tModLoader TerraRE - Terraria Rebalance 2.0

yeah go ahead and leave suggestions. cant tell you if theyre possible until you said some. cause tremor aint changing to be compatible with my mod and my mod wont get a tremor exclusive version. so if its possible with a soft dependency of course i could add it

Well, I got several suggestions...

The Hazardous Chemicals accessory should have several combinations:

Hazardous Chemicals + Life Regeneration Ring = Experimental Regen Ring (Gives either Alchemy Damage boost or Life Regen boost depending on either day or night)

Corrupted Regen Ring (Does the same, but also adds Mana Regen boost during when the Life Regen boost and Damage Resistance added to Alchemy Damage boost) + Shackle = Finalized Chemical Cuffs (Replaces the Day/Night limitations with damage taken boosting Mana, and converts half of damage into added Alchemy Damage boost for 15 seconds)


Hazardous Chemicals + Gold/Cobalt Armor = Coated Gold/Cobalt Armor (Armor is haled, but gives 5% Alchemy Damage boost. Full set doubles defense and 30% chance to not spend Flask)


Hazardous Chemicals + Elemental Boots = Anatomical Boots (Allows flight, super fast running, extra mobility on ice, allows walking on liquids and ice without breaking. Reduced damage from touching lava and provides 7 seconds of immunity to lava. 15% increased movement speed. Double Tap to dash pass enemies, with enemies taking damage equal to both Alchemy Damage and Defense as an percentage boost)
Well, I got several suggestions...

The Hazardous Chemicals accessory should have several combinations:

Hazardous Chemicals + Life Regeneration Ring = Experimental Regen Ring (Gives either Alchemy Damage boost or Life Regen boost depending on either day or night)

Corrupted Regen Ring (Does the same, but also adds Mana Regen boost during when the Life Regen boost and Damage Resistance added to Alchemy Damage boost) + Shackle = Finalized Chemical Cuffs (Replaces the Day/Night limitations with damage taken boosting Mana, and converts half of damage into added Alchemy Damage boost for 15 seconds)


Hazardous Chemicals + Gold/Cobalt Armor = Coated Gold/Cobalt Armor (Armor is haled, but gives 5% Alchemy Damage boost. Full set doubles defense and 30% chance to not spend Flask)


Hazardous Chemicals + Elemental Boots = Anatomical Boots (Allows flight, super fast running, extra mobility on ice, allows walking on liquids and ice without breaking. Reduced damage from touching lava and provides 7 seconds of immunity to lava. 15% increased movement speed. Double Tap to dash pass enemies, with enemies taking damage equal to both Alchemy Damage and Defense as an percentage boost)
so youre talking about combinations with tremor items? im afraid thats not possible as the only way you could track an item that is not vanilla or of the same mod is by its id and tmodloader ids arent fixed, they change. so i dont think its technically possible to make a reliable way to detect items from other mods. if you find a way let me know
so youre talking about combinations with tremor items? im afraid thats not possible as the only way you could track an item that is not vanilla or of the same mod is by its id and tmodloader ids arent fixed, they change. so i dont think its technically possible to make a reliable way to detect items from other mods. if you find a way let me know

It's only for just one item.
I'm not too sure if this was fixed but with the Throwing as Ranged addon, dart ammo, flamethrower projectiles and I believe star cannon are still listed as ranged
Very sorry if it was fixed
I'm not too sure if this was fixed but with the Throwing as Ranged addon, dart ammo, flamethrower projectiles and I believe star cannon are still listed as ranged
Very sorry if it was fixed
with the throwing as ranged addon all throwing weapons were listed as ranged so maybe thats what u saw. but ill check as soon as tmodloader updates for 1.3.5 when im updating this
Yo, just noticed a bug, elemental boots aren't giving back anything upon dismantling. I have a few other mods installed and this is running multiplayer through a linux server. Had the plan on using elemental boots and then dismantling later to craft into Calamity Mod's angel treads.

