Status Update on Additional PS4 Hotfixes & Xbox One Release

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I'm ready when the update is ready! Thanks for putting in the effort to make sure I don't load in my worlds I put tons of hours into and lose them to a bug. I'll just play some other games in the meantime while you put it all together. Thanks!
What a joke. Tell ya what roll back the PS4 version to where Xbox one is currently and we'll talk about calming down.

The arrogance of this company thinking they can eliminate every issue without another issue popping up is staggering.

At some point they will have to look in the mirror and realize they broke it not the fanbase.

Uninstalled Terraria on Xbox. Enjoying the PC version as I'm writing this.

When the only other major title is a lackluster poker game. Should have been the biggest red flag.

Goodbye and God bless.
W the ever living F

Maybe because of the fact we’ve been waiting for over 2 :red:ing years for this god Damned update to come out and THEY KEEP :red:ING DELAYING! PIPEWORKS IS A SICK JOKE OF A COMPANY
It’s funny that you just made your account yesterday but your already bashing the devs for doings something you haven’t tried before. Why don’t you go code the pc terraria onto the Xbox then come back and tell us all how fast you did it, go get some friends to help you out so you can have a fair advantage.
Hey devs and Pipeworks team! I play both the pc and ps4 versions of the game and frankly, am enjoying both. I appreciate all the hard work you guys are putting in bringing the versions together! My hubs used to play with me on console way back when but the update has brought him back and we're playing together again.

I know you have a list of bugs but I noticed a couple minor ones that, before I filled out the form, wondered if you had already noticed… 1) numbers labeling amount in a stack in players inventory can go missing but is there if you highlight the item. 2) when placing objects in building mode (love building mode!) occasionally items will be duplicated and then disappear upon being picked up.

Thanks guys!
Ok after thinking about this I'm confused.

Was the update waiting for certification this whole time or not?

Because that's what everyone was told "were waiting on certification guys"

And everyone was also told "hot fixes will be included with the Xbox one update when it passes certification and gets released"

Pipeworks words posted on Twitter.
Ok after thinking about this I'm confused.

Was the update waiting for certification this whole time or not?

Because that's what everyone was told "were waiting on certification guys"

And everyone was also told "hot fixes will be included with the Xbox one update when it passes certification and gets released"

Pipeworks words posted on Twitter.
It was in certification but it was taking so long so pipeworks took it out so they could apply hot fixes so the game isn’t a really buggy mess that crashes whenever you want to fight something let alone actually join your world.
so uh, i think alot of people are pissed because every single release/cert date that has been given has been missed for xbox, can we like not get any more dates until its releasing the same week please. i don't think people want anymore broken promises and i'm sure no one on the developer end wants to break them either.
Eh... I’ve waited this long night as well wait a little more for a polished update. Hopefully nothing happens to my world that I made for 2 years.
Too much transparency with this update is the issue, I'd rather they said last year, 1.3 Terraria out summer 2018 for consoles and gave themselves plenty of time than rushing to release a buggy half finished product the ps4 currently has. Its not your hard work and passion I resent its being led down the garden path only to find a shotgun loaded with disappointment.
Hope you squash all bugs and make it the best it can be
I think if pipeworks brings back the console UI, Terraria fans will receive the soothing application of butthurt cream that we deserve. Doing this would PROVE they care. I'm pretty confident fans would forgive, forget and enjoy a kick-:red: game with a controller in our hands, in front of a big flat screen TV, NOT a mouse, keyboard and lil monitor...


I really wanna just go buy the disk instead of the digital copy i have JUST so i can play it without the new UI, when it was playable and everything wasnt in bible print, when the controls were good, the selection and craft process was quick, simple, and visible etc etc.

Whoever came up the idea of changing the UI AT ALL totally failed beyond belief.

He or She cleary plays the PC version mostly and probably is using a mouse on console with a 65 inch tv... So thanks alot, whoever you are, for pushing your crappy play peferences on all of us...

I guess ill buy an un-updated disk tomorrow and actually enjoy the game once again lol.
I'm sick of those people who want to beat moonlord in the first few hours so they can go to pipeworks and whine about when the next update is. Because I already have been seeing PS4 players complain about the old ones army, or the next update.
Also pipeworks said that the only real bugs are legacy save crashes and not transferring. This update mostly has pre-hardmode items. So I deleted everything and I'm starting fresh.
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Xbox One user here. Well I actually have it for PC also. I was almost going to buy it on my PS4 this holiday to play the 1.3 while waiting on the Xbox update but thought, NO way I'm giving these guys any more money.

Thing is, I kept reading about all the bugs being submitted and thought, how did this make it past QA? There's just no way. Why would they even put this out there like this...? Then it came to me, was probably to drive Xmas sales a bit. Glad I didn't bite.

