The Destroyer
Riolu starts meditating; he's doing breathing exercises in order to focus on his Aura and gain a greater understanding of how it works.
"*scent"(Dam you guys did plenty over the last day, holy)
*Tethin looks at Rope God as he tries to hide his embarrassment and keep his pride intact. His face softens a smidge. He waves Rope God over.* "Hey bud, come over and let me take a look at that bite. Then, once we've made sure your new mortal form isn't going to die on you, we can cook the bear, feed ourselves and keep it that way."
*He looks at Chiss, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly.* "maybe we should hide your sent." He says to Chiss. *He waits for Rope God by the bear corpse.*
(He's unlikely to reject. However, he's only online at 8am - 5pm est.)(Should I just join? The OP hasn’t been online.)
(Never assume your application is accepted. It's impolite to do so.(Should I just join? The OP hasn’t been online.)
(It was a dang C! Also, it is a homophone with no audible difference. Still, thank you for correcting me, well done.)"*scent"
Riolu resumes his meditation.
*Tethin looks at Rope God's shoulder and takes some rope from the rope god's shoulder, tears some fabric from his long coat and ties a makeshift bandage on the wound.**The Rope God walks over to Tethin, tying a rope in ways you never thought possible.*
It doesn't look too bad.
Compared to being dead...
*He looks at the somewhat bad bite on his shoulder.*
That was... Really stupid of... Uhhh... The bear! To... Attack me of all people!
"Welcome to being mortal. Survival is our number one priority, and anything that breaths can tell you that they are fine with others dying if it means they can live longer. But it has its moments. Take some time getting used to it, we seem to work better together than apart, so let's stick together for now, yeah? Also, I am perfectly fine with eating rope. I've actually got a few stories from doing pretty similarly unusual things back home if you'd like to hear 'em while we wait for the fire to start."Yeah, I'm fine. You know, I'm kinda completely new to this whole "not being fine" thing. I used to just teleport away from danger, or just go incorporeal, but when I just tried, it just... Didn't happen.
Thanks for helping.
*The Rope god rubs his shoulder.*
(Seems like you're going to have to wait another day. It seems like he's going away for a while. Check his profile posts.)(Should I just join? The OP hasn’t been online.)
*The Rope god stops Cole.**Tethin begins rubbing a stick in between his hands really fast to generate friction to start a fire.
[I can smell the freedom. Accepted.](I’ve never done one of these before, but I’ll give it a shot!)
Name: Michael Windwood
Nicknames (Optional): “The Brightest Sheriff” (or just “Bright”)
Gender: Male
Text Color: Yellow
Appearance: Kid dressed up as a cowboy
Personality: Trigger happy; stubborn; loyal
Equipment (Optional): N/A
Theme (Optional): “Enemy Retreating” from Undertale Yellow
Backstory (Optional): N/A
Abilities: Can make bullets, guns, flash grenades, and maybe a few other weapons out of light (a round of bullets takes 5 seconds, flash grenades takes a minute, and a gun takes 5 minutes)
Strengths: Clever
Height: 5’6’’
Weight: 101lb
Exploitable flaws: Over reliance on gun
Extras (Optional): N/A
[Join at will.](Should I just join? The OP hasn’t been online.)
(there's only one s, it's chis)*He looks at Chis, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly.* "maybe we should hide your scent." He says to Chis. *He waits for Rope God by the bear corpse.*
Chis looks over at Braven.Braven is watching everyone with mild confusion.
Only a bit?"Yeah, just a bit confused."
Name: Braven
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Arcana [Earth Alignment; Won't matter until further notice.]
Appearance: [spoiler=Big Image Warning][img][/img][/spoiler]
Personality: Relaxed, easy to get along with even if he’s an enemy (He’s friendly to pretty much anyone, unless someone has done something really bad). However… asking him about certain parts of his past can cause him to close up for a while. He’s pretty open about most of it though.
Equipment: A spear, standard Golden Echo equipment (dagger and throwing knives), and a lyre.
Abilities: His lyre can be used for various things, though I’m finding it hard to explain for this description.
[I know I had another ability (I think a magic type) in mind, but I can’t recall specifics.]
Strengths: Is a really talented musician, and has great teamwork skills.
Weaknesses: He’s afraid of light, dark, and ice magic. He usually tries to hide this fear, but sometimes he just can’t.
Known Backstory (Optional): [SPOILER=Current Notes]
-Was separated from his family when he was like, 10 years old, because a group of mages attacked. This left Braven quite afraid of mages in general for a while.
-He learned to survive on his own in a forest, and met Lav during that, who became his companion later.
-Some time later Vey noticed him while they were on their way to handle a mission, after which they gave him a place to stay.
--At first during the initial encounter, Braven was trying to stay hidden because he thought Vey would hurt him if they noticed him, due to the previously mentioned fear caused by the attack earlier.
-Vey and Lyric would often visit him to bring supplies and simply to talk to him and make sure he was doing alright.
--Obscura was aware of this and was fine with this, by the way. And while he probably wouldn't admit it, he likely still has the same opinion these days.
-As a result of that, Braven recovered from his childhood trauma almost completely without resorting to things like locking away memories.
-A few years after meeting Vey, Braven joined Golden Echo officially after learning that they mainly targeted powerful mages. He hopes that eventually the organization finds/targets the mages that attacked his family, and plans to request that he goes after them if and when that happens. "After all, this is MY battle, not anyone else's."
-Due to occasionally asking people he met while heading to mission locations, he knows that his family is still alive, but he doesn't know where they are.
Text Color: [COLOR=#441F71]#441f71[/COLOR]
(You accidentally used female pronouns for Chis)Only a bit?
...Anyways, ...We should really start doing... something. Currently we're goofing around more than a toddler after eating an entire batch of cookies.
[The moon arises. and it is a... (D20: 20) (D8:2) Waxing Crescent Blood moon. The bright red moon is harmless, however. It is simply pretty to look at.]
Chis, due to her diurnal nature and having never seen a blood moon before, is very confused.
Why is the moon red? Is that the moon? SHOULD I SLEEP OR SHOULD I STAY AWAKE? WHAT'S GOING ON!?!!
I don't like this!