Yo, just noticed a bug, elemental boots aren't giving back anything upon dismantling. I have a few other mods installed and this is running multiplayer through a linux server. Had the plan on using elemental boots and then dismantling later to craft into Calamity Mod's angel treads.

thanks and sorry for the inconvenience of it is true. i will verify and fix it when tmodloader is updated for 1.3.5
Now that I'm awake I went ahead and did some more thorough testing on when you can and can't dismantle. The bug is that when you right click the "Disassemble X" items, it disappears and you get nothing back. It does not seem to affect single player, it does affect both dedicated and host n play regardless of OS. All disassemble items are affected except: The various horseshoe balloons, obsidian horseshoe, celestial cuffs, bee cloak, and diving gear. Tested with all other mods disabled except Hero's Mod for the sake of cheating in disassemble items. I'm pretty sure there's just a typo in some of your net code. Any chance on a quick fix? The tmodloader update for 1.3.5 is probably not going to be quick. Hopefully in the future Jopo can add support for something vaguely like "is calamity installed? if yes add recipe for itemname "angeltreads" using itemname "elementalboots".
Now that I'm awake I went ahead and did some more thorough testing on when you can and can't dismantle. The bug is that when you right click the "Disassemble X" items, it disappears and you get nothing back. It does not seem to affect single player, it does affect both dedicated and host n play regardless of OS. All disassemble items are affected except: The various horseshoe balloons, obsidian horseshoe, celestial cuffs, bee cloak, and diving gear. Tested with all other mods disabled except Hero's Mod for the sake of cheating in disassemble items. I'm pretty sure there's just a typo in some of your net code. Any chance on a quick fix? The tmodloader update for 1.3.5 is probably not going to be quick. Hopefully in the future Jopo can add support for something vaguely like "is calamity installed? if yes add recipe for itemname "angeltreads" using itemname "elementalboots".
nice testing. well done. ill look into it as soon as ive got some time on my hands. and yep same
Gonna just do a quick thread-necro to say... Is anyone willing to hop on this mod and bring it up to proper current version or perhaps even add features? This is a cliche thing to say but other than actually come up with new working code I have so many ideas for tweaking things and I'm sad that Golden Revolver is inactive. I've been interested in playing more again and would like like to contribute to "fixing vanilla issues". I'm certainly willing to test, tweak numbers, and dig for typos in the code.

Edit: Extracted the source with tmodreader, the code is certainly simple enough to read. I just have no clue what I'm doing and not quite enough free time to learn the API and it's version changes. So yeah...
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Big thanks to Luiafk who was kind enough to brute force convert this mod at my request to tModloader v0.10.1.3 for Terraria There are no functionality changes, but I would like to see this rewritten some day. Honestly I'd like to get rid of the alternate versions of accessories and just stick with edits. I'd also like to make some more defined rules for which accessories can/can't be used at the same time such that you can't stack them for multiple boosts to the same stats if they're part of the same tinker recipe, but you can if they don't overlap functionality. Hopefully you'll find the updated mod attached to this post. Extract the zip for the tmod file to put in your mod folder.

Edit: As for why I didn't publish to the mod browser: A. It could use some cleaning up first, and more importantly B. I'm honoring Goldenrevolver's granted permissions in the first post.


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Sorry for the late response. I don't notice new posts on the forums as reliably as I'd like. Anyway, no sadly the add-on was not included. I could update the add-on now, but I've opted instead to redo the mod completely. That's right I forced myself to put in the time to learn what I needed to code a new mod. I have enough work done now that I'm ready to start a new thread, but I want to get in touch with Goldenrevolver and get his blessing to start a new thread and upload to the browser. I've taken a very different approach from the original. I've already done most of the changes I mentioned in my previous text walls. The exception being boss changes and most things related to AI (just looking at AI code makes my head hurt). I've thrown in quite a few quality of life features, a costly means to convert ores/corruptions to their alternate forms, buffs and nerfs to many items, a proper config file to turn stuff on and off.... I don't want to tease too much since I still have to get permission and some new artwork for the stuff I had to add.

Edit: I've re-set the forums to email me when there's a response to the thread. Dunno why it was ever unset.
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