Casual Pet Peeves

Whenever someone taunts you for the heck of it and are fibbing, then whenever you touch them they force you to own up to some bull:red: you never started.
My biggest pet peeves:

1. YouTube commenters who seem to exist only to bash Americans. You know, the kind that takes every single opportunity to say "look at these dumb Americans!". It is beyond obnoxious. Don't you have anything better to do?

That time when some idiot on a social network replies to a question saying 'Wow, I didn't know America had that many states!' when what the subject is is Romania.
Some also like to think the UK doesn't exist: e.g someone is talking about York and his friend constantly brings up that he's wrong and says 'It's New York, dummy!'

These end up becoming stereotypical- doesn't matter America also bashes the rest of the world
Pop-up ads or spammy ads. Do people really think that I will buy a product if they annoy me enough
They really are stupid and annoying, though.
Whenever people sign you up for stuff without asking you.
My mom is the worst with this. I'll tell her not sign me up for something, she'll say she won't, and then she goes and signs me up for it anyway.
I've had this issue. Quite a lot.
A recent example is a program deciding to act like I pressed "accept" when I pressed "decline".
And let's be fair, at least I don't spend 4 hours a day staring at an uninteractive box that is 30% ads anyways.
When the ad is a tiny autoplaying video with sound and it's been placed somewhere on a long, long page. Cue frantic hunt.

It's even worse when there's two instances of the ad.
Videogame wiki pages are the bane of my existence because of this.

The pages tend not to load well on mobile devices (or even basic computers...) anyway because someone thought that overwrought background and title heading needed five or six high-res/big as hell graphics, and while your device struggles to load that abomination of a page, the ads decide they are going to play NOW AND NOTHING WILL STOP THEM!!!

And then your computer decides that it doesn't have to take your :red: anymore and freezes your browser.

And possibly the whole computer itself. Take that, you entitled gamers who want to look up game hints!!!

... (cries softly in a corner)
-People who mistake Manga for a food.
-People who say that Animes are for kids and if you watch them you're just a baby, seriously, go watch them and you'll see yourself, there's even adult-only animes.
-People you think they like you and you find out they talk bad about you with the others.
People who accuse me of not being able to do something. No, I don't mean the regular "You couldn't do that", I mean taking a tiny mistake I made, a small exception of a rule that I forgot or somthing like that to tell me I'm unable to do that, even though I actually can't and there was just a tiny thing, and when I try to explain myself, they cut me off with another "You can't do it!". That just makes me angry to the point that I want to punch them in the face and choke them until they pass out.
In general, not being able to defend myself against an accusation.
Also, if you want me to get really agressive really quickly, accuse me of being a liar. That's the one insult I don't just pretend to ignore.
1. Verizon's terrible TV hardware. This is the 3rd or 4th time this year that one of our set top boxes has bricked. And I don't mean a 12-month year, I mean "since January of this year".

2. Forgetting what else I was going to post here. :V
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