Short Story Wrath of the Destroyer (Fan Fiction)


Brain of Cthulhu
Welcome to my newest short story, Wrath of the Destroyer! First thing's first. This is a sequel to my other short story, War of the Six Biomes. You should read this before you read this. You can find the thread here. Second thing. This story has a big emphasis on "Fiction". Nobody had better complain about stuff in this not happening in Terraria. But anyway, here we go!

Minerva, the steampunker, looks around the purple, ebonstone caves of the Corruption. The Corruption had seemed very quiet for a while. This deep in the Corruption, time is impossible town. Minerva has no idea how long she had been in kidnapped. She barely remembers her friends back in the Forest. The only thing she does remember is creating mechanical armor for the Eater of Worlds and the Motherboard.

“Minerva, are you there?” Somebody asks. Minerva quickly recognizes who is talking by the high-pitched voice.

“Knub, I’m here,” She responds. She begins to make out his outline in the faint light of the ebonstone.

“Good,” The goblin tinkerer responds. “I was going to start going crazy down here.” Knub doesn’t sound like he’s joking.

“Where is everybody?”

“All I remember is the Eater of Worlds and a ton of other monsters leaving the corruption at once. This place really does stuff to your memory.”

Minerva frowns. Why wouldn’t they come back?

Life in the forest has become better than ever. With everybody having new armor and weapons, the humans were nearly undefeatable. The sun casts a golden light upon the forest. But the peacefulness of evening wouldn’t remain for long, as humans are already getting ready to battle the forces of the night. You still find the serenity of evening to be, peaceful. Looking over the forest on the balcony, you find it hard to imagine that the battle to protect the treasure was only a few days ago. But the peacefulness was short-lived, as Loki and Redigit rushed out onto the balcony.

“What’s up?” You asks.

“Well, we realized something,” Redigit replies. “Something kind of disappointing. We still haven’t save Minerva, Knub, and Shayna yet.”

It takes you a while to realize who they he is talking about. “Oh my gosh! You’re right!”

“Yeah,” Loki replies. “So, we’ve decided to organize a rescue team. Well, I guess it’s not much of a team.” You frown, confused.

Redigit notices the look on your face. “Basically, we want to save the people that they captured. But we don’t want to start another war. We need one person to go into the Corruption and save Minerva and Knub. But they need to be basically undetected. And of course the same for Shayna.”

You already figure where this is going. “So what you are saying is that you want me to go save Minerva and Knub.”

Loki and Redigit look at eachother. “Well, we didn’t even specifically say Minerva and Knub, but yeah, that’s correct,” Loki says.

You sigh, “Yeah, I’ll do it. When do I have to leave?”

“Whenever you’re ready,” Redigit says.

Your feet crunch on the moonlit snow. You grip your Terrablade as you hear a moan. Not surprisingly though, you’ve heard a groans multiple times and haven’t been attacked by a zombie yet. This walk seems strangely peaceful, considering that when you left the fortress there was a hoard of zombies attacking. You almost walk into a deep pit, but stop yourself just in time. You look down into the pit. You can just barely make out the light of the Underworld. You fly over the pit and into the Corruption. The Corruption made a strange biome, as it connected to the Crimson. You grip your Terrablade harder, prepared for Eaters and Corruptors to attack you. But none do. The Corruption is strangely deserted. You frown. There is no sound of monsters whatsoever. The Corrupt actually seems…. peaceful. But you came here for one reason, save Minerva and Knub. You use your Wisp in a Bottle to illuminate the darkness of the Corruption. Then you jump in. You pass cave after cave until you reach the bottom after what seems like way too long. Did the Corruption always go this deep? The floor seems to be lined with metals. Multiple shadow orbs populate the trench as well. You walk into another branch of the cave. Your Wisp illuminates the outlines of two people.

“Knub, Minerva, is the you?” You ask.

“Who else would it be?” Knub replies sharply.

“What took you guys so long?” Minerva asks.

You hesitate, “Well, we got caught up in a war with four other biomes. Then we had to tend to the wounded.” You don’t mention the fact that you forgot about them.

Just then you hear a telepathetic roar you know too well.

The Motherboard roams through the caves of the Corruption, five Signal Drones following it. The Signal Drones head in different directions to try to find the humans that the Motherboard heard. The Motherboard’s Clampers feel around the Ebonstone.

