Resolved [PS4] GAME FREEZES ON PS4 (all posts will be combined into this thread)

The title basically says it all.

I was exploring the underground Jungle, and my game locked up. I was not able to move.

I closed the game and launched again, but the same thing happened after a few min.

I loaded the game a third time and just went AFK in the forest biome for a few min, and the same thing happened.

The game was frozen, but I could still use the PS4 menus. All of this happened on my first play session after doing the update. (1.33)
Tengo el mismo problema en mi PS4, reinicie, desinstale y borre cache y no se soluciona
Hi All, sorry for the silence on this one, we have been investigating to put a fix in. If anyone is able to additionally confirm the fix suggested by Sinon878, then it will help us to track the issue down.

We are looking at a few high priority issues at the moment that came with this latest update, mainly for XB, but this one is also on our list.
flicked off all video settings and turned advance video settings to off and low and haven’t had a freeze yet played for a decent period of time so can confirm his fix worked so far
Thanks for the report! We’ve got this bug in our tracker and were able to reproduce it, so we‘ll be sure to have it actioned shortly.
So I've done some testing on a small world for about 2 to 3 hours doing different things and I'm not sure if I just got lucky but throughout the entire time the game didn't freeze once. I have all graphics settings turned off and in advanced I set the vfx and wave settings to low. I started out by playing in around 10 to 20 minute intervals exiting and saving then extending the time each time. I've also waited a bit at the title screen I'd say maybe 30 minutes and it didn't freeze there. Next I played for about an hour and a half without exiting and throughout all this time I actively dug, collected items, opened chests, triggered traps, killed multiple enemies (multiple on screen at a time like the soul eaters) waited around paused and unpaused, not a single freeze. I'm not sure if it's the medium and large worlds in general that are the problem but for me it seems like small worlds are stable (from what I've played) I may test medium/large to get better confirmation but I did however experience the same freeze on one of my medium worlds with all the graphics on and the vfx and waves on high (which is what brought me here) so theoretically it does sound like the problem might be with medium and large worlds. If someone could get to testing a small world with different graphics settings (high,med,low) for consistency especially on different platforms that'd be a great help. Thanks again everyone for the support to help get this fixed and to DR for helping us terrarians lol
Safe to assume it is world size based, higher graphics on small worlds seems to operate normally without any issues, though i can also play it safe to assume that graphics can alter how quickly the game crashes on medium and large worlds, lowest graphics can extend gameplay time, but does crash eventually, whereas full graphics and it crashes after 10 or so minutes, so it's most likely world related, however overclocking may play a tiny part in this since it's not the main cause of the issue
I can also confirm that this bug has been apparent ever since I downloaded the update on PS4. Once frozen the music will continue but eventually it stops. It's a roulette on how long you can play for but it always deletes everything you did since the last auto/manual save. I hope this gets fixed soon because it's a brutal obstacle for Master Mode which isn't a skill issue for once lol.
Same started playing again cause got it on ps4 and game freezes Indefinitely till I close game and restart. This has happened since it was released on ps4 game catalog. Getting tired of losing progress.
For everyone who is experiencing these freezes, could you please share your world and player save files? This might help us resolve the issue. Thank you! 🙏
Sorry that you guys are still experiencing this issue. We are doing everything we can to find the root of it and a fix for it. Could you please share your player and world save files? This might help us 🙏
For everyone who is experiencing these freezes, could you please share your world and player save files? This might help us resolve the issue. Thank you! 🙏
Obi, if you know how is there anyway you could help me do that because mine crashes very often and I would love to give my world files to help out.
Please Only upload PlayStation files that you've copied to a PC and ZIPPED so that we can access them. The Folder to zip is the "PS4" Folder that is saved on your USB device. It usually contains 3 folders inside of it, then your game files. Please then use a PC to Zip it before uploading it here. Instructions at the bottom of this page for how to Tranfer from PS4 to USB: How to manage PS4 console storage space
Hope this helps!
Every time I enter a world after some time (sometimes after 10 minutes sometimes after 1 hour or more but usually under 25 minutes) it freezes, the music still plays for 1-2 minutes then it stops and no matter how much I wait it stays in the same frame.
Thanks for the report! This is one we've got logged in our system - it should hopefully be addressed soon.
Thanks for the report - this is an issue we've got logged in our system currently, which should hopefully be addressed fairly soon.
@Drift_129 Is there any chance you can zip up your player and world which is affected so we can take a look internally? If you stick in a usb drive and move them to a PC then zip up the PS4 folder on a pc and upload it to google drive or similar we will be able to look at your game files. Feel free to DM me the files if you're able to do this.
@Shigeo00 @TerrariaPlsWork @terrariabuggin @RyanBread @Veeuuh

Hey all, Is there any chance anyone can zip up your player and world which is affected so we can take a look internally? If you stick in a usb drive and move them to a PC then zip up the PS4 folder on a pc and upload it to google drive or similar we will be able to look at your game files. Feel free to DM me the files if you're able to do this.

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