Weapons & Equip Obsidian Armor Set Bonus


So, 1.3 added a very cool looking Obsidian Armor set. Unfortunately, it's utterly worthless as an armor set, because it provides defense that is already outclassed by everything else at that tier, and gives no other bonuses. So, what gives? Was it meant to be a vanity set? If so, why was it given so much (but at the same time so little) defense?

So, I propose a set bonus for this armor. Since it looks very Ranger-y with its hat and longcoat, I've made the bonus with that in mind.


Obsidian Armor
-13 Defense
-Consecutive hits with guns raise their critical hit chance.
Every consecutive hit with a gun raises that guns's critical hit chance by 1%. Missing removes 10% of the crit bonus, but will not go lower than the base crit chance. Maxes out at +30% crit chance. Making multiple hits with piercing ammo does not increase the crit chance multiple times.

This armor set would greatly benefit those with steady aim, and be worthless to those who prefer to "spray and pray." For example, with the Revolver, the DPS from wearing Necro is 93. With the Obsidian set at the max crit boost, it has a DPS of 104. If you can land your shots reliably, this armor will be stronger, but only if you can land your shots reliably.
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I like it. I thought it was one of the new throwable class armors, much to my disappointment this was not the case D: I like this idea better though :guidetongue:
20% removed crit chance on missing is a bit extreme, because of how Terraria's combat works.
I think 10% would be better.
20% removed crit chance on missing is a bit extreme, because of how Terraria's combat works.
I think 10% would be better.

It was originally a full wipe to zero when this was a WIP, but I felt that was too harsh. I'll consider lowering it to 10% if anyone else agrees, though.

The point of the armor was that it goes against the normal "shoot blindly" combat of Terraria, though. Can't make it too lenient of missing.
Great Suggestion, although i feel like only raising the crit chance by 1 for a hit while missing REMOVES 20 CRIT CHANCE seems a little unfair, because even with the best aim, you are bound to miss some. I propose it raises the crit chance by 2 or 3.
Another thing is that it could be easily abused by Chlorophyte Bullets or target dummies.
Fantastic, but I dont think it is "highly outclassed". I use it on every run. You can get full obsidian armor in a 1/5 of the time it would have taken to get Gold/Platinum, and it can be used on all 3 prehardmode main bosses.
Great Suggestion, although i feel like only raising the crit chance by 1 for a hit while missing REMOVES 20 CRIT CHANCE seems a little unfair, because even with the best aim, you are bound to miss some. I propose it raises the crit chance by 2 or 3.
Another thing is that it could be easily abused by Chlorophyte Bullets or target dummies.

Miss crit chance removal has been lowered to 10%.

Fantastic, but I dont think it is "highly outclassed". I use it on every run. You can get full obsidian armor in a 1/5 of the time it would have taken to get Gold/Platinum, and it can be used on all 3 prehardmode main bosses.

True, you can obtain it very early on with bombs. It does have its use there. Maybe obsidian should be bomb-proof?
With the Ranged class having so little representation in armors that are exclusive to it, this would definitely be a good addition. Currently only Necro Armor, Shroomite Armor, and somewhat Fossil and Ninja armor would be considered this. You do have the multiple class hats for the hardmode armors, but I'm talking about armors exclusive to Ranged. I love the way the Obsidian Armor looks so this surely gives it the attention it deserves.

Now with the set bonus it does stray away from what Terraria has had in mind for the Ranged class, only having precision come into play with Shroomite as you are sitting still. Yet most ranged accessories and weapons utilize the chance not to consume bullets. I'd say the Ranged class definitely needs more versatility in how to play it, rather than just pew pew and hit things. I recently had the idea of a possible laser scope styled accessory for ranged weaponry, so with something like that accessable at the same level as the Obsidian Armor could really serve to make Ranged actually split into two classes; Spray & Pray and Sniper. Make at least a hardmode weapon or accesory with the same crit increase effect and you've got this becoming a legitimate playstyle, especially with the use of Clorophyte bullets. Even without homing bullets, the set bonus pre-hardmode is very nice for boss fights. Also to take into account if you want to deal damage but are afraid you might miss a shot, you can switch between a ranged weapon into a boomerang or a magic weapon to ensure your hits. Overall, I'd say this is a really nice idea to utilize the Obsidian Armor, it seems as if the design was made in the likelihood of a ranger in the first place.
This is awesome
Plus I think it could be used for mechs to if you yemeir
What about bows and stuff like star canon?
My aim would also be useful and give you a resonance not to spam even with the musket pouch
If this had a hardmode version (Maby pink gell and soul of might, with obsidian armour) it could make you aim a bit

I also like how bows could be spray and guns could be snipe
But then there's the mini shark
I prefer it to be as it is since it is reletivly easy to obtain, I think thorium mod adds new stats that are not broken.
So, 1.3 added a very cool looking Obsidian Armor set. Unfortunately, it's utterly worthless as an armor set, because it provides defense that is already outclassed by everything else at that tier, and gives no other bonuses. So, what gives? Was it meant to be a vanity set? If so, why was it given so much (but at the same time so little) defense?

So, I propose a set bonus for this armor. Since it looks very Ranger-y with its hat and longcoat, I've made the bonus with that in mind.


Obsidian Armor
-13 Defense
-Consecutive hits with guns raise their critical hit chance.
Every consecutive hit with a gun raises that guns's critical hit chance by 1%. Missing removes 10% of the crit bonus, but will not go lower than the base crit chance. Maxes out at +30% crit chance. Making multiple hits with piercing ammo does not increase the crit chance multiple times.

This armor set would greatly benefit those with steady aim, and be worthless to those who prefer to "spray and pray." For example, with the Revolver, the DPS from wearing Necro is 93. With the Obsidian set at the max crit boost, it has a DPS of 104. If you can land your shots reliably, this armor will be stronger, but only if you can land your shots reliably.
It would make a better Thrower Class armor set due to the fact this looks more like a ninja, than a gunner, besides maybe necromancer armor could be having obsidian added to it?
It would make a better Thrower Class armor set due to the fact this looks more like a ninja, than a gunner, besides maybe necromancer armor could be having obsidian added to it?

Actually it look like gunslinger than ninja because of the coat and hat. Outlaw or lot of/somebody say Obsidian armor. That head piece covers mouth and nose by mask or how I could say it by my words, it doesn't mean it have something to do with ninjas.
That type of mask were worn by bandits and outlaws of western type civiliation.
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Would be extremely OP with minishark if you dont miss, which its hard to against big targets like EoC and WoF.
It would make a better Thrower Class armor set due to the fact this looks more like a ninja, than a gunner, besides maybe necromancer armor could be having obsidian added to it?
The hates to me look like Samuria or Asian culture influenced, but maybe increase the Necromancer or Ancient Necroarmor gets buffed instead?
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