Biomes & Nature The Hesperides Biome


Official Terrarian
Okay, what I'm suggesting is a minibiome like the Ocean. A garden marked by a Special orange tree to the west, and a surface equivalent of the Mushroom Biome and Hives. Do note that this includes several alts of things but the Mushroom Biome is not one of them.

This biome is a garden where the grass and water is as orange as the sky and where Apples shine gold. Always found to the west, where one will find a Living Tree and quite possibly some Marble houses.

Sprites are done by @Pinelord, @kciwdahC, @Coldshot Boostar (though he dosn't want the credit), @DerpoTheMagnificent, @Aiflynn, @J-50N and in few cases, myself.

Banner and Code (thanks @DarkAwesome ):


Music inspiration:

These NPCs are sisters, Daughters of Night and Darkness. They will sell special blocks, a counterpart of the Autohammer and other items, but they can only live in houses in the Hesperide Biome.


(Sprite by Pinelord)
Daughter of Dawn. The first NPC of the sisters. To get her, one must merely build a house in the Hesperides Biome. She sells Orange Solution for the Clentaminator, A Pie Oven, Apple Seeds and Dawnstone Blocks. She attacks with Arrows.


(Sprite by Pinelord)
Daughter of Dusk. The 2nd sister. To find her, one must have slain the Guardian Ladon. She sells Duskstone Blocks, and some weapons for the pre-hardmode game. She also grants a buff to nearby NPCs and the player that increases their health regeneration rate


(Sprite by Pinelord)
Daughter of Midnight. The last of the three sisters. She'll move in to an empty house in the biome once you slain the Wall of Flesh. She'll sell Twilight Blocks and the Polymerizer. She attacks using Vilethorn-like spells

Finally these three share a name pool. One of them can be named Aegle, Erythea, Arethusa, Chrysothemis, Hespera, Hesperia, Hesperethusa, Lipara, Asterope, Kalypso, Donakis, Mermesa, Tara, Aiopis and Mapsura. However only one can have a certain name at a time. These NPCs are etherial and undying, despite this they will vanish once their HP reaches 0


(Sprite by Pinelord)
70 damage. 200 HP. (140 damage. 400 HP.)
The replacement of the Dungeon Specter in worlds blessed with Hesperite is the Dungeon Will O'The Wisp. The Burning spirit of a strong foe. This infernal being drops Ignis Faatus.


(Sprite by Pinelord)
40 damage. 180 HP. (80 damage. 360 HP.)
Oddyseus warned these guys, they who are enchanted by the humble Lotus become Lotus-Eaters. Parallel to the Spore Zombie in many ways (especialy the drug association :guidetongue:)


(sprites by J-50N, I expanded on these sprites in the next post)
70 Damage. 350 HP. (140 damage. 700 HP.)
While the sisters are among the eponymous Hesperides Nymphs of the garden, they are not the only ones, merely the three friendliest ones. There are others lurking the biome, determined to stop intruders from plucking their golden apples. There is another differnce, unlike the sisters, these Nymphs are mortal and thus they prefer to strike form the shadows. They are varied, but few and far between so the chances of them ambushing an intruder are almost as low as adventurers finding a Lost Girl Underground, and the defeat of the Wall of Flash makes them spawn in greater numbers.


(sprite by J-50N)
90[melee]/200[magic] damage. 600 HP. (180[melee]/400[magic] damage. 1200 HP)
Skeleton Sorcerers are found in the dark pits of the Underground Jungle, they search for their stolen Golden Apples, and the ore form they took, to seek revenge on the Nymphs that slain them. If a Skeleton Wizard is nearby, that means there is a vein of Hesperite close by. A few of them have been awakened by the slaying of the Guardian at the local temple.

200 damage. 600 HP (400 damage. 1200 HP)
In the Marble Biome below, one might had an encounter with Medusa, however she is not the only Gorgon around. The reason why there are few Hesperide Nymphs is because they are all busy trying to ward off the gorgon Euryale, who can petrify them, and you, just as easily as her subterranean sister. This is a Hardmode only spawn.