I'm going the route of the other poster a page or two back and not updating this game any more. I'm going to stay pre 1.3 on my console. I've tried using a controller on the PC version with their "controller update" awhile back. It sucks. That UI isn't made for the controller! Why they thought that it world be good to go that route is beyond me.

#WillNotUpdateTerrariaConsole lol
As a guy who has Xbox terraria I can wait until the world losing glitch is fixed and before someone else complains honestly yeah the wait was kinda bull:red: since all the info we got during early 2017 that they were working on it and they were patching bugs and it will be released "soon"

I don't know about you guys but I was playing other games that I had making the wait bearable hell I forgot about it at one point while playing persona 5 for the first time I think you should play other games next time there is a long wait and tbh be lucky you aren't part of the f-zero and jet set radio fanbases where they haven't gotten anything from Sega and Nintendo in over ten years yes jet set got a HD remake but the fans want a new game that or jsrf to have a HD remake as well.


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That is not entirely accurately. Terraria does not run well on 'potato PCs' (especially ones with low RAM), although what is or is not a potato is rather relative, it does not run well on many phones (again, low RAM ones), it did not run well on the PS Vita, the 3DS version is a substantially watered down version and I believe PS3 and Xbox 360 had their fair share of issues as well. Disregarding that, 1.3 is substantially larger than 1.2, so the notion that it should run fine 'because 1.2 did' isn't really a sound argument.

At the risk of a long reply, and going into the weeds a bit (sorry you can just ignore it if it gets tedious) Its never a 1 to 1 comparison if something runs well somewhere then it should automatically run well elsewhere. Of course. different hardware, different codebase, different engine etc, But from my experience (and from can you run it, and anywhere else it seems) Terraria does not take much to run. Ram majoritarily, (and to a lesser extent CPU) appear to be the most intensive usages from a system resource perspective and compared to the vast vast VAST majority of games these days, its system requirements are laughable. 'Potato' in the truest sense of the word.

  • Terraria System Requirements:
    • OS: Windows Xp, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10
    • Processor: 2.0 Ghz
    • Memory: 2.5GB
    • Hard Disk Space: 200MB
    • Video Card: 128mb Video Memory, capable of Shader Model 2.0+
    • DirectX®: 9.0c or Greater
I mean look at that. you will struggle to find a game with LOWER system requirements. But thats also because its a 7 year old 2d game, thats also had nearly 7 years worth of development time and optimisations.

Now thats not to say it will run always run well with the bare minimum, but from personal experience, i can run it great on an old pc i use as a media centre, with a 7 year old i3, radeon 6850 and 4gb ram. 60fps locked. Just like i can on my main rig, just at a lower resolution.
I was also playing on the vita just hours ago, and it runs absolutely fine and dandy, Your statement is objectively false there. It runs BETTER than the ps4 1.3. It feels smooth and responsive to the point where i can actively FEEL it plays differently on the new engine, and not in a good way. When i booted up the vita version it was honestly a bit of a revelation. in 1.3 There is a definite delay in response of input and the frame rate/pacing makes it feel choppy and movement is...sludgy for want of a better word. If you could play both side by side the way i just did you would absolutely see the difference. Bear in mind that the PS Vita actually has MORE ram than the ps3...but i guess its slow processor means that some of the task that would be problematic for the ps3 ram wise could be offloaded somewhat/somehow to the cell processor/s, and couldn't get the same assistance on vita. I dont know, i digress.

But fundamentally, it runs and runs well on Vita. unlike the ps4 version currently.
My son plays on an amazon fire tablet 5 with 1gb ram, or his mums ipad gen 2 (both fairly old and limited hardware wise) and on both, it runs absolutely fine.
All these machines are FATHOMS below the power available in a ps4/xbox1.

Terraria is in no way a 'demanding' game.

And 1.3 being 'larger' than 1.2 is almost irrelevant to performance. Adding stuff like new sprites, adjusting mechanics or parameters isnt making the game HUGELY more demanding. Just because there is 800+ new items in its loot database it should somehow be harder to run? The biggest performance hits i could see is the new NPC and boss AI, animations and water physics. Even at that, we arent talking earth-shattering advances here. They are simplistic in nature compared to most games. If GTA5, horizon, metal gear solid 5, (even minecraft for a more relative example because of all the block generation) etc can all run great and perform leagues better and have almost infinitely more demanding worlds, textures (therefore ram usage), ai, physics etc then what is the matter with this?

