Items Precipitation Monoliths

Lord Garak

Wall of Flesh
When it rains, it pours.


Like Celestial Monoliths, toggling a Precipitation Monolith will permanently initiate a rain/blizzard weather state, though for the whole world rather than a specific area. Turning the Monolith off will return the precipitation cycle to its natural state, and end any current storm. This is for the enjoyment of rain-lovers like me, and to make farming desirable materials like rainbow brick faster.

There are 4 Precipitation Monoliths. 3 of these represent the light, moderate, and heavy rain effects, respectively. The fourth Monolith causes all 3 effects, randomizing their order and lengths within certain parameters.



The Monoliths appear as a birdbath type fixture with an animated ball of water sitting in the middle. The ball hovers and drips when active. The deepness of the blue coloring depends on the Monolith type; the randomized Monolith shifts color periodically.


The Angry Nimbus enemy now has a new drop, the Dowsing Rod, with a 15% drop chance. This is a material which may be combined with 1, 3, or 5 bottles of water to create a Light, Moderate, or Heavy Precipitation Monolith respectively. Combining all 3 Monoliths will create a Scattered Precipitation Monolith.

To avoid griefing, holding the Dowsing Rod material will guide the player towards the nearest Monolith, allowing them to destroy any stray ones.

Sprites by @EXRibbon
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I have one thing to say about this I think it could break the game if it rains/blizzards/ect across the hole world. Well it may not break the game but it would be hard on it now if it was say the length and hight for the lunar monaliths affect then it shouldn't be too hard on it
I have one thing to say about this I think it could break the game if it rains/blizzards/ect. Well it may not break the game but it would be hard on it now if it was say the length and hight for the lunar monaliths
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying.
Well if I'm correct the lunar monaliths will affect a certain radius some where around 70/100 tiles or so
Now if the Rain monalith affects the hole world as you say here
Precipitation Monolith will permanently initiate a rain/blizzard weather state, [though for the whole world rather than a specific area]
then it might make it lagy because the code in side the game can't handle that much activity going on in the world
Well if I'm correct the lunar monaliths will affect a certain radius some where around 70/100 or so
Now if the Rain monalith affects the hole world as you say here
then it might make it lagy because the code in side the game can't handle that going on in the world
Rain has been in the game for a very long time, this doesn't do anything except force that state on.
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Oh crap I see what your saying my apologies yes for some reason I thought that rain only affected a certain aria sorry I goofed
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This is a really good idea and I always want to have the choice to make it rain. For me it can sometimes make a boss battle feel more dramatic (such as heavy rain when fighting Duke Fishron) and it'll also make the Nimbus Rod easier to farm out. But perhaps the recipe could be more expensive. Maybe make the Dowsing Rods have a lower chance of dropping (such as a 5% chance) or lock it behind a certain tier (such as requiring Hallowed Bars or even Ectoplasm).
This is a really good idea and I always want to have the choice to make it rain. For me it can sometimes make a boss battle feel more dramatic (such as heavy rain when fighting Duke Fishron) and it'll also make the Nimbus Rod easier to farm out. But perhaps the recipe could be more expensive. Maybe make the Dowsing Rods have a lower chance of dropping (such as a 5% chance) or lock it behind a certain tier (such as requiring Hallowed Bars or even Ectoplasm).
I figured hardmode was late enough for a fairly unassuming ability. I wouldn't be opposed to hallowed bars, however.
Interesting mod. I wouldn't mind this, I love rain too. And with the next update with moving foliage it will look really nice. Blood moon rain is pretty cool too.
Hm... I always assumed that whenever there was a blizzard in the snow biome, there was also a sandstorm in the desert biome.
So a monolith that triggers rain would have different effects in different biomes.
Is the monolith script supposed to override normal precipitation mechanics with rain in every biome, even those that normally don't get rain.
Or will it keep the normal effects, but active indefinitely?
Interesting mod. I wouldn't mind this, I love rain too. And with the next update with moving foliage it will look really nice. Blood moon rain is pretty cool too.
Hm... I always assumed that whenever there was a blizzard in the snow biome, there was also a sandstorm in the desert biome.
So a monolith that triggers rain would have different effects in different biomes.
Is the monolith script supposed to override normal precipitation mechanics with rain in every biome, even those that normally don't get rain.
Or will it keep the normal effects, but active indefinitely?
Latter, but AFAIK no biome cannot contain rain
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