The Motherboard’s telepathetic voice rings out, “I know you’re there, humans.”

Minerva, Knub, and you are hiding behind a large Ebonstone stalagmite. You hear the mechanical sounds of the boss and the Signal Drones. You and the others continue to hide behind the stalagmite. Every minute feels like an hour. You begin to wonder if the Motherboard can hear your heart beating. After what seems like forever you hear the sound of machinery drift away. You look around the stalagmite to see if the Motherboard is still there. But you find yourself looking straight at a Clamper. You quickly get back behind the stalagmite. Minerva looks at you confusedly. You point behind you. She doesn’t seem to understand. Then, Minerva screams. The Clamper’s cord had just wrapped around the top of Minerva’s head. The Clamper lets go and reals back as the sound of machinery returns. You jump out from the stalagmite with your Terrablade in hand to face the Motherboard.

The Motherboard drifts into your field of view. But then you notice something strange. The Motherboard looks a lot more ruined. It’s metal plating is chipped in some places and the cords have some of the wire revealing. The Signal Drones also look a little bit broken. You loosen your grip on your sword a little bit.

“What happened to you?” You ask the Motherboard.

The Motherboard seems to hesitate, “I have orders to capture you and bring you back to the Destroyer.”

You mouth orders at the others, confused. Knub and Minerva shrug. “What do you mean, ‘orders?’” You ask.

The Motherboard lets out a sigh, which sounds like letting some air out of a tank. “After you won the war, the Destroyer attacked me and gained control of the Crimson.”

“Is that why there is no monsters in the Corruption?” You ask.

“That’s only half of it. The Destroyer has a new plan of conquest. He’s going to become the most powerful boss of them all. You already saw what he did in the war, with the ability to regenerate. Soon enough, he’ll be able to destroy everything.”

“Then why are you helping him?” Minerva asks.

“Did you not here what I just said, steampunker? The Crimson has been rendered useless. His plan is to harvest all of the most powerful minerals. He has no use for Helstone, so Crimitane ore is the next best thing, as he already has an abundance of Demonite. And where do you think he’ll go next to get ores?”

“Our fortress,” Knub says.

“Exactly! The first plan was to advance all of the monsters of the Corruption and Crimson, but now he only cares about himself.”

“So,” You say. “This is just an idea, but how about you help us defeat him?”

“Ha!” The Motherboard says. “I’ll help you, but you’ll never be able to defeat him.”

The humans are surprised at that. Even the Signal Drones seem a little bit surprised, if that’s even possible.

As you reach the fortress, you hear multiple people shouting. Humans rush out to attack the Motherboard. Redigit rushes out.

“Well, you got Minerva and Knub,” He says. “But you also got the Motherboard! The boss that almost destroyed us!”

“You have a lot of explaining to do,” Knub whispers to you.

You nod, then say, “Everyone put your weapons down! The Motherboard has a lot to explain to you.” You say that last part to Redigit.

There is a lot of commotion after the Motherboard explains what’s going on. But Redigit stops it all.

“Everybody be quiet! Our first priority is self-defense! We’ll let the Motherboard remain here, as it an be used for self defense,” Redigit says.

“Actually I’m a female,” The Motherboard responds. You don’t understand how machines, or any of the bosses for that matter, can have genders. But the boss’s name is ‘Motherboard”, and it’s voice does sound kind of feminine.

“Thanks for that,” Cenx says.

“Anyway,” Redigit continues, “I also think that we should awaken the Twins. They could help us defend. Motherboard, do you think that you can reason with them?”

“Well, I could reason with Retinazer easily. But reasoning with Spazmatism could be a little more difficult. Yeah, I’ll try,” Motherboard replies.

“I’ll go with Motherboard,” You say.

“I’ll go to,” Minerva says. Everybody looks at her. “Well, I think that I would know these bosses better than anyone, considering I made them.”

“You made the Twins?” You ask.

“It’s a long story,” Minerva replies. You’re very interested in this ‘long story’.

You stand on a pretty flat area which most people call ‘The Arena’. It is still night, but you know that somehow the bosses can survive in the day. You hold the Mechanical Eye. Then you throw it into the air. A roaring begins. You’ve really began to hate roaring. The Twins fly out of the night sky. They charge towards you, then stop when they see the Motherboard.

