PC The Most Luckiest Seed v1.3.5.3


I was messing around with experimental mode by inputting various amounts of random text and numbers to see what I could get, I soon got bored and went off Terraria to watch some videos. I then saw a video on my recommended about a AFK farm for the Pumpkin Moon event, it caught my attention so I took a look at it. Once I was done watching the video I got persuaded enought to go on to Terraria again so I did, I generated a new world and called it "AFK Farm" and made the seed "afkfarm" and made the world to discover the most luckiest seed ever.

There are a many rare things and phenomenons located on this world, here is a what I found on this seed.
  • Three Pyramids
  • A enchanted sword shrine which was unfortunately fake
  • A abnormal hill the randomly cuts off
  • A cave filled with 6 chests
Seed details: The world is large, it is crimson and the seed is "afkfarm" in lowercase.

Here are also some images of the locations in map:
Pyramid 1 Imgur
Pyramid 2 Imgur
Pyramid 3 Imgur
Shrine Imgur
Lucky cave system Imgur

Thank you for your time! :)
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