Beezwax&Nectar Sep 27, 2016 So... Debates, I'm excited I get to see donald trump flounder about first hand.
Beezwax&Nectar Aug 13, 2016 I'm getting a new computer! this'll probably be my last post with my old computer... I'll miss it
Beezwax&Nectar Jun 21, 2016 I have spent so much time on the internet that I have found something extremely useful that nobody ever seems to use- middle click
I have spent so much time on the internet that I have found something extremely useful that nobody ever seems to use- middle click
Beezwax&Nectar Jun 5, 2016 I have found my new favorite insult today: Lewdster- A person who is lewd.
Beezwax&Nectar Mar 18, 2016 A little preview of something I'm working on... Sorry the sprite's so small...
Beezwax&Nectar Feb 25, 2016 My god, the wind this week has been INSANE. Yesterday there was even a tornado warning.
Beezwax&Nectar Feb 7, 2016 If Hallowed mimics had banners, I would have one right now. Daedelus stormbow why
Leinfors Oct 31, 2015 I look forward to reading more of the lore you are working on; very neat take on things.