Story of a Paladin

It's been being posted on a literature article here on the forums, one chapter a week. Matsu can tell you more about it.
I get exited when I get an alert that you posted, but alas, no new chapter. At least I FOUND A TURTLE PET spawner
I remember Matsu writing up segments for The Boreal Bookshelf concerning dungeons and the sort, but TBB broke up, afterwards. I'm assuming that's the project, but I'm not certain.
Matsu was working on it on The Boreal Bookshelf. It is now posted on his own thread :

This is a project that I have been working closely with @Samrux on. It ties in with his story of the Paladin's lore, which can be found here. It follows the story of a group of heroes wandering in the newly formed Dungeon, looking for their friend:
@Matsu what's it called? Can I have a link?
Sorry for not replying for so long, timezones and what not. The link is in my signature, it is the green one.

I remember Matsu writing up segments for The Boreal Bookshelf concerning dungeons and the sort, but TBB broke up, afterwards. I'm assuming that's the project, but I'm not certain.
Yep that is what is being referred to. The first 5 parts were put up in TBB but 6 and on will be in my thread. Everything is currently hosted there though so people won't have to dig around.

@ Page #27 @>

Then I heard the screeches for the first time. I proceeded, with fear seeding inside me, to the unknown heights. I saw a blocked passage, with terrible echoes reaching me from the other side. I believed I would find more feral creatures, whose cry was that which was distressing me. It took me not long to do so. The two extending other trends continued upward in opposite directions. On one of them, there were monsters of human form, with hands sanded to the bone, and heads malformed. On the other, there were creatures that appeared human, but whose behavior mimicked those of animals, and whose now inert brains showed, making them thinking beings no more.

They were all the damn same thing: Suffering, cursed unholy entities. They once were part of humanity, but not anymore. The ungodly things are exactly the same to this day.

The ever-extending darkness was suddenly even more horrifying, beginning to coat my soul. I retreated from both ways. At that moment, I looked at my hands. I touched my face, and saw its reflection on my shield. What terrible misfortune, what horrible fate was I finding myself in, that made me another one of those men with corrupted minds and bodies. Tearing up, I continued upwards, never hesitating, passing by the living cadavers that were once of my own kind, and now shared my same condition, only amplified. Deep and unintelligible voices appeared on my head. At my sides were always the moaning dead, first on the tens, then on the hundreds. My soul was getting crushed, as desperate tears touched the bottom of my face and fell one after the other, never ending, me walking faster every time. The corpses never seemed to stop appearing. They seemed to never end. I kept going up, but the scenery was always the same. “This is just a nightmare”, I kept repeating to myself aloud, while I turned on corridors and opened doors, now running, always finding nothing but more agony, staining every floor with my despaired tears. It felt like an eternity in hell.

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@ Page #28 @>

How can one forget such a horrific thing? Those events will be burned into my memories until my days in the physical world end.
But I continue to live in that nightmare.

After reaching the very top of the structure, after escalating countless stairs in a neverending run, I saw a thin ray of light coming from the tower above. I hurried to approach it, and found the barrier blocking me. After recovering from my increasing disquiet and anxiety, I turned to see what was behind me. That was when I broke down and fell to my knees, crying under the sight of more of the same people, and walls smeared in blood, in my conscious realization of desolation and misery. I suddenly knew for how long I had been here before waking up. The heavy voices then turned into my torment.

I explored to find answers, or resources. It might had been hours doing so. I then started writing my testament, briefly narrating everything I was feeling, and everything I saw, and everything I was worried could occur. I haven’t been rescued yet, needless to say.

I lived in here for more than a decade before falling asleep again, and waking up once more. Imagine how horrifying it is to live in this hellhole for an entire decade. I feel many, many more are still to come.

That was the tale of my first awakening, and so begins the tale of this that is my second.

I have a few plans this time though. My unending torment shall not stop me. And even before those, I will have to do some things. End of note.

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Are immortal? Or will you die?
Are you ever going to talk about a fight with a human, maybe one that tries not to die instead of being hit instantly?
"I might be immortal; in time, that would become my curse. I hope the magic fades away before that occurs." - page 18

The time that was said to have passed and the living corpses' condition suggested so, anyways.
Oh, okay, I read that but... Guess I'm too busy to remember that, eh?
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