Standalone Super Terraria World - MMORPG Style Mod - Server and Client Mod

I've done almost everything from this update done all the quests so I did what anyone would when they got nothing else to do: I threw myself off the highest point possible. Turned out to be a cloud.
[doublepost=1476492385,1476492339][/doublepost]2993 damage
[doublepost=1476492465][/doublepost]Also one thing if u use the magic leaf to glide from the cloud at the end of the pyramid u can actually get out of the pyramid and have your spawn still set in it.
its possible to get two cloud in a bottles this doesn't change much but it allows u to get 400 charges or more u just have to put your current one in a chest and get another bottle fill it and done u got two
As I have now completed all of the content of STW and have had some time to collect my thoughts on it, I feel obligated to give a less hairbrained review/critique than I gave last time. So without further adiue, STW Review 2: Electric Boogaloo.

First off, in reguards to my previous critique I can now say that my fears where mostly unfounded... Mostly. The main problem was not necessarily in the time it took to aquire mining and crafting levels as I had prevoiusly thought, but rather the lack of content in between each milestone and the physical location and density of ores. What do I mean? Well, when you dig up enough copper after going back and forth between several ore clusters for several minutes to aquire all the tools/weapons/armors you need, what do you do after that? You go right back into the mines to do the exact same thing because now you can mine/craft iron, lather rinse repeat untill you have gold (the goblin worlds add a good ammount of freshness to the mix, but I'll get to those later). This means that the first part of the game after the tutorial is just a huge repetitive mining quest. As a whole, that's not really a bad thing, it's just made very tedious by the fact that the mineshaft area itself is so bland and uninteresting. The idea behind how it's constructed is fine, (horrizontal shafts with cave-ins that the player has to work around via exploration) but the whole place feels much too flat and perfect, some natural looking caverns containing ore, loot, traps, combat encounters, parkour, etc. running through and linking up various areas of the mineshaft would spice the whole place up quite a bit. As for the milestone thing, it could just be as simple as an npc telling you that you can't enter some areas of the mineshaft untill you have a certain crafting/mining level or, various mini-dungeons strewn about the mineshaft that require the player to be wearing a certain level of armor or above to enter, or the player needing/being able to obtain quests from the various NPCs in the town area (goblin invation?). Really it could be anything, just so long as it takes the player out of the mines for at least a few minutes when they've created their new set of equipment and makes them feel that they are progessing, that way instead of the player feeling that they have to go back into the mines they feel that they get to go back into the mines.

As for the rest of the content, I understand that it's really only a framework for some things and that there will be much more content to come. That being said, what is in the game already is pretty good in my opinion, but could obviously use some improvement. Below I will leave my opinion of each area and aspect of the game, and how I believe that they could be improved.

Gameplay and story wise this area is all fine and good, it serves its purpose well as an introducion to the world, tools, and mechanics the player will be using throughout the game. Design wise however, while being mostly good, I feel it could do with a few extra explorable/secret areas. While the actual area where the player fights the observer is fine, the 'mountain in the distance' made of background blocks looks quite small and underwhelming. Making it larger with the player unable to see the top, a more rocky area at its base, and perhaps even a mini-dungeon containing the cultists work area/other things the cultists left behind serving as the transitional area between the base and the summit of the mountain would work better I feel.

Sivania Coast:
Underground and to the far east of the map is a pretty inconvenient place for the only Angler NPC in the entire game. More Anglers placed around the worlds various fishing spots would be nice. As for alchemy, I made my way through the whole game without feeling the need to use a single buff potion. Due to the lack of boss encounters in the game so far, I never felt the need to use a buff at the end part of a quest becuse I felt that there must be something harder on the horizen when really it was just the end of the quest (though I assume this will obviously be fixed in the future). As far as the fishing mechanics go, I feel fishing quests may have been slightly too easy but that's probably being worked on so it's not that much of a problem.

Sivania Mining Town:
A tutorial on how house instances work would have been nice. I avoided the giant green portal like the plauge because I assumed that there would be a quest pertaining to it... Boy do I feel like a dummy...
Some small quests around town would be nice, netting the player some extra starting money/materials. Other than that I feel that the town is very aesthetically pleasing but doesn't feel very lively due to the fact that the town has a grand population of 5. Maybe some generic citizen and gaurd NPCs like in Ferrousanguis would make the town feel less dead? (cause when the place named after blood and iron is more lively than you... you know you've got a problem!)

The forest area looked very pretty, the strange plants used as decoreation look very nice and the trees/canopy where very natural looking and well contructed. the quest with the dryad was pretty fun, I liked the effect magic-ey effect on the touchstone thingies around the areana, I liked the whole 'ememies coming in waves' thing but the dialouge above their heads was virtually unreadable due to that fact that it didn't apear in the chat box, and since they where, you know, attacking you and stuff. The corruptor at the end, though thematically appropriate was very underwhelming as a boss. Maybe a pintsized eater of worlds would have been better?

