a larvae. all larvae also act as boulders on top of summoning queen bee. so breaking one causes a chain of spawning queen bee
What about a proximity voice chat? I played with 5 friends and one was learning... it was chaotic trying to explain to him while 2 others were fighting and so on... c:
I don't know if this has been said, but it might've been told for "not the bees" and "For The Worthy," around every 100 beehives mined, a queen bee spawns.
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