Mobile [Windows Phone] Terraria crashes while launching after new update -

I just want a working game. Started playing the PC version three days ago. Much tougher than the mobile version. Much better too.
People should realise they are not a massive development team. They've stated they're working with MS to fix the issue.
We can't really expect them to forsee every kind of problem for every kind of device out there when release an update.

It's ok to express annoyance at the fact you can't use something you paid for but without zero technical knowledge we can't really comment on the debugging process or how long it will take to fix.

Personally I think the PC version outshines console and mobile versions, I like the game that much I would have bought it for the price of all 3 versions combined, just so they have more funds to develop more lovely games like this. :dryadpassionate:
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It's been 3 months since I purchased the game for my Lumia 435. Just paid 5€ for a crashing game that I never used on this platform. Always telling an update will come soon but time passes by and Terraria still just show a BSoD and I'm back to the tiles. Never read the comments before purchasing Terraria on the store. Now I realize how shameful it is to go on selling a game that doesn't even launch.
In fact, I already bought the game via Steam for PC, so I try to forget the lack of update for Windows Phone users by playing my head off on PC.
But I wanted the sales department of Terraria to know how I am pissed off by the situation regarding Windows Phone users who still buy a game without knowing that they won't be able to play the game they purchased.
It could be so simple to release an older working version.
People should realise they are not a massive development team.

That's right ! You are perfectly right ! But, they are still selling the game on the store even if they know it's crashing ! As I said before, it's the matter of the sales department ! And it's shameful to let people buy the game in such a state of development.
I sure hope so. I'm really enjoying the PC version. Only problem is its not as child proof. My son defeated king slime while camping out in my castle using dynamite.
Rest assured that it isn't 505's fault, nor that of Codeglue. It takes time for a Terraria update to be solid upon release, especially with what you're dealing with right now. I don't have a reasonable explanation for your grievances, but I know for a fact that the Mobile Devs are doing their best with what they are given.
Patience is a virtue.

You are saying that the game-breaking bug that prevents the app from even launching is not the fault of either the publisher or the developer? Explain that, please. Explain how lack of QA is not their fault. Explain how it is acceptable for them to charge money for this game that is and has for MULTIPLE CONSECUTIVE MONTHS been unplayable, actually unlaunchable. If you need a reasonable explanation for our grievances, simply consider that we paid actual money for this product, and the product simple does not work.

You are very quick to absolve the mobile developers of any responsibility here. If they are not at fault, then who is?
So...still no news huh? I have this sneaky suspicion that the windows phone issue is being neglected.
See I understand 505 games is working on it but I am quite mad that all this time waiting just so WP is fixed but oh wait 640 cant support it still. Well just got to wait more
Please can i ask you, how are you working on it? It doesnt work for 5 months yet. When are you goinh to repair it ? Or let us some downgrade because I really want to play a game what i paid for.
reported to microsoft. The game is available to buy on the microsoft store, but is unplayable after install.
It is the fuc*ing fraud.
I'll do the same and claim a refund. When I purchased the game, I didn't know it would never launch. 5 months after the update, you can still buy it without clearly knowing you can't play it, except if you read all advices and order them from most recent to older. It's clearly a fraud.
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