Desert Port Town:
Once again, the build itself was very aesthetically pleasing, the town felt adequately lively due to the abundance and variety of NPCs. I can't think of anything that would need to be changed here. (maybe a "Please do not poke the guards" sign would have been usefull?)

Desert Temple:
For the most part all of the puzzles where challanging, but fun. All exept ONE. Now, I might just be an idiot, but in the puzzle with the rope ladder and the falling boulders, I actually had to cheat. To my knowledge, there's no way to complete that puzzle without cheating besides brute force and luck. Since there is no way of telling when a boulder will fall on your position, the player moves much too slow while hanging on ropes to dodge the boulders at all, and jumping only makes the problem worse as it doesn't do much for your speed and it only makes you hit the falling boulders faster. It would be much better if there was some kind of telegraph to let you know that an instadeath boulder was falling at terminal velocity towards your skull.The prize at the end of a cloud in a bottle that still only had limited uses sucked all the fun out of the accessory for me. With only 200 uses it gives off a 'Too Good To Use' vibe, like it's saying "you can use this, but only ever in dungeons or for bosses, etc". Using the double jump just for funsies is part of what makes it one of the best items in all of terraria, so I hope that down the line there will be an unlimited version. (maybe upgrading it to a sandstorm in a bottle would make it unlimited?)

Odin's Fjord Dungeon:
Over all this is my favorite area in the game. It feels like the most 'complete' dungeon experience that the game has so far. The writing for the quest is mostly well done, but the 'riddles' where waaaay too obvious as to what the weapon they where pertaining to was and not obvious enough that the correct door was the one with the weapons picture above it (then again, maybe I'm just an idiot...), and the merchant's diary has one or two typos in it. I navigated the cave purely by remembering what doors I had and had not been in before, and I was still rather easily able to find my way to the frozen merchant that way. Being able to easily navigate a dungeon without solving it's puzzles is a bit of a flaw in terms of design, eh? The bosses mechanic of reflecting progectiles was fun, but I feel the boss could have been something a little more intimidating than a recoloured imp, the merchant's diary made me expect something big and needless to say, I was kind of dissapointed. I feel the fight could have been better if it was more 'Gannondorf Tennis' like, with the boss hitting the reflected projectile back a few times, the projectile getting faster and faster on each pass untill in hit someone. Since certain playstyles may not use swords, the weapon made for killing the boss may just become useless (as a weapon) to the player after completing the dungeon, instead, why not have it be an accessory that the player can craft that makes melee, magic, or ranged damage in general able to reflect projectiles (only being able to have one of the three equiped at a time)?

Odin's Fjord Town:
As it is very bare bones/WIP I don't feel I can really offer any critique or advice exept that a combat arena sounds super cool, and the town itself looks very nice.

Impressive looking and ironically more lively than most places due to it's theme and current events in the lore... I can see that this area is heavilly under cunstruction, but what is there is very solid so far. though it would be handy if the nurse in the infirmary also sold basic alchemy stuff, so as to make easier use of the castles alchemy table. If the player uses the spear charged attack in combonation with the speed boots and cloud in a bottle, it is possable to jump over the cave pit claw thing and end up in the vast empty wasteland of dirt behind it... which incidentally is a great place to obtain blinkroot!

Goblin Worlds:
I feel that goblin worlds add a very nice ammount of needed spice to STW mining. But when it comes to the crimson worlds, 1/2 of all ore mined becomeing usable seems like it may be too much, as it's the most plentiful ore and it makes the underground light up like a christmas tree, still necessitating ~300 shards to create the full set + tools, but that ammount can be obtained very quickly due to the above reasons. Once a mineshaft is opened up where the player can mine crimtane like any other ore, maybe the crimson golblin world shard to ore conversion rate should be 1/3?

(sadly I used very few weapon types during my playthrough, and will only be giving my opinion on the ones I used)

I feel that swords are much too underpowered. Both in vanilla terraria and in STW, most swords are actually rather low tier weapons (in pre-hardmode, at least) IMO.
A sword has to be long enough and have enough knockback and/or swing speed in order to be anywhere near effective at dealing with enemies close range, and while the swinging arch is good for dealing with flying enemies like bats, a spear or some other weapon type still does the job just fine. The 'block' ability is currently almost completly useless due to the fact that it does not actually block any incoming damage, and instead is only sometimes usefull for crowd control due to it hitting the targets very rapidly, but killing your targets this way is usually painfully slow as blocking into an enemy will usually only do 1 damage per hit. Untill one gets to the point
in the game where swords can do cool things like shoot lazers or block projectiles, I feel they are fairly underpowered and outshined by other melee weapons. In terms of what I think can be done to improve them, I reccomend increasing their knockback more than any other stat, as high knockback can make up for the swords lack of reach or swingspeed, also, make the block move actualy block incoming damage or projectiles.

