IC The Hunt for the Singularity.

"No, it's not. Referring to an individual is easy. You can call them by their position or job. A name is a privilege and should be treated with great honor otherwise history gets muddled with those who give themselves titles they do not deserve."
"No, it's not. Referring to an individual is easy. You can call them by their position or job. A name is a privilege and should be treated with great honor otherwise history gets muddled with those who give themselves titles they do not deserve."
"But... I... I think I understand, just... still makes no sense to me."
The Captain leads her past a crew of Ocular who begin to move the ship and repair the damage from the ensuing battle.

"I must apologize for the sparse conditions of the room. We are not used to organic beings preferences for comfort."
SAR sat still, tapping one of his claws along the wall. He had come up with every possible combat plan, and analyzed all of them, hoping to figure out which was best. He only had a 2.45% success rate in decimating all of the “factions”, and that was at best. A new plan struck him.

let them kill each other

They were doing it anyways, well before SAR had appeared, so why not let them weaken themselves further..?

SAR called back the ship attempting to land on the world that SOM was on, removing the bounties on everyone who had stolen from the machinis.

Once every machine was inside the ship, SAR cut the ship’s power, also giving the order for all the machines to shut off.


Within two weeks, the inside of the ship was devoid of oxygen, and the average temperature was only about a degree above that of in space.

SAR sat alone in a cold, quiet, dark ship. Watching the stars.

He would wait. Let things die, but more importantly, he could sit still and watch things grow.

He did love watching things grow.

When the time was ripe, he would be back, and then he could put the whole violent galaxy at peace. He could let everything grow.

SAR tilted his head slightly.

Yes, the stars were beautiful.

(I’ll miss you guys for however long I’m gone, Zparks, you have permission to repair the damaged machinis at the unity base and use her as an NPC, yes, that’s a girl, and Razor, you can use SOM as an NPC too. Hopefully I’ll be able to be back soon.)
The Captain leads her past a crew of Ocular who begin to move the ship and repair the damage from the ensuing battle.

"I must apologize for the sparse conditions of the room. We are not used to organic beings preferences for comfort."
"I have not been comfortable in years.'
SAR sat still, tapping one of his claws along the wall. He had come up with every possible combat plan, and analyzed all of them, hoping to figure out which was best. He only had a 2.45% success rate in decimating all of the “factions”, and that was at best. A new plan struck him.

let them kill each other

They were doing it anyways, well before SAR had appeared, so why not let them weaken themselves further..?

SAR called back the ship attempting to land on the world that SOM was on, removing the bounties on everyone who had stolen from the machinis.

Once every machine was inside the ship, SAR cut the ship’s power, also giving the order for all the machines to shut off.

Within two weeks, the inside of the ship was devoid of oxygen, and the average temperature was only about a degree above that of in space.

SAR sat alone in a cold, quiet, dark ship. Watching the stars.

He would wait. Let things die, but more importantly, he could sit still and watch things grow.

He did love watching things grow.

When the time was ripe, he would be back, and then he could put the whole violent galaxy at peace. He could let everything grow.

SAR tilted his head slightly.

Yes, the stars were beautiful.

(I’ll miss you guys for however long I’m gone, Zparks, you have permission to repair the damaged machinis at the unity base and use her as an NPC, yes, that’s a girl, and Razor, you can use SOM as an NPC too. Hopefully I’ll be able to be back soon.)

God speed, space cowboy. o7)

"I have not been comfortable in years.'
"I see.. Well hopefully these quarters can alleviate that."

The Captain opens a door that leads to a room that is, while barren, holding all the basic necessities the Ocular deemed an organic would need. This includes a simple bed, separate bathroom unit, and a small desk.
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"I'm sure with sufficient research, the Ocular could find some way to remove it." The Captain shrugged, arms placed behind his back. "Would you like to speak with the Diplomat?"
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