To me, its development time. 3 things to make a game run well are good or clean game source code, a solid engine that has the parts you need for your game mechanics systems, and OPTIMISATION. And all come at a cost of development time. You can have great source code but if the engine isnt designed for your game and its systems, its not going to work well without optimisation - look at ME andromeda and frostbite as an example. Frostbite is an AMAZING engine, but its primarily a FPS engine, to make whole new systems in the engine for RPG mechanics like questing and looting, not to mention creating whole new engine sub systems to make the likes of procedural planets, took a toll on development time meaning a lack of time left for optimisation. And what a mess that was, They just ran out of time because they had some kind of deadline.
You can also have a great, robust, well known and tested game engine like unity, but without optimised game code it wont run well either.
Its all down to Development time and therfore optimisation. Things which after half an hour of playing 1.3 i could see with an untrained eye, were pretty obviously lacking.

Im not going to pretend to know anything about thier studio, their workflow, thier other projects, or how hard is was to rewrite the codebase in a different language and make it work in a different engine (though ps4 and xbox are surely closer to the pc version in hardware and architecture, so i can see how attractive it would be to make them all work together in the whole one terraria ethos).

Pipeworks will no doubt get it all working properly, i am not questioning that. Im sure they will do a great job over the coming months getting it up to speed and making necessary adjustment.

But right now, it is not in a good place. Im not saying this from a place of pouty lips and "pipeworks sucksorz 4eva" because my 'beloved' game has been ruined. I have plenty other game to play. im just saying what i see as im interested in this from a development perspective, and my son has asked me for a year straight as to when he could play 1.3. When he finally got to play it, it literally made him cry or 3 different occasions, just with frustration, because it broke so frequently and so badly that it ruined his, longstanding world, his longstanding character and his items and loot on more than multiple occasions. Just in a few hours of playing. He was so psyched to play this and now hes done with it for the time being. And im trying to explain to him how or why it could possibly happen and be THIS bad.... I dunno son, it wasnt ready for release i guess....
At the risk of a long reply, and going into the weeds a bit (sorry you can just ignore it if it gets tedious) Its never a 1 to 1 comparison if something runs well somewhere then it should automatically run well elsewhere. Of course. different hardware, different codebase, different engine etc, But from my experience (and from can you run it, and anywhere else it seems) Terraria does not take much to run. Ram majoritarily, (and to a lesser extent CPU) appear to be the most intensive usages from a system resource perspective and compared to the vast vast VAST majority of games these days, its system requirements are laughable. 'Potato' in the truest sense of the word.

  • Terraria System Requirements:
    • OS: Windows Xp, Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10
    • Processor: 2.0 Ghz
    • Memory: 2.5GB
    • Hard Disk Space: 200MB
    • Video Card: 128mb Video Memory, capable of Shader Model 2.0+
    • DirectX®: 9.0c or Greater
I mean look at that. you will struggle to find a game with LOWER system requirements. But thats also because its a 7 year old 2d game, thats also had nearly 7 years worth of development time and optimisations.

Now thats not to say it will run always run well with the bare minimum, but from personal experience, i can run it great on an old pc i use as a media centre, with a 7 year old i3, radeon 6850 and 4gb ram. 60fps locked. Just like i can on my main rig, just at a lower resolution.
I was also playing on the vita just hours ago, and it runs absolutely fine and dandy, Your statement is objectively false there. It runs BETTER than the ps4 1.3. It feels smooth and responsive to the point where i can actively FEEL it plays differently on the new engine, and not in a good way. When i booted up the vita version it was honestly a bit of a revelation. in 1.3 There is a definite delay in response of input and the frame rate/pacing makes it feel choppy and movement is...sludgy for want of a better word. If you could play both side by side the way i just did you would absolutely see the difference. Bear in mind that the PS Vita actually has MORE ram than the ps3...but i guess its slow processor means that some of the task that would be problematic for the ps3 ram wise could be offloaded somewhat/somehow to the cell processor/s, and couldn't get the same assistance on vita.

But fundamentally, it runs and runs well on Vita. unlike the ps4 version currently.
My son plays on an amazon fire tablet 5 with 1gb ram, or his mums ipad gen 2 (both fairly old and limited hardware wise) and on both, it runs absolutely fine.
All these machines are FATHOMS below the power available in a ps4/xbox1.

Terraria is in no way a 'demanding' game.

And 1.3 being 'larger' than 1.2 is almost irrelevant to performance. Adding stuff like new sprites, adjusting mechanics or parameters isnt making the game hugely more demanding. Just because there is 800+ new items in its loot database it should somehow be harder to run? The biggest performance hits i could see is the new NPC and boss AI, animations and water physics. Even at that, we arent talking earth-shattering advances here. They are simplistic in nature compared to most games. If GTA5, horizon, metal gear solid 5, (even minecraft for a more relative example because of all the block generation) etc can all run great and perform leagues better and have almost infinitely more demanding worlds, textures, ai, physics etc then what is the matter with this?

