The Land of the Dead (Text Adventure)

Greyton stops himself from beating the butts out of this poor man. "Fred, I'm gong to take a nice long wal... float." Greyton says to Fred while exiting the Inn.
“What the **** just happened?” I inquire “well I don’t give a **** anyway sooo I’m just going to kill him with whatever this thing is.” I say as I pull out the grenade and doe exactly what Grimal stoped me from doing at the start of the game I pull the pin. Then give it to Phaedra because I have no flipping idea what it does then say “yeah can you do whatever you do with this, I only got to the pin pulling part by the time Grimal stoped me.”
Phaedra carefully takes the grenade from Varvin, being careful not to let the arm fall.
"Sir, hand me the pin."
Phaedra keeps his eyes fixated on the grenade
Phaedra carefully slides the pin back into place, and puts the grenade in his pocket.
Phaedra then fires the BFG at the empty armor.
Phaedra carefully slides the pin back into place, and puts the grenade in his pocket.
Phaedra then fires the BFG at the empty armor.
(That won’t work Varvin doesn’t know to keep his hand on the strike lever to stop it from exploding)
“So that’s how it works? Is it now weaponized?”
(That won’t work Varvin doesn’t know to keep his hand on the strike lever to stop it from exploding)
I'm curious why you allowed it to go on so long without saying something sooner, also why you're still following along with an event that's, by your declaration, impossible.
What's just happened, by the bounds of Varvin's competence?
Do we need to redo this turn under the assumption that Varvin did not keep the lever steady when he handed it to Phaedra?
Alright, well if Phaedra couldn't do what I scripted him to do in the first place, he would have thrown the grenade at the empty armor without an ounce of thought.
(Benevolent Tingler)
Tingler goes up to the feral zombie, briefly checking if it's actually alive. He swings his hammer at it's legs.
First i want to start off the update by apologizing for why it took so long, i don't really like updating on days that i work and for this week i had to work on thursday as well as my usual friday and saturday.

*Radio Static*
???: I don’t-
*Radio Static*
*music returns to normal*

~~~~Greyton (@Xmax360)~~~~
HP: 274/301 LVL: 2
Current Location: The Overgrowth: Grimwich City
~~~~Fred (@tappaja100)~~~~
HP: 79/200 LVL: 1
Current Location: The Overgrowth: Grimwich City
~~~~Brother Garrun (@IHATETHISSIGNUP / Jedinate)~~~~
Body HP: 210/210
Head HP: 200/200 LVL:2
Current Location: The Overgrowth: Grimwich City

Greyton tells Fred that he is going to talk a walk/float.
While fred orders the strongest drink Mika has
Mika hands him a drink called the Gravebuster. He takes one sip then instantly passes out and wakes up several minutes later in the floor.

Greyton takes a wander and ends up in the marketplace part of town, he accidentally bumps into A monk who seems to be browsing.
It seems most of the stores of the market is closed right now with really a food store and a “Trinkets” store open. The trinket store is rune by an Anubis who looks pretty much like a goth teenage girl. While the Foodstore is run by a Lost Soul who looks like a stereotypical italian chef, he has a nametag on him that reads “Mario”

Since both Greyton and Garrun are near his food stall:
Mario: WELCOME TO MY FOOD MUSEUM! And before you ask, No i am not this “super mario” guy everyone keeps thinking i am. I am just a regular italian chef trying to survive, just ask my brother Luigi down the street.

~~~~The Despicable Varvin Arthan (@Person999)~~~~
HP: 231/254 LVL 2
Current Location: Castle of Souls: First Floor Dining Room
~~~~Phaedra (@Madder)~~~~
HP: 319/425 LVL:2
Current Location: Castle of Souls: First Floor Dining Room
~~~~Magnus (@TheGuy)~~~~
HP: 452/452 LVL 2
Current Location: Castle of Souls: First Floor Dining Room
~~~~Dollie (@Sky High)~~~~
HP: 200/200 LVL: 1
Current Location: Castle of Souls: First floor Dining Room

Phaedra: 319/425
Magnus: 452/452
Varvin: 231/254
Dollie: 200/200
Empty Armor: 300/600

The Empty Armor begins to heat up before spewing out the Sizz Spell!
Flames singe and deal 20 damage to the entire party!
Dollie aimlessly wanders
Varvin more or less ends up giving Phaedra the Frag Grenade, best hope that thing doesn’t just explode!
Got the Frag Grenade!
Phaedra fires the BFG!
It did 300 damage! Then it broke down...
Magnus does nothing this turn.

The Empty armor wobbles after being hit with that attack. It stops moving. It then makes a mad dash over to the other decorative suits of armor and begins to frantically rip their arms off until he grabs two and attaches them to his armor, each hand is now holding their own spear!

Empty Armor (Phase 2) is getting angry!
The Chandelier slowly rocks back and forth.

~~~~Benevolent Tingler (@Deputy Hue)~~~~
Body HP: 300/300
Head HP: 300/300 LVL 1
Current Location: Pumpkin Yard: Truce Town

Ghoul Eye: get these from Ghouls, they are all over the damn place, just leave town and look for the starving clawed humanoids.
Rotten Brain: Obtain these from Feral Zombies, another common monster. They aren’t using these anymore anyways.
The Mohawk of a Mohawker: There is a small small camp of them to the west of town, just take this shaver, get it for me and flee. At least i THINK That is hair… [DONE]

Tingler crawls on the ground until he reaches the feral zombie, he gives it a math test. It doesn’t even sign it’s name
Tinglers ultimate test to see if it’s brain dead works as he breaks its legs like it owes him money.
The Feral Zombie starts crawling at Tingler like some sorta angry roach!
What now?!
The Empty Armour, despite not exactly having much of a discernible motive or even soul, is giving off a vibe of very, very, directed malice, it then launches itself in the direction of Varvin(whom it particularly paid attention to earlier) and thrusts it's weapon at him 4 times. (Simplified; Uses Multithrust on Varvin, all strikes of it)
Greyton was going to be mad at the monk but then got distracted by Mario, he then whispers to the monk, "You see this guy... oh, oh god, the hell happened to you?" Greyton asks Garrun, ignoring Mario.
Dollie is scared by the horrible giant monster thing and starts to cry... somehow.

(Dollie Is Sad activated.)
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