The Last Post Wins!

Alright. There's not much, but here it is.
Flame (Fire)
Frost (Ice)
Lightning (Electricity)
Rain (Water)
Leaf (Grass)
Sun (Light)
Moon (Dark, ghosts will also often have this element)
Sky (Air)
Stone (Rock)
Metal (Steel)
Data (Would be a rarer element)

Number of Elements: 10 to 15 (11 Listed)
Alright. There's not much, but here it is.
Flame (Fire)
Frost (Ice)
Lightning (Electricity)
Rain (Water)
Leaf (Grass)
Sun (Light)
Moon (Dark, ghosts will also often have this element)
Sky (Air)
Stone (Rock)
Metal (Steel)
Data (Would be a rarer element)
All 11 of them look great!
Data (Would be a rarer element)
So like Gen 1 Dragon type?
Number of Elements: 10 to 15 (11 Listed)
Could i help come up with some matchups?
Me: Making an OC.
The first little mind gremlin (good): pssst yo currently they don't seem very humanized, add some useless info
Me: okay, I'll make them afraid of bees and wasps but also make them want to be a beekeeper one day
The second little mind gremlin (also good): hey their design is lacking around the legs
Me: Okay, I'll give them some cool boots.
The third little mind gremlin (bad): Make them hot.
Me: what
The third little mind gremlin: You heard me. Make them HAWT.
Me: NO!
The third little mind gremlin: DO IT!

And that, my friends, is why my more recent OCs are rather attractive.
does anyone relate or am I just weird
I do recommend Pal Go if you like tower defense games
1. unless its on switch for free, I have no way to play it
2. I personally find tower defense games somewhat boring

random OC fact: The reason why I opted to make ScarfSight infertile is because at the time of originally making her, I had no idea on how to write a character going through pregnancy without it being/seeming incredibly weird. I have since figured it out with Chis, but I have chosen to keep ScarfSight this way as even though it led to the deletion of my character TieSpy, It ended up creating Adeline, an OC I much prefer. Also, It allowed for ScarfSight to have more of a character.
it annoys me how nobody has connected the dots and realized that Quincy Caldwell is STATIK.78's son yet
they literally share a last name and the whole "water is missing" backstory for The Dehydration Games gives Quincy a reason to invade other omniverses to inhabit as well, they need water
I'm going to sleep
But first
Fun fact: Dani, a tiny dragon OC I'm working on, could genuinely force Malis to retreat in battle
This tiny :red: dragon can force the evil overlord to retreat
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