(sprites by J-50N)
Trojan Horse: 65 damage. 400 HP. (130 damage. 800 HP)
Hesperider: 80 damage. 800 HP. (160 damage. 1600 HP.)
Once you enter hardmode, Unicorns aren't the only equines you have to worry about. The Trojan Horse, made of Cedar enchanted by traveling wizards, will stampede and trample any adventurer in their way, a few of the Nymphs here have trained some of these wild beasts and had became Hesperiders as a result, beware this deadly combination


(Sprite by Pinelord)
40 damage. 5000 HP. (100 damage. 7000 HP)
The Garden is protected not only by cunning Nymphs and wooden horses. On occasion, just as the Eye of Cthulhu patrols the land for upstart adventurers, this fire-breathing wyrm patrols intruders, as long as the Eater of Worlds, 100 heads that detach in Impact and 5000 (7000 in Expert) points to slash at, this dragon is a fearsome foe. For those that travel into the Garden of the Hesperides, be prepared to face the Beast Ladon.


(Sprite by J-50N)
Orange Grass: Not a block. This is the grass that denotes the Hesperides. As such it is the equivalent of the Mushroom Grass, except that it can grow on Dirt as well, It cannot override Corruption, Crimson, Hallowed or Mushroom Grass, nor can it be overridden by the same grass or normal Green Grass (In other words, it doesn't spread without the player's help). Spread by Orange Seeds and Orange Solution.


(Tentative Sprite by me)
Cedarwood: The wood of trees in the Hesperides, which grow as much as the Jungle's Rich Mahogany. This wood is good for beginners, but will be quickly outclassed, but the same can be said of all wood. Good thing they can be used to also make furniture. They can also spread the Hesperides


(Sprite by Coldshot Boostar)
Apples: In Red Delicious and Granny Smith varieties, they are as tasty as Pumpkins and available all year round in the forest and jungle.


(Sprite by Coldshot Boostar)
Golden Apples: The treasures of of the Hesperides. Golden Apples that shine as bright as the Sun, even in the darkness of night

Dawnstone Blocks: Sold by the Daughter of Dawn, these orange and pink blocks contain the essence of the Rising Sun, and are used to create beautiful furniture and walls

Duskstone Blocks: Sold by the Daughter of Dusk, these blocks have the essence of the Red and Yellow setting sun and are used to create exquisite furniture.

Twilight Blocks: Sold by the Daughter of Midnight, these purple blocks depict the Night Sky much like a certain dye. Use these to create walls and furniture that shows an image of the stars!


(Left Sprite by me, middle and Right Sprites by J-50N)
Hesperite: Thieves that had stolen the Golden Apples sometimes lose them underground, where they mutate and become a metallic substance called Hesperite. This red ore is often found in subterranean jungles void of Chlorophyte, the properties of which is used in special Armor, as well as Bricks and walls


(Sprite by J-50N)
Kallisite Bar: 1 Hesperite bar, 15 Golden Apples. An orange ore that combines the chaotic power of Past and present, this is use in magical garments. And created unique plating for walls. This is for the fairest of them all.


(Sprite by J-50N)
Phantom Bar: 2 Hesperite Bars, 1 Ignus Faatus. From the fires that burn in the Dungeon comes a property useful for snipers and huntsmen alike.


(Sprites by Coldshot Boostar)
Cedarwood Gear: 12 Cedarwood apiece, just as powerful as the normal wood. Includes a Sword, Shortsword, Lance, Hammer, Axe, Pickaxe, Bow and Yo-Yo
Stats are the same as the other Wooden Gear.


(Sprite by Coldshot Boostar)
Hesperite gear: 12 Hesperite bars, slightly stronger than Chrolophyte, but otherwise identical, Includes a Harpe, Rapier, Trident, Warhammer, Axe, Pickaxe and Repeater
As gear made from the alt to Chorophite bars, the stats are similar but a little bit higher (For example the Saber is 49 damage)


Sprite by Aiflynn
Nyx Bow: The Bow of the youngest of Nyx's children; the Daughter of Dawn. Who uses it to ward off intruders. She might leave this bow as a parting gift if her time on this plane expires
Damage is 20, Knockback is very weak, 5% critical chance, Use time is Fast and Velocity is 8

Hesperia: 8 Cedarwood 5 Souls of Might, 5 Souls of Sight, 5 Souls of Fright, 7 Golden Apple. A Summon Staff to summon Hesperider Minions.
Minion Damage is 42, cost 10 mana

