Things you love or hate, but everyone else seems to believe the opposite?

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Corruption's overground music. I absolutely love it
I never even realized this was hated or disliked in The first place... But I agree with you.
I really like the plantera boss music (forgot what track that is)
However nobody else seams to notice it ;(

I have seen nothing But good opinions about Planteras music (and for a good reason).

As for me, I actually sorta like mining for ores. Especially at The start of Hardmode, when you already have a good amount of mobility (Rocket Boots, Hooks, and The like. Not to mention superior tools as well).
The end pieces of bread. They're fine! Taste exactly the same as every other slice in the loaf.

As for terraria related, I hate building with basic wood. Epically a lot of it. But it seems to be the favorite. I don't really like wood blocks, walls, or any of the boring, brown, blocky furniture.
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Party Bulletsare by far my favorite kind of bullets, even though Ichor or Venom are technically better, I just love Party Bullets because they're awesome.

+1! Huzzah! I use them on both my current Melee and Caster characters. You know its a party when you can fire hundreds of shots off with the Chain Gun; I don't even need a target.

More on topic, I'd have to say I don't care for the "All Warding" and "All Menacing" meta's for accessory modifiers. I adhere to the "+4 rule" eventually, but I usually rotate towards whatever playstyle-class I'm actively playing on that character.
Not a personal fan of "sit in the healing box and let traps do everything" tactics. Granted, that's efficient, I'd just find it incredibly boring for events and bosses. I'm already bored of using the North Pole and Flairon to decimate the Pumpkin Moon, the only way I could make it feel slower is if I sat perfectly still.

"You won't make it to Wave 20 in the Frost Moon without a trap arena!" Mm. Just how I play the game. I congratulate people that make cool and functioning arena's; I just don't do it myself. :cool:
Same here, I just don't find it as much as accomplishing with traps than to do it without them.
- I'm also a huge fan of the Death Scythe, though everyone else prefers the Terrablade or the Horseman's Blade.
- I love rainbow bricks, but others hate them because of the way they flash colors.
I also like the Death Scythe and Rainbow bricks.
Starfury. Seen lots of people hating it but comon!?! It is a sword that can have a higher DPS than the Night's Edge, Provides as much light as a torch, and shoots a freaking star from the heaven!
Starfury. Seen lots of people hating it but comon!?! It is a sword that can have a higher DPS than the Night's Edge, Provides as much light as a torch, and shoots a freaking star from the heaven!
Wait...People don't like the Starfury- How Dare They!!!!
Have to agree with you there. Maybe not the most powerful of weapons, but :red:in fun to use anyway!
Same reason I continue to use Aqua Scepter in Hardmode. What's more fun(and ridiculous) than spraying down enemies with a portable hose?
Plus it's fun to just watch a strong enemy slowly get rekt, and it takes forever to die yet it can't get close to you.

I just really love the Aqua Scepter.
I love the Christmas Tree Sword. Not because it's a good weapon. But because it's my bebe ;-;

Everyone hates my bebe because it sucks.

Red pls

Same reason I continue to use Aqua Scepter in Hardmode. What's more fun(and ridiculous) than spraying down enemies with a portable hose?
Plus it's fun to just watch a strong enemy slowly get rekt, and it takes forever to die yet it can't get close to you.

I just really love the Aqua Scepter.

Little known fact is that the Aqua Scepter is an incredibly superior weapon, especially in pre-hardmode. Not because of its meager damage, but because of its infinite-piercing capabilities and decent knockback.

Not to mention a single click delivers two streams that linger, which creates a decent cloud of AoE that hits enemies multiple times, at the cost of a few mana.

It's definitely an underrated and powerful weapon. 'Tis a shame a large handful of people overshadowed it with Waterbolt hype.
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