tModLoader The Ocram 'n Stuff Mod

I'm pretty sure that Ocram's center of rotation is at the top of his eye, not his center like your Ocram boss fight showed.
Sorry for being absent for a while, but here is a quick patch: (Sorry for taking so long)

Fixed all the recipes. (Finally using RecipeGroups instead of having multiple recipes per item)

Sorry for the delays, dealing with something IRL rn...
Can you make a lepus n stuff mod or a turkor n stuff mod or make them one mod pls.
I have no plans on making a mod about mobile stuff at the moment.
is this mod going to add the mobile bosses + items
does this mod add a ocram loot bag?
Yes, there is no expert item yet though.
I'm pretty sure that Ocram's center of rotation is at the top of his eye, not his center like your Ocram boss fight showed.
Yeah, I'll fix this at some point when I have more time.
Can somebody post Lepus sprites? I kind of need them... I'll give credit (I'm assuming you remake the sprites because, as far as I know, it's impossible to copy the sprites because you can't move the sprites from console to PC and you would need to redtaw them whichh sucks because it takes a lot of time)
Can somebody post Lepus sprites? I kind of need them... I'll give credit (I'm assuming you remake the sprites because, as far as I know, it's impossible to copy the sprites because you can't move the sprites from console to PC and you would need to redtaw them whichh sucks because it takes a lot of time)
Can somebody post Lepus sprites? I kind of need them... I'll give credit (I'm assuming you remake the sprites because, as far as I know, it's impossible to copy the sprites because you can't move the sprites from console to PC and you would need to redtaw them whichh sucks because it takes a lot of time)
Nevermind, found 'em


  • NPC_352.png
    4.1 KB · Views: 158
This mod is for people looking for a very source accurate version of Ocram and his drops.
If your looking for anything else, Consolaria has pretty much outclassed this mod.
just watch the terraria Ocram's trailer,and it seem like ocram has a unique roaring sound.Here the trailer
the roaring sound start at 1:28
maybe add this sound to it summoning item as an easter egg.


Back to check on the mod after a long time to see any progress. Has development finished (I do remember you were working on expert mode)? I would also like to thank you for the effort you have put into Ocram 'n Struff to make it as accurate as possible. So much enjoyment has been garnered from this mod. Anyway, best of wishes with whatever you are going through, and I hope to see your work in the future!
Nah, it was one of the final bosses in console terraria.
Yes, but he was post-mech. He was supposed to be fought after all three mechanical bosses, since the Moon Lord and all that did not exist at that point in the console version.
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