My personal weapon type of choice throughout my playthrough of STW. I feel that spears may be the best of the melee weapons in STW, as they can be aimed in any direction, hit multiple times per thrust, have decent knockback, and are better when they have lower swing speed as they can hit more times per stab that way, and since one can use the spear immediately after it's retracted, one can put constant, rapid, and accurate damage on multiple targets at the same time, all while from a safe distance. The only real trade off of the spear is that the player has to keep enemies in a 'butter zone' where the enemies take constant and rapid damage, but because of the knockback present on all the spears in the game, keeping enemies in the 'butter zone' was never an issue. The charge attack of the spear is only good for going fast, as the damage it deals is far too low to compinsate for the danger it would put you in, in almost any combat situation. The whole point of the spear is control distance between you and the target(s), and to keep the target(s) in a very specific position, The charge attack completly goes against the correct use of the spear. I suggest nerfing spears by increasing or decreasing their knockback, making it harder to keep groups of enemies in the 'butter zone', or increasing the swingspead of the earlier spears (copper, iron, etc.) to decrease their DPS. The charge currently gives momentum in whatever direction the spear is pointed, making it somewhat difficult to make use of its increased knockback effect, to make the charge more usefull, I recomend having it only give momentum to the left or right so that the knockback effect is easier to control, increasing its damage, and shortening (possibly even capping) it's distance to prevent sequence breaking jumps.

I feel that staffs are all around good weapons and well ballanced for how powerfull they are. Giving up mobility in exchange for power is a pretty interesting trade off and makes the user have to think carefully about when and when not to use it. My only complaint is that I think that the fully charged shot should be slightly more mana effecient. at the end of the game I was still using the Iron staff (because it was the only one with a positive level mod) and a fully charged shot costed 12 mana, as much as 4 regular shots, and was capable of dealing ~100 damage on a crit but only ~60 on a normal hit, less than four shots would have done on average. I feel that the charge shot should be ever so slightly more efficient than the number of shots its non-crit damage is equal to... But maybe that's just me. It's a good weapon one way or the other, I feel.

It feels like the staff but worse, due to bullet drop and infirior damage. The tradeoff of almost never running out of ammo makes the lack of damage fine, but I feel the bows special attack should be more that just a worse copy of the staffs. To make up for the infirior damage of the bow, why not make the charge shot fire lots of arrows in either a shotgun or machine gun effect, instead of one powerfull arrow?


Metal Armors (Copper --> Gold):
As explained above, I wish the player had more to do while in copper --> silver armor than just getting the materials for the next armor type, but other than that I guess they're fine. (not really about the armors, but I thought giving silver and gold weapons negitive level mods to give the impression that they're getting duller as you use them was a very nice touch)

Cimson Armor:
The life steal effect from the crimson armor only seems to work at all when a large ammount of damage is applied to an enemy. I've only ever seen my HP increase by hitting an enemy with the charge shot of my staff (an then, only by 3 points), the damage of anything else seems to be too low to have any effect at all on my HP.
I reccomend making it so that the armor only regens the user's HP when they kill an enemy, using that enemies max HP as the base for how much damage is healed.

Metorite Armor:
I never actually obtained meteorite armor. I was never able to get a meteorite goblin to spawn, and I don't even know where they would spawn in the first place...
Is it even possable to obtain legitimately yet?

Well, that's about it... Thanks for reading and sorry for anything I missed, and also sorry for the huge wall of text. I hope at least some of this was helpfull!
Greetings, I have been doing a Version History & all versions pages on Super Terraria Wiki for about 2 hours. Maybe someone will check it and maybe do smt with wiki.
Thank you for doing this, but I want you to know that we recently switched over gamepedia for our wiki!

The Gamepedia is now our official Wiki... Where did you find a link to the Wikia wiki? I'm trying to update all of the links. I'm afraid that perhaps google results are still showing that wiki as a higher search result.

@PolarStars Thank you for the extensive feedback and review of STW! I read your whole post and I'll share it with the whole team. :)
[doublepost=1476550272,1476549976][/doublepost]@Vampire_Artyom Thank you again for you contributions. I hope that we can get your help over on the gamepedia wiki. :)
Holy crap how long did that take????

Ya... a few hours!
Thank you for doing this, but I want you to know that we recently switched over gamepedia for our wiki!

