Game Mechanics Speed and Size modifiers should affect non-sword Melee weapons


Empress of Light
Speed and size, these are two important attributes to melee weapons, but why do the modifiers that change them only work on swords? I mean, couldn't they potentially work on other weapons too? Boomerangs, flails, yo-yos, spears, these should be able to get these modifiers.

Now, if the problem is that it'd be overpowered for say, a yo-yo to be bigger and easier to hit with, I guess that would make sense. And if it's just a programming impossibility to make it work due to how the game is built, that makes sense too. But if neither of those are the issue, I think it'd be a reasonable change to make.

So if it's possible, these modifiers should affect all Melee weapons in the same way. Like with boomerangs for example, the size would just allow the boomerang to be bigger or smaller, and the speed would affect how fast it moves through the air. And same would work with Yo-yos and Flails. And as for spears, they honestly would likely just be affected in the same manner as swords. Faster use time and larger size.
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