The Last Post Wins!

that'll be pretty hard considering pikachu's shiny is like playing where's waldo with a blindfold on: impossible
fair point
get a raichu as backup, then hunt pika until Friday
give yourself that well deserved self esteem,

I should sleep
I have one note now for Kai's side of that pixelmon run I mentioned in Yuni and Kai's notes
-Kai's main settlement would be a Nether Fortress with friendly inhabitants.
(Basically that run's rules would be I start in the nether on peaceful difficulty, and I can only leave the nether if I need materials only found in the overworld or if I need to visit a different dimension like the end)
fair point
get a raichu as backup, then hunt pika until Friday
How about I just grab a ditto and do a masuda method and call it a day?
I should sleep
you are my eepiest soldier
I have one note now for Kai's side of that pixelmon run I mentioned in Yuni and Kai's notes
-Kai's main settlement would be a Nether Fortress with friendly inhabitants.
(Basically that run's rules would be I start in the nether on peaceful difficulty, and I can only leave the nether if I need materials only found in the overworld or if I need to visit a different dimension like the end)
today might as well be the best day of my life
I've got my switch, my game boy advanced SL, My TV, & my chromebook to access the forums. My dad's currently out going to get Mcdonalds (which i love)
haven't really had to do any chores
no need to fear school, my grades are good enough & im passing
It's been a quiet, calm day
I can hunt more shiny raichus in Pokemon Scarlet (once i get NSO I'll be willing to trade them to you guys for free, they aren't rare I've always gotten one after only like 2-3 hours of preparation
I can grind in Pokemon Leaf Green
i can chat with you guys
I can eat some great food
It's warm in here, and I'm under the comfiest blanket i have & it's dimly lit (i hate bright areas and love dimly lit ones)
All whilst Luke TheNotable videos play in the background
...I loved today
today was my christmas present
i return.
Wait... that's not normal for one's OCs?
Not here, for the most part.

Edit: I decided on one member of Yuni's original team. Specifically, his first Pokemon in hell was a Houndour, which has since evolved into Houndoom. It is not known if Yuni can or does mega evolve it.
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