Pixel Privateers Out Now!

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Community Manager
Staff member

Today, we officially launch Pixel Privateers! You can obtain a copy now on Steam at $14.99! We've had an incredible time working with Quadro Delta over the past couple years and are excited to see this game launch into the world! The best part? Even though this is a 1.0 release there will be updates! Check out the trailer and official announcement from Quadro Delta below!

This landmark occasion marks the fulfillment of more than 2 years of development work by our small team at Quadro Delta, and we are incredibly excited and proud to bring the game to you in a full 1.0 release. Over the coming days and weeks, we will be eagerly listening to your feedback and suggestions in order to best prepare the game’s first patches/updates. Of course, fixing bugs will be our highest priority for the immediate future.

While the launch is certainly a milestone, it is far from the end of development. Future patches will expand content and features, as well as the usual bug fixes - while incorporating user feedback and suggestions. We look forward to supporting Pixel Privateers for a long time to come!

How can you give that feedback and/or report bugs? Glad you asked!

  • Since the game is launching straight to 1.0, we want to encourage everyone to report any issues or bugs to us via our support ticket system, JIRA.

  • Alternatively, you can report to us via the Steam forums or our official forums.

  • If you prefer to try to catch us in real time, our community team is ready and willing to help on our Discord server. Please note that our volunteers cannot man the server 24 hours a day, but we will assist everyone as quickly as possible. Leaving a message on Discord and setting your notifications to alert you when a response arrives will allow our team to respond to your questions or concerns as quickly and completely as possible.

We strongly recommend these methods over posting to us on Twitter or Facebook, as our social channels are not considered outlets for technical support - plus it is easy and far more efficient to be able to look in only a few places to find all of the bugs/feedback!

We would like to thank everyone that supported us throughout the development process, and we look forward to joining community members in game! You can find us on our Discord server if you’d like to play with members of our staff.

Happy launch day, Privateers, and we’ll see you in space!

Well it looks like I'm off to the Steam store~

My expectations are pretty high, since you guys are Relogic, but I'm confident that this game won't disappoint. now if you'll excuse me

edit: well... my first playthrough will have to wait until I have access to my windows computer. BUT I'M BUYING IT ANYWAYS
Congratulations to Quadro Delta! Judging from the trailer, the game is looking mighty fine! I'm absolutely swamped with work for at least until April, so unfortunately I won't be able to play it any time soon, but I do sincerely hope you have a good launch!
goddamnit im on vacation and we spent so much money on gas that we're pretty much broke
guess ill have to wait until sunday
However, it will crash on the character production screen;(


  • 2017-02-22_070120.zip
    14.2 KB · Views: 272
Huge congrats to our QD partners on today. Launch day is a special day. Enjoy it, savor it....and then get to work fixing those bugs! *cracks whip* :p
Congrats to Quadro Delta for releasing what seems to be one hell of a game.
Too bad I will have to wait to try it, my computer is not being nice to me.
Imagine how happy we are. Now imagine 100 times that happiness when this forum says "Otherworld on Steam Now!"
Congrats re logic and quadro Delta! :D
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