“Yo, what’re you doin’ here, Motherboard?” Spazmatism greets in a young male telepathetic voice.

“Yeah, why are you here?” Retinazer asks in a young female telepathetic voice.

“Well, the Destroyer is trying to become the most powerful boss in Terraria. Once he accomplishes that, he’ll try to take over Terraria,” Motherboard replies.

“Yeah, we know that,” Spazmatism says. “We see everything, remember?”

“And I’ll help you,” Retinazer replies. “And the humans.”

“No way I’m helping out the humans!” Spazmatism says. “I love burning their skin!”

“Why did I make Spazmatism so immature?” Minerva mutters.

You laugh, “I’m still wondering how you made them.”

“Oh, hey Minerva!” Spazmatism says.

“Brother,” Retinazer says. “Think about it this way. We don’t want to be considered the least powerful mechanic boss.”

“Right,” Spazmatism replies. “We can’t make all of the eyes look bad.”

Retinazer says, “So will you agree to help them?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Great!” You say.

“Who are you?” Retinazer asks.

“Well, I’m….” You as you notice Skiphs running towards you

Skiphs says “Something stole the treasure!”

A group of Slimers and Corruptors fly in the night sky, a chest filled with metals in their teeth. A World Feeder moves in the earth below them with a Mimic following it. The plan went easily. All they did was replace the chest with a Mimic, then had the World Feeder steal the chest while other monsters were distracting the humans. Now the plan was almost complete as the group of monsters reached the Corruption. Then, a flash of light illuminated the night sky as crystal bullets shoot into the air. Redigit and Cenx are running across the ground, trying to stop the group of monsters. The World Feeder turned around to try to hold off the humans. Redigit and Cenx easily destroyed the monster, but that was all the time the Corruptors and Slimers needed to get into the Crimson. The monster fly into one of the caves. Cenx rush forward but Redigit stops her.

“Don’t,” He says. “You remember what Motherboard told us. The Crimson is probably swarming with monsters from both biomes.”

“So we’re not going to do anything?” Cenx replies.

“I never said that,” Redigit says. He takes out a Grenade Launcher, but before he can fire a Rocket, dozens of Corruptors swarm out of a pit in the Corruption. Redigit fires the Grenade Launcher at the swarm, killing multiple Corruptors, but they are easily replaced by more monsters flying out of the pit.

“How many are there?” Cenx yells.

“More than you can defeat,” A monster roars. And the roar is extremely familiar.

The Destroyer bursts out of the Crimson, looking longer and more powerful than ever. The boss lets loose a storm of lasers and cursed flames at Redigit and Cenx then wraps around them, making them be unable to move. The Destroyer then brings the humans into the Crimson.

You stand on the balcony once again, overlooking the forest. Daylight has now came upon the land. Redigit and Cenx went to go find the stolen metals, but had not returned for a while. So everybody is worried. Though Shayna, the mechanic, had been rescued, which was good news. You can just barely make out the faint outlines of monsters in the Corruption. Loki, Minerva, and Knub had noticed the outlines as well. And the outlines of the monsters were becoming more defined and larger as they grew closer towards the fortress. Humans are already getting suited up for battle. You hold your new Vampire Knives. As Loki is about to say something to you, hundreds of monsters burst out of a cave near the fortress. You realize how stupid you were. Of course the monsters could use the caves. Quickly humans became surrounded in Corruption monsters, but surprisingly no Crimson monsters.

Projectiles fly and monsters fall. The Twins and Motherboard are helping out, clearing out hordes of the monsters. The plants in the forest begin to wither as Corruption starts to spread across the ground. You switch to your Demon Scythe and tear through groups of monsters. You begin to feel vibrations from deep below.

“Look out!” You yell. But it is too late. The Destroyer burst through ground, guns blasting. Except the Destroyer looks much different than what you are used to. The Destroyer is doubled its original size and has bigger and more laser guns. The Destroyer lets loose a breath of Cursed Flames from its mouth. Spazmatism rushes at the Destroyer, Retinazer staying back and firing lasers at it. The Motherboard approaches you.

“Would you like a ride?” The boss asks.

“Yes, yes I would,” You reply. You climb onto the boss’s back and fly into the battle. You take out your Terrablade and cut down Eaters and Corruptors. The Motherboard blasts lasers and brings down enemies with its Clampers. You fly towards the Destroyer. The boss seems caught up with The Twins, but Probes surround you and Motherboard. Just as they’re about to unleash a storm of lasers, they are all cut down by a swarm of something red.

