Sprites Mystical Rune - Making Yoyos a bit more interesting


Dungeon Spirit
As they stand, yoyos are fairly fun weapons. Theres not much to them, although they are useful. But what if there was a new way to use yoyos?

And thus I present the mystical rune.


Mystical Rune

The Mystical Rune is an accessory that has a 1/10 chance to spawn floating around in a dungeon slime in place of a golden key.

Rune Drawing

This accessory would allow for an action known as rune drawing, which is basically just drawing shapes in the air with your yoyo. To actual enter the rune-drawing mode, you would have to double-tap your "up" key twice.

When you enter rune-drawing mode, the screen will gain a vignette and slight purple tint. Your yoyo would be much easier to manipulate and color your cursor, plus leave a purple after-image that'd last for the duration of the rune drawing mode. Rune-drawing mode would last only 5 seconds, and if you either successfully or unsuccessfully draw a rune it will end.

Unsuccessfully drawing a rune would only occur if you somehow manage to draw a shape that doesn't fit even remotely into any of the following rune categories.
Whether or not you drew a rune successfully, you will always get a debuff after entering rune-drawing mode called Runic Discord which will damage you for 1/6 of your max health if you try to enter rune-drawing mode again.

tl;dr double-tap the "up" key twice to draw shapes, which will grant you special effects.

Mystical_Rune 1.png

Triangle Rune

If you draw a triangular shape, you will get a buff that increases your yoyo damage by 20% for 10 seconds.

Mystical_Rune 2.png

Square Rune

If you draw a square shape, you will be given 10 additional defense for 10 seconds.

Mystical_Rune 3.png

Circular Rune

If you draw a circular rune, you will have a 30% increased movement speed and be able to dash for 10 seconds.

Mystical_Rune 4.png

Star Rune

If you draw a star shape, your yoyo will have a spinning star around in that is about 3 blocks in diameter for 10 seconds. It would hit enemies for half the damage of the yoyo itself.

Mystical_Rune 5.png

Zigzag Rune

If you draw any sort of zigzag shape, your yoyo will shoot 3 lasers at nearby enemies every second for 10 seconds. The lasers would deal 2/3 of the yoyo's damage.

And that's my suggestion. I could go on about all the cool different particle effects there would be for each of the different rune effects, but it would just drag the thread on. I think that you can just imagine what it would look like.

I might add more rune shapes or change the effects of the current ones, so feel free to suggest some changes.

Thanks for reading!
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Oh yeah, I have the same feeling! I created a thread with the exact same point but giving yoyos a ability! Plz come check it out. About to post the link in a few seconds


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Is there a time limit on how long you can stay in rune drawing mode? if so how long?
wow I sound like a test.
Also one thing, I looked back at this again and noticed that the triangle rune pattern is really powerful with that 25% increase of damage so maybe lower it to 10 or something. Also side note, maybe make it where it buffs the yoyo instead of Melee weapons bc you could just switch out to a better Melee weapon
I still like your suggestion!
Is there a time limit on how long you can stay in rune drawing mode? if so how long?
Rune-drawing mode would last only 5 seconds

Also one thing, I looked back at this again and noticed that the triangle rune pattern is really powerful with that 25% increase of damage so maybe lower it to 10 or something. Also side note, maybe make it where it buffs the yoyo instead of Melee weapons bc you could just switch out to a better Melee weapon
I still like your suggestion!
I'll lower it to 20% and make it exclusive to yoyos. To be honest I feel like I should redo these effects they aren't the greatest.
This is really cool! If anything was added to Terraria, it should be this!!!

It would be so cool to have this ready. But if this was added there should be a Book of Runes or something where you can select which Rune (not unlike the Grand Design), and when highlighting the Rune you want, it would tell you what it does.
I have an idea for a new rune: The Mona Lisa!
When drawn perfectly, gives noclip, a 200% speedboost, and infinite flight time with all wings and mounts while instant killing every enemy on screen for 1 minute. (if drawn even a pixel off, it will instantly kill the player as if it was hardcore, and uninstalls terraria while wiping every save file on the hard drive and on steam cloud.)

