This mod...
This mod is one of the most high quality mods I've seen! The items are fun to use, the mod is well made and it's such a good time!
Seeing Torizo come out of it's "shell", absorb the Energy Tank, stand up and start walking, all fully animated, was mind-blowing!
If there's one thing I would like to see, it's more structures similar to the Chozo Ruins, imagine fighting Kraid in his lair, or fighting Phantoon in the Wrecked ship! 
Great work, Scooterboot, can't wait to see the full potential of this mod.
This mod is one of the most high quality mods I've seen! The items are fun to use, the mod is well made and it's such a good time!
Seeing Torizo come out of it's "shell", absorb the Energy Tank, stand up and start walking, all fully animated, was mind-blowing!
Great work, Scooterboot, can't wait to see the full potential of this mod.
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Official Terrarian
Perhaps...I wonder if there will be post moonlord content in this mod?
The current setup is that the Lunar tier suits are the endgame, and bosses such as the Metroid Prime or Mother Brain would be Moonlord tier. However, a lot of ideas about revamping progression have been tossed around amongst ourselves (the mod team), but we've yet to settle on anything. We'll see what the future holds.
I actually do want to at least add Kraid and Ridley's lairs, and definitely want to add the Impact Crater. I have ideas on adding more custom world structures beyond that, though I like to take things one step at a time.This mod...
This mod is one of the most high quality mods I've seen! The items are fun to use, the mod is well made and it's such a good time!
Seeing Torizo come out of it's "shell", absorb the Energy Tank, stand up and start walking, all fully animated, was mind-blowing!If there's one thing I would like to see, it's more structures similar to the Chozo Ruins, imagine fighting Kraid in his lair, or fighting Phantoon in the Wrecked ship!
Great work, Scooterboot, can't wait to see the full potential of this mod.
Empress of Light
Now that the mod has been released, has there been any thought about a discord server open to the public for ideas and general chat about the mod?
Having a Ridley's lair would be incredible! I think having an area for each Door hatch would be a good idea (Blue already being for Chozo ruins, that leaves Red, green and yellow ) It would give them an interesting use instead of just decorative purposes. Also will there be any bosses after Torizo and before Serris? I question this because it's such a long gap between the bosses. Perhaps using the Hatch idea I mentioned for an optional boss using the red hatch in a generated structure? Those are just some minor ideas; great job on this mod guys!
If you don't mind, do you still have the .wav that was in the old version of the mod? Do you plan to update it any point in the future?
It's finally here!
This mod is currently in Open Beta. This means there is the possibility of bugs and balance issues that you may encounter while playing.
Feedback is greatly appreciated, as we will be actively trying to fix each issue that crops up.-Single Player-
* As far as we know, the only major singleplayer issues are balance related. Let is know what is too difficult or too easy, and we'll see what we can do to fix it!
* Enemies and bosses have wonky behavior in multiplayer. They may "teleport" short distances. It's possible some bosses may be too difficult in multiplayer as a result. If this is the case, feel free to use a cheat mod or fight the boss in singleplayer.
*Using Right Click to collect an item from a Chozo Statue may cause the item to disappear instead. Use a pickaxe to mine the item for the time being. Same applies to Missile Expansions.A fix has been implemented for this, but I don't know if it works 100%. I would like multiplayer users to try obtaining items via right click to see if all is well.
-tModLoader 64bit-
* This mod is untested on TML64 and some users have reported crashes when using it.
While reporting issues on this thread is fine, you may also report issues here. Simply click "New Issue", give it a title and a description. The more details the better.
Mod Contents:
A wiki is currently being worked on for this mod. In the meantime, here's a quick progression guide so you can get into the thick of it:
-Getting started-
First of all, make sure the mod is properly enabled and loaded. Then, make a new world and character.
The start is not far off from vanilla: Dig, build, explore, fight.
During your exploration, you may encounter a few new things: Chozite Ore, Chozo Statues, and Missile Expansions.
Note: Chozite Ore requires 50% pickaxe power to mine, though Chozo Statues do not have this requirement. Mining a statue will net you additional Chozite ore. (Personal statues can be made out of regular stone, and mining them does not give you ore.)
Every statue you encounter will have an item resting on its hands. Almost every item you find will be unusable, however, but save them for later. Same goes for Missile Expansions.
Continue playing until you're powerful enough to defeat the Eye of Cthulhu. Chozite Armor can be made out of Chozite Ore.
Not exactly a Power Suit... yet!