Crimeras populate the air, battling Eaters and Corruptors. The ground is populated with Face Eaters, Crimslimes, and Crawlers. The Crimson has actually came to help! You and Motherboard resume your battle with the Destroyer, which seems to becoming more and more powerful each moment. Spazmatism is already in mechanical form, so the Destroyer and him are exchanging breathes of fire. Crimeras begin to swarm the boss, but the Destroyer keeps on cutting them down, and Eaters and Corruptors are killing them as well. Projectiles fly everywhere, many of them targeted at the Destroyer. You begin to wonder how the boss is taking all of this damage, but, then again, the Destroyer is not it’s regular self. Then, an explosion sounds. Many humans cheer, but the cheer is quickly silenced. The Destroyer has shed all of it’s armor. Underneath that armor is not the Eater of Worlds. The Destroyer’s body is covered with a thin layer of a white metal. And the boss still has guns attached to it. The Destroyer moves at an insane speed, demolishing humans and monsters alike. A storm rainbow flies past the Destroyer. Cenx and Redigit are charging into the battle. They both have their new weapons. Redigit fire projectiles from both his S. D. M. G. and the other machinegun. The other humans see this and fight renewed encouragement. Corrupt monsters still populate the area, but the humans are ignoring them. The Destroyer starts to get overrun by the humans and other monsters. You and the Motherboard rush into Destroyer at an alarming speed, setting his run off course. Spazmatism fights alongside you. You notice a small red crystal on the Destroyer. You quickly realize what it’s for.

“Motherboard!” You yell. “Get me towards that red crystal!”

The Motherboard teleports at the crystal. You attack the crystal with you Terrablade. The crystal cracks each time you hit it. The Destroyer seems to notice what you’re doing and unleashes a huge storm of lasers at you. You and the Motherboard take the damage and continue fighting. Then, the crystal breaks. The Destroyer roars incredibly loudly. Lights begin to shine from the boss.

“Get back!” Motherboard yells. You and the Motherboard teleport away from the Destroyer. The Destroyer explodes, destroying a lot of the fortress. You get blinded by the explosion. After the blindness begins to fade away, though the ringing in your ears doesn’t, you see that the whole forest has became a shade of purple and all of the nature has withered. You hear many people gasp. Your home has been destroyed. You get off of the Motherboard and approach Redigit and Cenx.

“What do we do now?” You ask.

Redigit shakes his head, “This is too much corruption for us to clean using the Cleminators. I think that we’re going to have to move our home.”

“To where?” Cenx asks.

Redigit looks up, “We’ll go to the skies.”

You look out over the land. You see the purple areas of the Corruption and your old home. Though it is hard to get peace with the constant Harpy and Wyvern attacks, you still find it much peaceful up here then it was down there. And the view is much better. You find yourself not missing your old home so much. You lost many people in the battles, as well as the treasure. But it feels good to not have to be attacked anymore. For once, you find yourself having nothing to do. So you stare out over the land of Terraria.

And that's it! Motherboard was created by @Zoomo . Of course I always appreciate editing. I think that I've wrapped up this series. Unless you manage to make me think differently.
I just finished reading it. I love how the other mechs helped, and when he rode the Motherboard. That would be :red:in amazing...
I have an idea for another sequel... The Contagion, I'm making a mechanical boss for the Behemoth.
I just finished reading it. I love how the other mechs helped, and when he rode the Motherboard. That would be :red:in amazing...
I have an idea for another sequel... The Contagion, I'm making a mechanical boss for the Behemoth.
Glad you like it. I'll look into your suggestion. Wanna explain your boss?

Also, I never said that I wouldn't make another series. Hint hint. Let's just say I have something else coming up eventually.
Glad you like it. I'll look into your suggestion. Wanna explain your boss?

Also, I never said that I wouldn't make another series. Hint hint. Let's just say I have something else coming up eventually.
I haven't made him yet. I was thinking of a boss called the "Pest Controller" He would summon pests. That's it so far. I need to come up with more.
I haven't made him yet. I was thinking of a boss called the "Pest Controller" He would summon pests. That's it so far. I need to come up with more.
Okay. I'll keep your request in mind. And for future suggestions: This isn't a suggestion thread!
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