Just kidding. I think this suggestion sounds interesting, though I can see the future pains of pattern recognition with some more complex shapes. How about a rune that gives the yoyo a velocity boost, or one that lets the yoyo draw trails? I think that sounds interesting.

Maybe the rune could have 2 separate versions: one weaker one with effects less profound, and a stronger one with more runes and stronger effects?
I have an idea for a new rune: The Mona Lisa!
View attachment 160551
When drawn perfectly, gives noclip, a 200% speedboost, and infinite flight time with all wings and mounts while instant killing every enemy on screen for 1 minute. (if drawn even a pixel off, it will instantly kill the player as if it was hardcore, and uninstalls terraria while wiping every save file on the hard drive and on steam cloud.)

Just kidding. I think this suggestion sounds interesting, though I can see the future pains of pattern recognition with some more complex shapes. How about a rune that gives the yoyo a velocity boost, or one that lets the yoyo draw trails? I think that sounds interesting.

Maybe the rune could have 2 separate versions: one weaker one with effects less profound, and a stronger one with more runes and stronger effects?
I'll probably add more shapes/effects eventually.

nice edit btw
As they stand, yoyos are fairly fun weapons. Theres not much to them, although they are useful. But what if there was a new way to use yoyos?

And thus I present the mystical rune.

View attachment 158043
Mystical Rune

The Mystical Rune is an accessory that has a 1/10 chance to spawn floating around in a dungeon slime in place of a golden key.

Rune Drawing

This accessory would allow for an action known as rune drawing, which is basically just drawing shapes in the air with your yoyo. To actual enter the rune-drawing mode, you would have to double-tap your "up" key twice.

When you enter rune-drawing mode, the screen will gain a vignette and slight purple tint. Your yoyo would be much easier to manipulate and color your cursor, plus leave a purple after-image that'd last for the duration of the rune drawing mode. Rune-drawing mode would last only 5 seconds, and if you either successfully or unsuccessfully draw a rune it will end.

Unsuccessfully drawing a rune would only occur if you somehow manage to draw a shape that doesn't fit even remotely into any of the following rune categories.
Whether or not you drew a rune successfully, you will always get a debuff after entering rune-drawing mode called Runic Discord which will damage you for 1/6 of your max health if you try to enter rune-drawing mode again.

tl;dr double-tap the "up" key twice to draw shapes, which will grant you special effects.

View attachment 158055
Triangle Rune

If you draw a triangular shape, you will get a buff that increases your yoyo damage by 20% for 10 seconds.

View attachment 158056
Square Rune

If you draw a square shape, you will be given 10 additional defense for 10 seconds.

View attachment 158054
Circular Rune

If you draw a circular rune, you will have a 30% increased movement speed and be able to dash for 10 seconds.

View attachment 158058
Star Rune

If you draw a star shape, your yoyo will have a spinning star around in that is about 3 blocks in diameter for 10 seconds. It would hit enemies for half the damage of the yoyo itself.

View attachment 158057
Zigzag Rune

If you draw any sort of zigzag shape, your yoyo will shoot 3 lasers at nearby enemies every second for 10 seconds. The lasers would deal 2/3 of the yoyo's damage.

And that's my suggestion. I could go on about all the cool different particle effects there would be for each of the different rune effects, but it would just drag the thread on. I think that you can just imagine what it would look like.

I might add more rune shapes or change the effects of the current ones, so feel free to suggest some changes.

Thanks for reading!
OMG... I could not love this idea more. It is a genius way of making a little minigame in Terraria and almost creating a new element in the game. The one thing is- I would only make it be able to be dropped in hardmode because some of these things would be a bit OP early game. But otherwise, solid idea! :D
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