Kallisite Robe: 12 bars for each headpiece, 24 bars for the robe and 18 for the Pants. The robes are made to enhance minions and spells alike with Ichor, regular fire, cursed fire, befuddlement or Slow. Causing enemies trouble. The minions get these enchantments wearing the Kallisite Circlet, while the Spells get them from the Kallisite Hat.
Defense is 32 with the circlet and 40 with the mask


(sprite by Coldshot Boostar)
Golem Armor: 12 Hesperite bars and 2 Solar Tablet Fragments for the helmet, 24 Hesperite Bars and 6 Solar Tablet Fragments for the Breastplate and 18 hesperite Bars and 4 Solar Tablet Fragments for the Greaves. Powered by the Lhizards' guardian this armor increases the range of melee attacks in unusual ways, from enchanting string and chain to be longer, to enlarging sword and spears to causing the wind to aid boomerangs to go further.
Defense is 61


(Sprites by kciwdahC)
Phantom Armor: 12 Phantom Bars for each headpiece, 24 Bars for the Torso and 18 for the Legguards. This ghastly armor enables a chance to not consume ammunition a third of the time. As well as three different bonuses. The Helm, enables you to sneak by invisibly like Perseus, The Visor allows you to see further and the Cap allows you to fire two volleys at the same time.
Defense is 51 regardless of headpiece

Mirror Shield: Sold by the Daughter of Dusk. This holy shield deflect projectiles and the gaze of Gorgons, but the protection lasts a few seconds

Aegis: 1 Mirror Shield and 1 Medusa Head. Combines the defensive properties of the Mirror Shield with the offensive properties of Medusa.

Atlas Gauntlet: An item dropped by Ladon if felled by a challenging adventurer. This mighty armpiece increases knockback and strength.

Erebus: 2 Phantom Bars, 18 Souls of Flight and 5 Ignis Faatus: Wings of Darkness

Lotus: Vanity accessory dropped by Lotus Eaters.

Apple Seeds: Sold by the Daughter of Dawn. These both Plant a tree and ensure it has at least one Apple.

Cedar Leaf: Sometimes drops when a Cedar tree timbers.

Orange Solution: Allows the Clentaminator to turn the grass on dirt and mud into Orange Grass


(Sprite by Pinelord)
Ignus Faatus: Replaces Ectoplasm in Hesperite worlds. Obtained the same way as Ectoplasm.

Pie Oven: Sold by the Daughter of Dawn. Crafting Station for pies

Polymerizer: Sold by the Daughter of Midnight. Crafting station and Auto-Hammer counterpart.

Tiki Mask: Sold by the Witch Doctor when you have a Pygmy staff, Replaces the Tiki armor

Ladon Trophy and Mask: usual boss items

Cedarwood furniture: Rustic furniture crafted from Cadarwood

Dawn Furniture: Crafted from Dawnstone Blocks, they have a Greek Revival aestethic

Dusk Furniture: Crafted from Duskstone Blocks, they have an Adamesque and Art Nouveau motif

Twilight Furniture: Like the Twilight blocks they are crafted from, they have the same effect as Twilight Dye. Based on Neo-Renaissance Furniture


(Sprite by Coldshot Boostar)
Apple of Hera: Ladon Summoning Item

Trojan Saddle: Trojan Horse Mount. The ironically is not an apple like the other equine mount. It lacks the double Jump but it is faster. Rare drop from Trojan horses, and Hesperiders

Hesperides Water Fountain: Sold by the Witch Doctor. the fountain for making the water orange, available once Plantera is defeated.


(Sprite by DerpoTheMagnificant)
The Golden Apples: Sold by the Painter while in the Hesperides Biome, tis just a painting, but one that seems bigger than the usual biome paintings.


