berberborscing Jul 17, 2015 Tonight, SuperHC and I discuss the tradition of licking faces to display affection. We both agree that my face tastes like lettuce.
Tonight, SuperHC and I discuss the tradition of licking faces to display affection. We both agree that my face tastes like lettuce.
berberborscing Jul 12, 2015 Don't read this status post, the thread you were just on is more interesting than this
berberborscing Jun 13, 2015 Issuing a warning to all players (the circle game), for the love of god, DO NOT accidentally go to ""!! Unpleasant surprise.
Issuing a warning to all players (the circle game), for the love of god, DO NOT accidentally go to ""!! Unpleasant surprise.
superhc Jun 9, 2015 first berberberberberberberborscing will accept my friend request...and then THE WORLD!! MUAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!
first berberberberberberberborscing will accept my friend request...and then THE WORLD!! MUAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!
berberborscing May 24, 2015 leaked terraria 1.3 ocean music?
berberborscing May 21, 2015 Was playing The Crew, but then this happened
Everybody May 20, 2015 Can you help me? I'm trying to make a scroll that will set it to night time if day time. And vice versa.
Can you help me? I'm trying to make a scroll that will set it to night time if day time. And vice versa.