The Gamepedia is now our official Wiki... Where did you find a link to the Wikia wiki? I'm trying to update all of the links. I'm afraid that perhaps google results are still showing that wiki as a higher search result.

@PolarStars Thank you for the extensive feedback and review of STW! I read your whole post and I'll share it with the whole team. :)
[doublepost=1476550272,1476549976][/doublepost]@Vampire_Artyom Thank you again for you contributions. I hope that we can get your help over on the gamepedia wiki. :)

Gosh, I like wikia more, but I can help with gamepedia. And what's wrong with main page there? Also, I just searched in Google "Super Terraria World Wiki" and that gaveme that wiki :p So, I'll transfer all pages that I have done there. a cheese strat that you might wanna fix ;)
[doublepost=1476540817,1476540638][/doublepost](for the one's that do not realise, doing this makes it so you can shoot it with magic or arrows without it getting out of that corner
We'll be looking at ways to improve the AI of all enemies in STW. We are still deciding whether or not getting enemies stuck to safespot them is good decision or not.
Gosh, I like wikia more, but I can help with gamepedia. And what's wrong with main page there? Also, I just searched in Google "Super Terraria World Wiki" and that gaveme that wiki :p So, I'll transfer all pages that I have done there.
We copied over Terraria's mainpage to ours, We want to mirror their page. So we still have some work to do to clean it up. We recently switched.
We'll be looking at ways to improve the AI of all enemies in STW. We are still deciding whether or not getting enemies stuck to safespot them is good decision or not.
We copied over Terraria's mainpage to ours, We want to mirror their page. So we still have some work to do to clean it up. We recently switched.
Shall I help?
Oct 15th 2016
Normally I would release two version of STW in the same week, but the bug we've fixed I feel is too important to wait until next week. We've fixed the bug that causes MANY players to crash when they enter into Sivania. This error is the System.OutOfMemory Exception. We hope that players will now find their STW experience more enjoyable. There are a few other minor bug fixes as well as the Merchant NPC in the desert getting a new look!

You can check out the change log below to see all of the updates.

Let us know what you think of the update via our Social Forum, Discord, Twitter, or our WiP Thread!

Several of these bugs were reported to us via Discord which we strongly recommend using if you want to report a bug to us or just tell us something that you like about STW! You can also report any bugs in our bug thread.

********************* Version 1.12.3a ********************
    * Made Super Terraria World 'Large Address Aware' this
      fixes the System.OutOfMemory crash several players
      receive when entering into Sivania.

    * Can no longer travel to the East of the Flesh Pit in
      the Ferrousanguis Kingdom.

    * Updated the spawn point logic in Instance Worlds so
      that players do not fall to their deaths when

    * Graphical update to the Merchant NPC found in the
      Desert Outpost of Sivania.

This is a player notification list for when I make posts about a STW update that is being released or coming soon. If you want to be on this list just let me know!
Last edited:
Hey, I wonder if the alpha download is released. I really want to try it! It looks like an extremely good modded custom map (thing), and is Definitely worth my time! Please contact me in this chat as soon as possible! I am really into this, thanks!
So I was trying to install the mod on my mac, and it crashed. I deleted the files for the mod and tried to play vanilla Terraria, but it kept crashing! I deleted every single file for the game and reinstalled, but the icon bounced a few times before staying there and not opening a single window. I also tried to verify the game cache on steam, no dice.
Oct 15th 2016
Normally I would release two version of STW in the same week, but the bug we've fixed I feel is too important to wait until next week. We've fixed the bug that causes MANY players to crash when they enter into Sivania. This error is the System.OutOfMemory Exception. We hope that players will now find their STW experience more enjoyable. There are a few other minor bug fixes as well as the Merchant NPC in the desert getting a new look!

You can check out the change log below to see all of the updates.

Let us know what you think of the update via our Social Forum, Discord, Twitter, or our WiP Thread!

Several of these bugs were reported to us via Discord which we strongly recommend using if you want to report a bug to us or just tell us something that you like about STW! You can also report any bugs in our bug thread.

********************* Version 1.12.3a ********************
    * Made Super Terraria World 'Large Address Aware' this
      fixes the System.OutOfMemory crash several players
      receive when entering into Sivania.

    * Can no longer travel to the East of the Flesh Pit in
      the Ferrousanguis Kingdom.

    * Updated the spawn point logic in Instance Worlds so
      that players do not fall to their deaths when

    * Graphical update to the Merchant NPC found in the
      Desert Outpost of Sivania.

This is a player notification list for when I make posts about a STW update that is being released or coming soon. If you want to be on this list just let me know!
Awesome! This will help alot! :D (not to be that guy, but in the change log I think it should be west of the crimson pit, not east)
[doublepost=1476567492,1476567437][/doublepost]another point, I tried joining the discord link but it did not work
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