Single Thread RP Limbo.

I don't think barbed wire is very religious.

The Therian punches the Pink Azure again (D20:17), breaking it, before walking over to some Blue Azure and SHATTERING IT IN A SINGLE BLOW. (D20:20.)]
She then grabs both ores.

Increased aggression, huh? Dilated pupils? This could not be better.
[He could not be more wrong.]
The Therian walks away, but you can faintly hear her mumbling... (Roll to hear, you'll need atleast a D20:10)
...I'm going to need a corpse flower to finish the scarring, some sort of lead-like substance to keep my blood in it's efficient state, I've got Gleameron, which can finish my back, something that can cause my pupils to dilate for better sight, so far my leading idea is a mixture of frog & lizard dna... and for my arms & legs I'm going to need to synthetically make pure Lithium or something similar...
(Says the guy who's about to give his OC lead poisoning)
(no like
a lot of trees
this forest is made of forest squared)
(Forests are normally 2D, relative to the dirt they're on. So a forest squared would be a cube-shaped forest.)

Riolu decides to follow Rope and Sir Stupid.
*Tethin decides to use the last burst of strength the crystal has granted him... But there's next to nothing to do. He brings the bags of preserved meat and snow to Chris' house and makes homemade explosives out of the animal fats. He also leaves a note reading: I am going to seperate myself from the group, I'm sick and I don't want anyone to catch what I have. Thank you for the trust and power you have given me. During this time, I trust you to take care of each other and for the love of all things holy, don't let Therian do anything stupid. Choose a new leader, don't, it's your decision. If you want lessons in guerilla fighting, speak through my tent covers and I'll tell you all I know. Also, I let a few homemade explosives for you. Use wisely! After writing the note and making the bombs, he goes back to his tent.*
three ovel shaped bowls holding explosive gel are by the tripwire. There are wicks sticking out of small holes in each which can be either ignited manually or set up with flint shards attached to tripwire hooks and made to explode on impact. Use wisely! Please be careful!
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