You may have noticed an odd icon on your map.
Heading over to it will take you through the desert to find...
The Chozo Ruins!
The doors can be opened with Right Click or by firing a projectile into them - though I suggest saving your arrows if that's what you're using. You're gonna need them.
If you venture through the ruins thoroughly, you'll find:
-A magic carpet
-Morph Ball
-Missile Expansion
-Sandstorm in a Bottle
-Morph Ball Bombs
-Power Grip
If you've found any Morph Ball addons during your previous explorations, you can now use them with the Morph Ball.
You'll know you're reaching the end once you see a Save Station (it's actually just a fancy bed).
Set your spawn point here, if you want. Or don't. Either way, you're about to fight a boss (in case it wasn't obvious).
Suspicious Chozo Statue is suspicious. This thing is larger than any other statue, and boy that Energy Tank seems tempting... But any veteran Metroid fan may know what'll happen if you approach it.
I hope you've brought plenty of arrows for your bow, or have plenty of magic for your magic weapon... or just plan on swinging a sword into it. Either way, it's time to fight the Torizo.
Defeating it will yield some Chozite Ore, and also Energy Shards - a much needed resource. With Energy Shards and Chozite Bars, you can craft the Power Beam! Pew pew!
But also remember how the Torizo was holding an Energy Tank? With these Energy Shards, you can craft Energy Tanks. However, to do so, you will also need Shadow Scales (if on a Corruption world) or Tissue Samples (if on a Crimson world). Which means you need to fight a vanilla boss: Either Eater of Worlds or Brain of Cthulhu.
With Energy Shards and Shadow Scales/Tissue Samples in hand, crafting Energy Tanks is now doable. You may now use Energy Tanks to convert your Chozite Armor into...
The Power Suit! -Insert Samus intro fanfare here-
The guide ends here. I will write more in time, but for now, explore and find out things on your own for awhile. I hope the design of this mod is intuitive enough so that you won't need a guide too much to figure out what to do next. If it isn't, feel free to submit suggestions on how to improve it. Also if you're stuck on what to do next, simply ask and I'll answer to the best of my ability.
You can also use the mod Boss Checklist to help you figure out what to do next - this mod is fully compatible with it!Boss Checklist - Fully compatible!
Terraria Overhaul - Expect issues
Not many other mods have been tested, though most of them should be compatible. Let us know of any and all mod compatibilities and we'll see if we can fix them - if not, we'll list the incompatibility here.
I'm no longer working alone on this. These are the wonderful peeps who helped make this mod possible:
-Scooterboot - that's me!
-BegoliahSpecial thanks to all these other people who've helped here and there:
-The tModLoader team for making tModLoader
-The tAPI Team because this mod was once for tAPI
-Surfpup + other devs for making tConfig back in the day, which is where this mod started.
-Everyone who has helped me on the forums (can't remember all of the names)
-Angie the Demoness
-And others that I've forgotten the names of...
A big thank you to the awesome community here and all of the kind words. This mod would have died long ago if there weren't so many caring and kind people here.Terraria and Metroid are owned by Re-Logic and Nintendo respectively. I made this mod for entertainment and educational purposes only.
Old tAPI version can be found here if any of you are still interested in playing it.
Official Terrarian
So I played this mod on the 1.1.2 back in the day. And since 1.3-1.4 I've been checking the progress on this, and I'm glad to see that you guys followed through and made a finished product (well haven't played it yet, but I'm no judge), can't wait to try it out again
Queen Slime
Whelp. Having played it a lot I can say this mod is absolutely fun. Whenever it ports to 1.4 I bet it'll be even more fun due to some of the things in it but I'm greatly looking forward to the future content! Maybe when all the items/enemies/bosses are finally implemented someone will make one of those fancy super large worlds to make a replica map in with proper blocks too. That'd be pretty awesome and a dream but one step at a time.
One more thing. Is there a support banner for this mod? I would definitely put that in my signature.
