Things you hate doing in Terraria

Making a mushroom biome. I HAVE to set it up near my base so I can get easy access to shrooms and Truffle, and my base is darkened forever (or at least until I set up a Monolith).
Build the first house in the playthrough.
Dig in the playthrough listening to the annoying tick tick tick of the stones and not finding good loot.
Corruption destroying jungle.
NPCs still being dumb.
Grind nazar.
Antlion Chargers.
Antlion Chargers.
Antlion Chargers.
I mean, I'm just trying to get enough cactus for basic tools and armor, then i get attacked by a tanky thing that takes no knockback. They also move way too fast for me to make a wall to prevent them, and if I do they jump over it.
The Rest:
Fighting The Destroyer
Farming Vertebrae in hardmode
Playing Terraria
Earlygame. You feel so helpless at this time of the game and you need to go back through the ropes you first endured as a new player before actually getting anywhere. If you know what you are doing, this can be much more easily manageable - only going down for Heart Crystals.
Early Hardmode. Mining for Adamantite/Titanium and to a lesser extent the ores beneath them is such a chore. Like with Earlygame, this can be much more manageable if you prepare yourself (in this case, it is getting tons of crates prehardmode and opening them up in hardmode).
Building an arena for plantera

an extremely tedious task that you can't do without mobs swarming you


1. Mining Chlorophyte
2. Getting Mushrooms for Shroomite Bars
4. Skeletron Expert Mode
5. First Time fighting Duke Fishron
Having to time my attacks when fighting the solar pillar because i'll beat myself up because of Selenians while dodging everything the Solar Pillar wants to throw at my face. I just accept dying without raging once then I snipe the pillar across the map when I'm done with the shield, trying to survive Solar Pillar means getting a strabism on the long term for me.
Am I the only one around here to actually like pre-hardmode mining unless i'm doing speedruns? I mean, it even makes bloody rocks feel precious...
Hardmode Corruption/Crimson/Hallow spread. If I could remove one thing from Terraria, it would without a doubt be this. Holy :red: why.

Green Solution replacing Mushroom with Underground Jungle. Again, why.

The Moon Lord drop rates. 11% on everything worthwhile? Make the player have to go through the Lunar Event every time? Sure, why not. (EVERYTHING IS WHY NOT)

1.3 Antlion subspecies. Nuff said.

Seasonal events. Why do I have to wait half a year just to wear a special outfit again?

Mobile controls. It shouldn't be this hard just to freaking jump.

The Angler. The Angler.

The Golem theme being reused for the Lunatic Cultist and the Desert and Jungle themes being reused underground. I just don't feel like they fit, honestly.

Pirate and Pirate Staff pirates pooping on the floor. I like the reference to Pixel Piracy, but when I'm just playing casually, it makes me feel like I'm watching Smosh. (see also: uncomfortable)

Zero Suit Samus getting buffed for no reas-wait, wrong game.

Expert mode being too hard to play with a fresh character, but too easy to play with an endgame character. A bit of a pet peeve, but it kinda bugs me regardless.

Orange Bloodroot. Where the heck do these spawn again? Dirt ceilings? Yeah, because those are so common underground.

Pyramid. Spawn. Rates.
The whole prehardmode.
Killing is so slow....
Mining is so slow....
Building is annoying and slow....
Progress is so slow....
Then when hardmode comes, everything seems to fast forward and in a blink of an eye, youre already ready for golem.
1). Digging anti-corruption/hallow tunnels Pre-Hardmode. When the best thing you have is a Molten Pickaxe, it takes forever to get it done. But yet, if you don't... you are pretty much doomed to have no Surface Forest whatsoever.

2). Trying to find an Anklet of the Wind, and sometimes an Aglet for the Lightning Boots. 50 Flareguns later, and lots of boomsticks, feral claws, a few staves of regrowth (I don't mind finding the first one, but I really don't need multiples...), a huge load of honey dispensers (at least they sell for 2g each) before I finally find one.

3). Trying to loot the gold chests in the dungeon. Step 1: Go into Dungeon. Step 2: Loot chests in there. Step 3: Fill up inventory within 5 minutes, Step 4: Mirror back and dump the crap where it goes. Step 5: Repeat 1-4 about 500 times. The Jungle also has this, but much much worse as they just throw so much crap at you every time you kill something, every time you break a pot and every time you find a new chest, there goes 5 more spaces of your inventory filled up with crap.

4). Trying to build a GPS. It's either the Depth Meter or the Compass that never wants to drop, despite you slaughtering 500 mobs that can drop it. And, on a lesser note, trying to complete a Goblin Tech can be just as bad if the stupid Travelling Merchant and/or Nymph won't cooperate.
pre-hardmode :l the slowness is real and it's sooo RNG based you either reach hardmode in the first day of playthrough or keep trying to find those accessories to pass on to hardmode and the mining in there is soo slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww ;(
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