RE LOGIC! -Terraria logic jokes!

NPC problems:

Merchant charges you 50 SILVER for an IRON anvil???
Clothier charges 40 gold for a bow tie???
Buy spear made of pointy mushrooms, hurts more then a metal trident
Hammer mushrooms onto metal bars, apparently fuses them
A stick with ice on the end costs a platinum
A book with no words in it costs 10 gold
Pirate has to be at sea to give you a CRACKER for a fortune
A "strange" mushroom identical to regular ones that cost 20 copper costs 45 GOLD???
Bubblegum made out of Metals.
Falling through Cobwebs and getting stopped during a fall still kills you.
Sand on torches.
NPCs are aware of every action you do, even that they spend all of their time home.
A Green Jellyfish is stronger than a shark.
Iron is weaker than Gold.
You teleport away from bosses to get a stare-heal from the Nurse, then you come back to harass the bosses.
You make every metal, no matter how strong it is just from the damn furnace.
Not drowning while wearing a Fish Bowl.
Infinite money for NPCs, yet they still want more.
NPCs can't use platforms properly.
A Skeleton guards a huge Dungeon that contains monsters stronger than him.
Tortoises are more like Sonic.
Mushrooms give you potion sickness, yet they aren't potions.
Snow & Desert.
Flying skulls and eyeballs.
The weight your character can hold.
The fact that NPCs let monsters INTO THE HOUSE and Cthulhu never runs out of eyes or brains.
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A spear made of mushrooms is very heavy and takes a long time to swing, another the same size made of titanium is MUCH faster
There is no option to make my dad come back on the world customizatiin screen. Like, the crap Terraria
Lighting doesnt add any dynamic shading onto entities, like armor glistening or the EoC shining in moonlight
terrarian logic that makes no sense to me: npcs know precisely when you've obtained/used specific items, your world gets ravaged by the cosmos when you break stuff (hearts/orbs)...sounds like some sort of witchcraft to me!
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