[Released WIP] Terraria Avalon

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So, this 1.3 version that was released. What does it contain exactly? Does it contain all 900 new items? New Biomes, Bosses, and Monsters? Or are they still converting things to 1.3?
Hey everyone. I'd like to explain my recent absentee status. For one, I was discouraged by not being able to figure out the server problem. Another factor is that I have gotten back into playing Minecraft. While this means that work on Avalon will (and has) slow down, it does not mean it'll stop. I'm basically taking a break to mod Minecraft(mod source, for those interested) and to work things out with Exxo Avalon: Origins (speculation ahoy! xD).

I also posted a status update that said I would look into tModLoader if I couldn't figure out the server.

See you on the other side of EA:O!
Im really Excited!!
how do you make a server for the 1.3 edition the server file that comes with it does not work when I try opening it
Does the Exxo Avalon mod get to be in Tmodloader in the future so that you can play it with other mods or will it just stay a stand alone mod
*facepalm* the mod is still being remade for 1.3...
then look it up
for the worlds, its because it isnt a 1.3 world and it had mod content that isnt in the 1.3 version so then yeah
thx wuteves
Help? I'm trying to install the source version of the mod, and I'm getting this error:
3/24/2016 6:48:32 PM
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException: Error loading "Images\TileCracks". File not found. ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Error loading "Exxo v10.0 Content\Images\TileCracks.xnb". File not found.
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.TitleContainer.OpenStream(String name)
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.OpenStream(String assetName)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.OpenStream(String assetName)
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.ReadAsset[T](String assetName, Action`1 recordDisposableObject)
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentManager.Load[T](String assetName)
   at Terraria.Main.LoadContent()
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Initialize()
   at Terraria.Main.Initialize()
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunGame(Boolean useBlockingRun)
   at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args)
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