Single Thread RP SCP Site-19 Single Thread RolePlay!

(096 does also become enraged if in enough danger, but I don't know what exactly is the threshold for that, other than the fact it did get enraged when it was put in like a furnace that had fire.)
"Gate A is easier to escape because there are less guards and there's a breach at Gate B. Also, my CI mates are coming to A! We're gonna be rescued there."
"Well, yeah. If you want to escape, you might want to follow me. It's my job to escort Class-D's out of the building anyways."
Josh continues rushing toward Gate A.
"So far I only got a Kriss Vector and a Glock, with a level 3 key. You guys can take the Glock and I'll lead the way."
"That's good. The area we're approaching now has many SCPs and is heavily guarded. Don't worry, there are vents that lead to the end of Heavy Containment."
As they walk, gunshots from a single handgun can be heard around a corner, along with the word "Fuueeeelllll" coming from...something
Screaming can now be heard around the corner, and the sound of flames cracking. Oh, and your plan with that door isn't gonna work, cuz 079 just locked it!
"Damn it, it's locked! 079 must have initiated sector lockdown! Follow me, I know another way."
Josh runs into a hallway on the left and jumps into a nearby vent.
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