To me, its development time. 3 things to make a game run well are good or clean game source code, a solid engine that has the parts you need for your game mechanics systems, and OPTIMISATION. And all come at a cost of development time. You can have great source code but if the engine isnt designed for your game and its systems, its not going to work well without optimisation - look at ME andromeda and frostbite as an example. Frostbite is an AMAZING engine, but its primarily a FPS engine, to make whole new systems in the engine for RPG mechanics like questing and looting, not to mention creating whole new engine sub systems to make procedural planets, took a toll on development time meaning a lack of time left for optimisation. And what a mess that was, They just ran out of time because they had some kind of deadline.
You can have a great, robust, well known and tested game engine, but without optimised game code it wont run well either.
Its all down to Development time and therfore optimisation. Things which after half an hour of playing 1.3 i could see with an untrained eye, were pretty obviously lacking.

Im not going to pretend to know anything about thier studio, their workflow, thier other projects, or how hard is was to rewrite the codebase in a different language and make it work in a different engine (though ps4 and xbox are surely closer to the pc version in hardware and architecture, so i can see how attractive it would be to make them all work together in the whole one terraria ethos).

Pipeworks will no doubt get it all working properly, i am not questioning that. Im sure they will do a great job over the coming months getting it up to speed and making necessary adjustment.

But right now, it is not in a good place. Im not saying this from a place of pouty lips and "pipeworks sucksorz 4eva" because my 'beloved' game has been ruined. I have plenty other game to play. im just saying what i see as im interested in this from a development perspective, and my son has asked me for a year straight as to when he could play 1.3. When he finally got to play it, it literally made him cry or 3 different occasions, just with frustration, because it broke so frequently and so badly that it ruined his, longstanding world, his longstanding character and his items and loot on more than multiple occasions. Just in a few hours of playing. He was so psyched to play this and now hes done with it for the time being. And im trying to explain to him how or why it could possibly happen and be THIS bad.... I dunno son, it wasnt ready for release i guess....
I had slow down on my PC version until I lowered the graphic settings of the background may I suggest next time you experience slowdown in a new game on PC try lowering the graphic settings to as low as possible in game that should help if it still occurs try buying some of the parts required and make your PC your great.
I had slow down on my PC version until I lowered the graphic settings of the background may I suggest next time you experience slowdown in a new game on PC try lowering the graphic settings to as low as possible in game that should help if it still occurs try buying some of the parts required and make your PC your great.

Thanks bud, i do have another pc with plenty high specs,i was just using that as an example because i fashioned a media pc out of some old parts for under my tv, and happened to try terraria on it on occasions and it works great, like you say, if you turn down some graphical settings, resolution, etc.
I'm glad Pipeworks didn't release the Xbox update yet but decide to fix the most urgent bugs first.
The overal 1.3 experience will be so much better this way.

I'm amazed at the toxic and entitled behaviour that's been brought to display.
It's a free update with tons of content, instead of burning Pipeworks maybe it would be best to just say thank you for all their time and effort.
If Terraria is the only thing or game you're waiting for then maybe it's time to step back a bit and re-evaluate your time spent.

Sheesh, the entitlement and spoiled behaviour is actually quite pathetic when you think about it for a minute.

I for one am looking forward to 1.3 on Xbox, wether it's this month or next month, I'm sure Pipeworks is doing their best.
I'm glad Pipeworks didn't release the Xbox update yet but decide to fix the most urgent bugs first.
The overal 1.3 experience will be so much better this way.

I'm amazed at the toxic and entitled behaviour that's been brought to display.
It's a free update with tons of content, instead of burning Pipeworks maybe it would be best to just say thank you for all their time and effort.
If Terraria is the only thing or game you're waiting for then maybe it's time to step back a bit and re-evaluate your time spent.

Sheesh, the entitlement and spoiled behaviour is actually quite pathetic when you think about it for a minute.

I for one am looking forward to 1.3 on Xbox, wether it's this month or next month, I'm sure Pipeworks is doing their best.
Actually, I’m allowed to have negative opinions and express them if I want to, we’ve literally gone from Q2 of last year to Q1 of this year which is very ridiculous. The wait is even worse now because we have to watch another console play the update while we don’t have it and it feels like everytime we get close to the release of the update it gets delayed again, almost like we’re being trolled even though we’re not. I wonder how many of you guys that want the update to keep being delayed realise that if this keeps going we will all die before this update is impossible. I’m not joking, if we’ve been through this much delay then anything is possible at this point
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