Empress of Light
While that would be neat wit the different hatches, I do wonder if doing that wouldn't hinder those not playing as the Hunter class. Although the Chozo Ruins is designed around Morph Ball usage at points, that in itself isn't class specific till you start using the bombs. Mounts are basically pretty universal although a few that can do damage are summon damage. Granted, there's nothing stopping you from pickaxing your way through the ruins to the boss. I suspect the upcoming lairs will have tiles you can't mine. Even on my playthroughs where I don't use the Hunter weapons and armor, the Morph Ball still comes in handy in making base entrances that most enemies (barring no clipping ones) can't break in. Hmm... maybe I could try hatches, don't think they can open those on their own. Plus the mod is great even when not using the weapons and armor, like getting to fight Metroid bosses the Terraria way, like using melee or summon weapons.Having a Ridley's lair would be incredible! I think having an area for each Door hatch would be a good idea (Blue already being for Chozo ruins, that leaves Red, green and yellow ) It would give them an interesting use instead of just decorative purposes. Also will there be any bosses after Torizo and before Serris? I question this because it's such a long gap between the bosses. Perhaps using the Hatch idea I mentioned for an optional boss using the red hatch in a generated structure? Those are just some minor ideas; great job on this mod guys!
You bring a good point; but perhaps there could be optional Hatch key cards? You would basically just keep them in your inventory or maybe they could be a consumable and you would be able to open those types of hatches with it; The crafting recipes would use the same materials but I think that way it wouldn't be class locked with just hunter.While that would be neat wit the different hatches, I do wonder if doing that wouldn't hinder those not playing as the Hunter class. Although the Chozo Ruins is designed around Morph Ball usage at points, that in itself isn't class specific till you start using the bombs. Mounts are basically pretty universal although a few that can do damage are summon damage. Granted, there's nothing stopping you from pickaxing your way through the ruins to the boss. I suspect the upcoming lairs will have tiles you can't mine. Even on my playthroughs where I don't use the Hunter weapons and armor, the Morph Ball still comes in handy in making base entrances that most enemies (barring no clipping ones) can't break in. Hmm... maybe I could try hatches, don't think they can open those on their own. Plus the mod is great even when not using the weapons and armor, like getting to fight Metroid bosses the Terraria way, like using melee or summon weapons.
Someone from Nevada
Official Terrarian
Hold one, I think I can help with the dungeon layout for both Kraid and Ridley's lair...unless it's randomised
Maybe have the doors unlock at the correct stage of progression. For example, missiles are unlocked after defeating BoC or EoW, so then unlock the red hatches and display a status message like, "All red hatches in [World Name] have been unlocked!". Super Missiles are unlocked in early Hardmode, so when WoF is defeated, do the same thing but with green hatches, so on and so on.While that would be neat wit the different hatches, I do wonder if doing that wouldn't hinder those not playing as the Hunter class. Although the Chozo Ruins is designed around Morph Ball usage at points, that in itself isn't class specific till you start using the bombs. Mounts are basically pretty universal although a few that can do damage are summon damage. Granted, there's nothing stopping you from pickaxing your way through the ruins to the boss. I suspect the upcoming lairs will have tiles you can't mine. Even on my playthroughs where I don't use the Hunter weapons and armor, the Morph Ball still comes in handy in making base entrances that most enemies (barring no clipping ones) can't break in. Hmm... maybe I could try hatches, don't think they can open those on their own. Plus the mod is great even when not using the weapons and armor, like getting to fight Metroid bosses the Terraria way, like using melee or summon weapons.
Wouldn't it make crafting the missile launcher or super missile pointless for hunter class? Also for adventure maps that want to use these hatches will have to be extra careful about which bosses they use in those said maps.Maybe have the doors unlock at the correct stage of progression. For example, missiles are unlocked after defeating BoC or EoW, so then unlock the red hatches and display a status message like, "All red hatches in [World Name] have been unlocked!". Super Missiles are unlocked in early Hardmode, so when WoF is defeated, do the same thing but with green hatches, so on and so on.
Good point. Your keycard idea is also good. I think that they shouldn't be consumable, because it'll be really annoying to have to bring the right amount of keys for each door.Wouldn't it make crafting the missile launcher or super missile pointless for hunter class? Also for adventure maps that want to use these hatches will have to be extra careful about which bosses they use in those said maps.
What I mean by consumable is once you use the keycard you could use any weapon on the hatch the keycard was for; what you said would be quite annoying indeed lol.Good point. Your keycard idea is also good. I think that they shouldn't be consumable, because it'll be really annoying to have to bring the right amount of keys for each door.
Someone from Nevada
Official Terrarian
Is anyone gonna answer my question
Question being?Is anyone gonna answer my question
Someone from Nevada
Official Terrarian
Is it all right if I can help with to dungeon layouts for Kraid and Ridley's lair?Question being?
We can always come up with ideas for the layoutsIs it all right if I can help with to dungeon layouts for Kraid and Ridley's lair?
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