(Sprite by DerpoTheMagificent)
Mushroom Samba: Sold by the Painter while in the Mushroom Biome and of the same size as its above counterpart

Minor changes include making the Spectre Bar creatable at an Auto-Hammer, and Pumpkin Pies creatable at a Pie Oven. The Witch Doctor will no longer sell Tiki Armor, but instead sells an Item that must be combined with Chrolophyte to make Tiki Armor​
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Reserved for Older, Alternate and excess Sprites

Alt, Daughter of Dawn Sprite by @kciwdahC
Alt. Daughter of Midnight by @kciwdahC
Old Daughter of Dawn by @Pinelord
Old Daughter of Dusk by @Pinelord
Old Daughter of Midnight by @Pinelord
Hesperide Nymph Spritesheet by moi (with help from @J-50N) consisting of all 44 variations
Ladon Sprite by @Pinelord
Apple sprites by @J-50N
Alt Phantom Bar by @kciwdahC
Larger version by @DerpoTheMagnificent (I think its just for concept purposes. Therefore it shoudenlt be added at this size)
Larger version by @DerpoTheMagnificent (What applies to the above sprite also applies here)
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This is an amazing idea. Adds more things that make sense with what we have already. I honestly dont have anything to add. :guidegrin:
And Now I have a banner ready for those that wish to support this biome, Thansk to @DarkAwesome


And the code is..
So wait, is this an alternate to the Dungeon or Mushroom Biome? Either way, it looks awesome.

Neither, certain aspects are an alt to Chrolophythe and related stuff, but the Biome itself is not an alt to the Dungeon or Mushroom Biome (In fact one of the new stuff associated needs a new thing from the Dungeon.)

Also note that unlike the usual biome suguesstions, this cannot work as an alt (for Mushroom) because both biomes have associated NPCs. Think of it this way, the Hesperides Biome is a surface Biome, one cannot be found underground naturally, he Mushtoom Biome is an underground Biome, one that can only be brought to the surface artificially.
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I like this idea a lot, just a few questions. Will the cedar tree grow if an acorn is used in the Hesperides biome, or only when Apple seeds are used? Also, will the lotus eaters, despite being basic zombie variants, inflict a slow debuff or something along those lines to keep in line with the mythology? Also we have medusa and euryale where's the love for stheno? And will there be lotus apples?
I think it would be great to include more Greek mythology in the game, and this biome would go brilliantly with The River idea, looks great to me, nice work!
I like this idea a lot, just a few questions. Will the cedar tree grow if an acorn is used in the Hesperides biome, or only when Apple seeds are used? Also, will the lotus eaters, despite being basic zombie variants, inflict a slow debuff or something along those lines to keep in line with the mythology? Also we have medusa and euryale where's the love for stheno? And will there be lotus apples?
I think it would be great to include more Greek mythology in the game, and this biome would go brilliantly with The River idea, looks great to me, nice work!

Yes, cedar trees grow if an acorn is used, getting the Golden Apples might also need the Apple seeds

I'll consider adding the debuff to the Lotus zombies, but I want to check if the Spire or Mushroom Zombies have debuffs first

No, I don't think I'll add Lotus Apples...yet

As for the choice of Gorgon, I picked Euryale because Medusa is already used, if the other suggestion with Euryale is implemented I'll see about changing to Sitheno.
Yes, cedar trees grow if an acorn is used, getting the Golden Apples might also need the Apple seeds

I'll consider adding the debuff to the Lotus zombies, but I want to check if the Spire or Mushroom Zombies have debuffs first

No, I don't think I'll add Lotus Apples...yet

As for the choice of Gorgon, I picked Euryale because Medusa is already used, if the other suggestion with Euryale is implemented I'll see about changing to Sitheno.
nice it all works for me. No the spore and mushroom zombies don't apply debuffs, nor do any zombies I think so if lotus eaters applied slow then they would be too powerful arguably for a low tier enemy so I can understand if you don't include it. Great biome idea, I really hope it's considered.
These last two look kinda like keyblades. Cool sprites, I wonder what they would look if they were more amber rather than red.

Edit: Hm? Is it any good? Or too much like Palladium?

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These last two look kinda like keyblades. Cool sprites, I wonder what they would look if they were more amber rather than red.

Edit: Hm? Is it any good? Or too much like Palladium?


I;d say yes, I was oing for red because of the Apples thing.

The longswords are supposed to be Harpes, to go with the greek theme I have going for this biome
This looks and feels pretty amazing! I feel that varieties above ground adds more atmospheres/perspectives into the game, which is neat! I especially love the sprites, they just are, just, wow! You guys did an amazing job!

Full support right here!
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